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War And Genocide: The Gallipoli/Dardanelles Campaign And The Armenia

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  • War And Genocide: The Gallipoli/Dardanelles Campaign And The Armenia


    By MassisPost
    Updated: June 16, 2014

    By Alan Whitehorn

    The Entente naval bombardments of the Dardanelles Straits in February
    and March and later the amphibious landings at Gallipoli on April
    25, 1915 were two interrelated military deployments that gravely
    threatened the survival of the Ottoman empire. These military battles,
    in turn, are linked to the Young Turk regime's draconian decision to
    arrest several hundred Armenian community and political leaders in
    Constantinople on April 24, an act that was an opening phase of the
    Armenian Genocide.

    In WW I there were several major battle fronts: Western Europe, Eastern
    Europe, the Near (Middle) East, and the Caucasus Mountains. In the
    East, Russia, as the major ally of Britain and France, was battling
    Germany, Austro-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire. Russia's troops
    were engaged in combat from the Baltic Sea in the North, through
    Eastern Europe, to the Black Sea and Caucasus Mountains in the
    South. The Ottoman-held strategically key Bosporus Straits, linking
    the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, were crucial for supplying
    Russia with munitions and supplies. However, from the outset of the
    war, the Straits had been closed. The British and French fleets blocked
    the Dardanelles Straits at the Western end, while the Ottoman empire
    mined and controlled the Straits elsewhere.

    For a number of British and other Entente strategists, the Ottoman
    empire was perceived to be the weak link in the German-centered
    military alliance. Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the
    British Admiralty, was a forceful advocate of attempting a bold
    naval maneuver to break through the lines of Ottoman naval mines,
    destroy the shoreline fortresses along the Dardanelles, and sail up
    the Straits swiftly and decisively to capture the Ottoman capital of
    Constantinople. In so doing, the strategists expected to be able to
    knock the Ottoman empire out of the war and strike a key blow against
    Germany. Drawing upon an unrivalled history of centuries of dominating
    the oceans of the world, the British fleet seemed more than capable
    of achieving such a bold and daring naval task.

    >From February onwards, the British and French fleets commenced
    their naval bombardments and later sought to penetrate the lines of
    floating mines. As a result, a state of great apprehension existed in
    Constantinople amongst the Young Turk leadership. Plans were made to
    abandon the capital city, if need be. However, after several Entente
    warships were sunk by mines, the British naval commanders paused, as
    they were unwilling to suffer the loss of more major warships. They
    opted not to proceed with the operation by sea alone. Instead, they
    chose to await for the mounting of a complex amphibious landing at
    the rugged shores of Gallipoli.

    Preparations to assemble the troops, equipment and supplies were
    substantial and had been underway for considerable time. Troops
    had been gathered in various locations on the Mediterranean Sea and
    eventually were forwarded onto islands near the Dardanelles.

    Increasingly, it was clear to Ottoman and German military officials
    that a large landing was imminent, although they did not know the
    exact location. Two hundred Entente ships and about 75,000 troops
    finally left the port of Mudros on April 23. It was the date they
    were initially scheduled to land, but were, in fact, delayed due to
    poor weather conditions. Two days later on April 25. British, French,
    Australian, and New Zealand troops landed on the Gallipoli peninsula
    that guarded the entrance to the Dardanelles. An epic new land front
    was now opened.

    In between the night that the Entente fleet had left Mudros and the
    day prior to their military landings in Gallipoli took place, the
    Young Turk regime rapidly implemented one of the opening phases of the
    Armenian Genocide. Working with already drawn up lists of the names of
    prominent Armenians, the police and military arrested several hundred
    Armenian community and political leaders in Constantinople throughout
    the night of April 24th. It was one day before the British and allied
    landings at Gallipoli. War and genocide are often intertwined and
    this was particularly evident during the hours between April 24 and
    April 25. Would the Armenian community leaders have been arrested at
    that time if the Entente ships and troops had not been about to invade?

    Certainly, the Armenian community was already being targeted by the
    Young Turk nationalist regime. But the secrecy, violence, and sense
    of urgency of major wartime threats made committing such genocidal
    deeds more feasible.

    Many books and articles written about the military battles at Gallipoli
    note the substantial number of military casualties on both sides. For
    Australians and New Zealanders these days of battle are heroically
    identified with ANZAC Day, a day of national mourning and pride. For
    Turkish citizens, it is a battle that saw a rare military victory
    in WW I and the emergence of a charismatic Turkish officer Mustafa
    Kemal who rallied his troops in defence of the empire and who would
    go on to become Ataturk, the founding President of the Republic of
    Turkey. Military histories often focus on brilliant commanding officers
    and brave, often suffering, soldiers, but usually offer less on the
    societal context of the war. However, in the era of modern 'total
    war' where civilian targets were seen as a key part of a strategy for
    victory, incomplete accounts of the totality of war are insufficient.

    In most of the writings about Gallipoli, civilian deportations and
    casualties are rarely mentioned. Even more disappointing is the
    failure to make the important link that the Gallipoli/Dardanelles
    campaigns had to one of the key phases of the Armenian Genocide -
    a genocide that would lead to the death of approximately 1,500,000
    Armenians. The stark fact is that the number of naval and army
    personnel who were wounded and died in the Dardanelles and Gallipoli
    campaigns pales in comparison to the number of civilians who were
    arrested, starved, tortured, and died in the Armenian Genocide -
    a genocide that gained significant momentum coinciding with the
    Entente landings at Gallipoli. For the Young Turk dictatorship the
    two events were linked in key ways. Amidst foreign military peril
    and possible Entente military occupation of Constantinople, there
    was swift and deadly action to target the Armenian Christian ethnic
    minority for genocide.


    Alan is an emeritus professor of political science at the Royal
    Military College of Canada and author of Return to Armenia: Veradardz
    depi Hayastan.
