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Turkey's Erdogan On Campaign Trail - In Vienna

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  • Turkey's Erdogan On Campaign Trail - In Vienna


    World Crunch
    June 20 2014

    Sure to be the leading candidate in August's first-ever direct election
    of Turkey's president, the current prime minister is touring Europe
    to woo Turks living abroad. Not all are convinced.

    VIENNA -- Things are quiet in downtown Vienna on this Thursday
    afternoon. Catholic Austria is celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi,
    and everybody else is out enjoying the fine weather. But the scheduled
    visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has the police
    lined up on the Ringstrasse because they're expecting anti-Erdogan

    Some protesters have already gathered near the Praterstern railroad
    station. The Turkish and Austrian leftists, Kurds, Alevites and
    Armenians form a colorful group, but there are hardly 10,000 of them,
    as announced -- more like 2,000. They wave national flags, flags
    bearing the likenesses of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan or
    Turkish Communists, and carry placards with portraits of victims of
    the Gezi Park protests and the Soma mine disaster.

    "The sheer breadth of our alliance shows on how many levels Erdogan's
    policies have failed," a spokeswoman for the democratic alliance
    against Erdogan says from the stage. "Erdogan get out of Vienna"
    is written in English on a banner behind her. Other speakers call
    Erdogan a liar, a criminal, a murderer.

    A few kilometers outside the city, in front of an ice rink on the
    other side of the Danube, the picture is more homogenous. People
    here are waving only one kind of flag: a star and half-moon on a red
    background, the national flag of Turkey. A couple of men are prone on
    the ground, praying. Near them, picnicking, are some old women wearing
    head scarves. T-shirts with a portrait of Erdogan emblazend on them
    are being sold out of a stretch limousine. Some of the T-shirts read
    "Sultan of the World" under the prime minister's image.

    Inside, in the hall, more people bear more Turkish flags. They are
    waving them in time to a pop song with a refrain that repeats the
    name of today's star guest: "Re-cep Tay-yip Er-do-gan." His impending
    appearance also has his supporters breaking out in frenetic cheers
    every few minutes. "Erdogan is the only leadership figure we have,"
    a floor leader calls from the stage. When he mentions the Gezi Park
    protests, the cheers turn to boos.

    When the "Sultan of the World" finally walks into the hall, followers
    throw roses in his path. Literally. He waves to the crowd, greets
    the dignitaries in the first row, then sits down next to his wife,
    who is veiled in black.

    "Turkey is proud of you," the 7,000 people in the hall cry out two,
    three, four times. First, the moderator greets the guest of honor.

    Then Abdurrahman Karayazili, head of the Vienna branch of the
    Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD), takes the floor. His
    organization invited "private citizen" Erdogan to participate in
    the 10th anniversary of its founding. The UETD is considered the
    foreign arm of Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP), although
    Karayazili vehemently denies this. He also denies that Erdogan's trip
    to Vienna -- and travels to Cologne in late May and an impending trip
    to Lyon -- are actually meant to scare up votes among Turks living
    abroad for the presidential elections coming up in August.

    The "sultan" speaks

    Ninety minutes later than scheduled, the Turkish prime minister
    appears on stage. He thanks Austria for its hospitality. He condemns
    the "campaign" that preceded his appearance in Cologne. He says he
    does not interfere with German or Austrian domestic politics. "My
    only goal is you!"

    He describes how well the "new Turkey" has emerged through the
    crisis, and says that nobody should fear Turkey. He mentions the
    1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Then
    he invokes Suleiman the Magnificent, sultan of the Ottoman Empire
    whose territorial conquests in Europe were checked by the Siege of
    Vienna in 1529. "We are all his grandchildren," Erdogan shouts amid
    public cheers.

    At the high point of the speech, Erdogan launches into his familiar
    credo, "Assimilation no, integration yes!" and then calls on his
    audience to vote in August. He closes with the words, "We are all
    brothers and sisters." The crowd waves their flags one last time,
    then leaves the hall to cheer the motorcade they assume is driving
    Erdogan away.

    Foreign minister meetup

    Less than 100 meters from here, the bright flags of the anti-Erdogan
    protesters come into view. Their numbers reportedly reached 6,000
    before they left Praterstern and headed for the ice rink. The march
    across the Danube bridge is relatively peaceful. So that things stay
    that way, the police have barricaded the street between Erdogan's
    friends and Erdogan's enemies. The mood turns tense.

    By now German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has arrived
    in the inner city. His Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz met him
    at the airport and intended -- while Erdogan was being cheered at
    the ice rink -- to speak with him about Ukraine and Russia, about
    Putin's visit to Vienna next week, and perhaps too about the German
    government's toll plans.

    Steinmeier makes a passing reference to Turkey in the context of Iraq.

    "We are interested in knowing if Turkey plays a role in the conflict
    and, if so, what role," he says. He will be meeting the next day with
    Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu. Turkish officials had said they
    were examining the requirements for military intervention against
    Islamists in Iraq after they took 80 Turkish citizens hostage.

    All governments in the region must help deescalate the situation,
    Steinmeier warns. Erdogan once perceived Turkey's role in the Middle
    East as the great problem solver, and yet his government tolerated
    Islamists in the border area between Syria and Turkey -- and in so
    doing contributed to strengthening their position.

    The two foreign ministers intend to spend their evening at a Heuriger
    (wine tavern) in Grinzing, the wine country within city bounds. "Just
    the two of them," as a spokesperson makes clear. "Private citizen"
    Erdogan will be meeting with the Austrian foreign minister the next
    day and "on neutral ground."
