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ArmSwissBank Launches A Unique Investment Saving Product For Armenia

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  • ArmSwissBank Launches A Unique Investment Saving Product For Armenia


    by Karina Melikyan

    Friday, June 20, 09:54

    ArmSwissBank has developed and launched "Reliable and Income
    Investments", a unique investment saving product for the Armenian
    banking system. The main component of the product is the coupon
    mid-term and long-term high-yield government bonds. The press service
    of the Bank has told ArmInfo that unlike the classical deposits this
    type of saving is tax-exempt and enables the customers to manage
    their idle funds more flexibly and more efficiently. Persons with
    regular income can make use of this product.

    The source says that the minimum amount of investments in the
    government bonds is 10 thsd AMD and can gradually be stepped up by
    1000 AMD. The relevant agreement is signed with the Bank for 20 years.

    The annualized gain is contractual and depends on the market
    conditions. The investment is made in AMD from a bank account (if
    there is no account in ArmSwissBank, it is opened at the moment of
    investing) in accordance with the regularity and amount specified in
    the agreement. The period of the agreement and the amount of monthly
    payments are fixed at the customers' discretion.

    "The peculiarity of this product is that customers are free to
    terminate their contracts at any moment without losing money. One
    more peculiarity is that physical entities are not obliged to pay tax
    for the yield. The advantage of these bonds is that their yield is
    not only accumulated but is reinvested," Deputy CEO of ArmSwissbank
    Karen Turian said.

    He said that the bank will give priority to long-term bonds as their
    yield is higher than the yields of other bonds. According to Turian,
    long-term bonds prevail in the bank's government bond portfolio,
    with the rest being medium-term bonds.

    For detailed information about the new product see
    or call 54-06-96.

    The average yield of the 20-year bonds issued on June 12 2014 is
    12.03% against 11.64% for similar bonds issued in Dec 2013. In 2012
    the yield for such bonds was 16.4%.

    According to ArmInfo's Financial Rating of Banks of Armenia,
    ArmSwissbank has one of the three biggest government bond portfolios
    in Armenia's banking system. As of Apr 2014 it made up 30bln AMD
    or 65.3% more than a year before. Government bonds account for 44%
    of the bank's assets.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress