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Armenian Politicians Moot Sex-Selection Ban

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  • Armenian Politicians Moot Sex-Selection Ban


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #741
    June 20 2014

    Authorities decide to copy other countries' success in legislating
    against option for aborting female foetuses By Arpi Harutyunyan -

    Parliamentarians in Armenia are discussing a ban on doctors revealing
    the sex of a foetus before the 30th week of pregnancy, which they
    hope will reduce selective abortions. They recognise, however, that
    legislation could open up a new avenue for doctors to take bribes
    from parents who want sons, not daughters.

    "The bill hasn't been circulated yet. We will discuss its problems
    with members of parliament, and then send it to the government," Ara
    Babloyan, chairman of parliament's health committee, said on May 20.

    The proposed law is based on a study on births in Armenia in 2012-13
    which the health ministry conducted with help from the United Nations,
    and which concluded that every year 1,400 fewer girls are born than
    should naturally be the case.

    "In Armenia, abortion and selective birth of children by gender
    is becoming very worrying. We are destroying the country's future
    mothers," said Garik Hayrapetyan, head of the United Nations Population
    Fund office in Armenia.

    He said that if nothing was done, Armenia would lose over 90,000
    female babies by 2060.

    The birth ratio in Armenia in 2012 was 114 boys for every 100 girls.

    The natural ratio is between 102 and 106 boys to every 100 girls. The
    most distorted figure was in Gegharkunik region, where the ratio was
    124 to 100.

    "The fact that families prefer to have boys is a chronic problem
    that cannot be resolved immediately. We need to do long-term work
    on it," Gayane Avagyan, head of the health ministry's maternity and
    reproductive health department, told IWPR. "Another factor is the
    country's birth rate. People used to have four to five children,
    which ensured a gender balance, but now they have two. Third and no
    less important, modern technology allows people to discover the sex
    of the child even very early on in pregnancy."

    According to a opinion poll conducted alongside study, couples are six
    times more likely to want a boy than a girl, and selective abortion
    becomes more common in a third or fourth pregnancy, when couples are
    desperate to have a son.

    "We have a patriarchal society, and people prefer boys to girls on
    the grounds that boys continue the family line," Hayrapetyan said,
    citing the responses given in the survey.

    Avagyan said the health ministry had discussed the issue many times
    with women's groups, psychologists, the United Nations and other
    organisations, and it had looked at the experiences of other countries
    in combating sex-selective abortions. She said officials had concluded
    that the best place to start was by passing a law similar to ones
    that had worked in other countries.

    The parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe passed a
    resolution on the issue in 2011, singling out Azerbaijan, Armenia,
    Georgia and Albania as countries with particularly worrying records in
    sex-selective abortions. (See also South Caucasus: Selective Abortion
    Means Fewer Girls Born.)

    Naira Zohrabyan, a member of parliament from the Prosperous Armenia
    party who took part in the PACE discussion, worried, however, that
    a new law might do more harm than good.

    "In a country like Armenia where corruption in the healthcare and
    education systems has reached unprecedented levels, a law like
    this would be pointless and would become just one more source of
    corruption," she said. "I personally will vote against it, since not
    only will it fail to solve one problem, it will create another one.

    "We need to think about running the right kind of publicity campaign
    to change our way of thinking. Until that happens, no law is going
    to help."

    Lyudmila Sargsyan, a member of the parliamentary health committee,
    also doubted whether the law would be effective.

    "I'm not sure whether this is an effective way of fighting this
    battle. You can't rule out that doctors will start telling parents
    the baby's sex in return for money," she said.

    Marietta Gevorgyan, a mother of two girls, aborted a third pregnancy
    when she discovered she was due to have another girl. She too does
    not believe the law will work.

    "At the moment, doctors aren't allowed to reveal the sex of a foetus
    before the 19th week of pregnancy, but everyone finds out - even very
    early on," she said.

    Avagyan insisted that the health ministry would find mechanisms for
    preventing doctors from informing parents.

    "Surveillance cameras will be installed in doctors' surgeries, and
    doctors will face legal action if they break the law. In some cases,
    they could even lose their jobs," she said.
