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BAKU: Jamestown Foundation Hosts Discussion On Nagorno-Karabakh Conf

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  • BAKU: Jamestown Foundation Hosts Discussion On Nagorno-Karabakh Conf


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    June 18 2014

    18 June 2014, 17:48 (GMT+05:00)
    By Sara Rajabova

    The Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was mulled at a
    roundtable discussion at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.

    The Jamestown Foundation hosted the roundtable discussion titled
    "Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Western Policies. Repercussions for Moldova
    and the South Caucasus", AzerTag news agency reported.

    The event -consisted of two panels- was opened with remarks by the
    Director of Programs for the Balkans, Caucasus & Central Asia at the
    Jamestown Foundation, Margarita Assenova.

    Alongside with the discussion on situation in Ukraine, the speakers
    also concentrated on the situation in South Caucasus.

    Senior Fellow at American Foreign Policy Council, Professor Stephen
    Blank provided the participants with details about the conflicts in
    the region, namely the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, which emerged in
    1988 over Armenia's claims against Azerbaijan.

    He said during a recent gathering of the Eurasian Union, Armenia was
    introduced with terms required to enter the union. Based on the terms,
    Armenia has to work with its internationally recognized borders, that
    are the borders without the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan
    occupied by Armenian armed forces.

    Blank called on the U.S. administration to focus its efforts on
    conflict resolution and commitment to the peaceful settlement mediated
    by the United States.

    In his presentation, the Political Officer at the Azerbaijani embassy,
    Natig Bakhishov noted that it has been more than two decades of
    continuing occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenian forces
    which caused the exodus of more than 650 thousand IDPs, and yet there
    has been no settlement reached so far.

    As far as the Ukrainian crisis and other conflicts are concerned,
    Bakhishov underlined Azerbaijan recognized territorial integrity of all
    sovereign states in the region, adding, this position was reflected
    in Azerbaijan's recent 'YES' vote on the resolution in support of
    territorial integrity of Ukraine during the UN GA meeting on March
    27, 2014.

    Noting that Armenia voted against the resolution, he called on the
    international community to express its position on inviolability of
    state borders, territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and international
    law, as a whole, as it is doing with conflicts in Ukraine and Georgia.

    Bakhishov listed a number of international documents, including the
    four UNSC resolutions on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, condemning the
    occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenian armed forces.

    As a response to the comments by counselor of Embassy of Armenia about
    the "military rhetoric" of Azerbaijan and "self-determination rights"
    of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, Bakhishov said though Azerbaijan
    is fully committed to the peaceful settlement of the conflict, the
    military option to restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    is not ruled out.

    He also talked about the killing of 613 Azerbaijani civilians in
    Khojaly by Armenian armed forces in early 1990s.

    In his response, Professor Blank added that according to the official
    policy of the United States, presented by Ambassador James Warlick,
    co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group from the United States on May
    7, 2014, the sides have to agree about the final legal status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh region in a "mutually agreed and legally binding
    referendum in the future."

    Professor Blank also noted that until now there has been no
    "self-determination" for people and the regions adjacent to the
    former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) are still under the
    occupation of Armenia.

    Armenia occupied over 20 percent of Azerbaijan's internationally
    recognized territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent
    regions, after laying territorial claims against its South Caucasus
    neighbor that caused a brutal war in the early 1990s. Long-standing
    efforts by U.S., Russian and French mediators have been largely
    fruitless so far.

    As a result of the military aggression of Armenia, over 20,000
    Azerbaijanis were killed, 4,866 are reported missing and almost
    100,000 were injured, and 50,000 were disabled.

    The UN Security Council has passed four resolutions on Armenian
    withdrawal from the Azerbaijani territory, but they have not been
    enforced to this day.

    From: A. Papazian