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The Religious Cleansing Of Iraq's Christians

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  • The Religious Cleansing Of Iraq's Christians


    Assyrian International News Agency AINA
    June 20 2014

    By Lela Gilbert
    Fox News

    Assyrian girls at a Chaldean Catholic Church in Bartella, North
    Iraq.Just a year ago, after months of bombings, shootings and
    kidnappings, Baghdad's Monsignor Pios Cacha made a grim prediction. He
    said that his Iraqi Christian community was experiencing the kind
    of religious cleansing that eradicated the country's once-thriving
    Jewish community half a century before.

    His rather prophetic words made headlines in Lebanon's Daily Star:
    "Iraqi Christians fear fate of departed Jews."

    Father Cacha's reflections couldn't have been more prescient. As he
    knew very well, Iraq was once home to 135,000 Jews. Today less than
    ten Jews remain in the entire country.

    And now, with the raging incursion of ISIS -- a brutal Al Qaeda
    affiliated terrorist group -- the religious cleansing of Iraq's
    Christians is nearing completion as well.

    Iraq's Christian community is hardly a western innovation or a colonial
    relic. It dates from the 1st Century, when two of Jesus' disciples --
    St. Thomas and St. Thaddeus (also known as St. Jude) -- preached the
    Gospel in what was then Assyria. There has been a Christian presence
    in Iraq ever since.

    The heartland of their community has always been in Mosul and the
    Nineveh Plain. There, in recent years, the Christian population has
    swelled, as refugees from Basra and Baghdad have sought protection.

    And now, as ISIS sweeps through Iraq, an estimated 150,000 have had
    to flee Mosul and their ancient Christian heartland, some for the
    second time in a decade.

    Thousands of homeless families have surged into Kurdistan, where they
    have found provisional shelter and security, thanks to the Kurdish
    people and their battle-hardened Peshmerga militia.

    Yet, strange as it seems, few in the West are aware of the Iraqi
    Christians' plight or their uncertain future.

    My Hudson Institute colleague author Nina Shea writes, "The wave of
    persecution that has been directed at Iraq's Christians after 2003 has
    never received much attention by either President Bush or President
    Obama's administrations, but it has been a grave human-rights problem.

    The campaign against Christians has encompassed 70 deliberate church
    bombings and assaults, as well as assassinations, an epidemic of
    kidnappings, and other attacks against clergy and laity alike. In
    recent years, particularly since 2004, a million of Iraq's Christians
    have been driven out of the country by such atrocities. This can
    be rightly called targeted religious cleansing, and it is a crime
    against humanity."

    Christians in the Middle East know very well about the ferocious system
    of Islam enforced by ISIS terrorists. When the group attacked Raqqa,
    Syria earlier this year, they gave the Christians three options:
    "Convert. Submit to Islam. Or face the sword."

    In order to save lives, Raqqa's Christian elders chose to submit to
    ISIS's 7th Century version of Muslim Sharia law and became dhimmis,
    a subservient, second-class minority under Islamic rule.

    Among other severe demands, particularly about women's dress, their
    oppressors also forbade the repair of war-torn churches, worshiping or
    praying in public, ringing church bells, or wearing crosses or other
    symbols of faith. Bearing arms is forbidden, and of course alcoholic
    beverages are banned.

    The Christians in Iraq know all too well what they face as ISIS carries
    out its triumphant assault on Iraq -- the terrorists' vile reputation
    has preceded them. Images of ISIS beheadings, crucifixions, rapes,
    torture and mass execution have been widely disseminated on social
    media, including graphic YouTube videos.

    To make matters worse, rather than offer assistance to their Christian
    neighbors, many Sunni Muslims in the area have simply turned a blind
    eye or even joined the invaders.

    Iraq's Christians have been left with little choice but to flee.

    But where will they go?

    In fact, the Middle East is overflowing with refugees. Millions of
    displaced Syrians are living in tents and shacks, particularly along
    the borders of Turkey and Jordan.

    Thousands of Syria's Armenian Christians have been relocated to
    Yerevan and its surrounding communities.

    Coptic Christians have fled Egypt by the thousands since the so-called
    Arab Spring began. Those who remain are hoping and praying for better
    days under the new President al-Sisi.

    And now most of Iraq's remaining Christians are on the run, too,
    many of them leaving behind everything they own.

    Canon Andrew White, the beloved Anglican "Vicar of Baghdad" reports,
    "Things are so bad now in Iraq, the worst they have ever been....The
    army [has] even fled. We urgently need help and support....We are in
    a desperate crisis."

    Some fifty years ago, Iraq's Jews were able to flee to Israel when
    they faced similar terror. But there is no Israel for Christians.

    Where can they go?

    With that in mind, I asked my Hudson Institute colleague Hillel
    Fradkin, an expert on the Middle East, for his thoughts about their

    "Considering the present developments in Iraq," he said, "it is almost
    certain that Iraq will cease to exist as a united country. It will
    probably divide into three parts, one of which will be an independent
    Kurdistan. Since that's home to another long-oppressed Iraqi minority
    -- the Kurds -- the Iraqi Christians' best hope for surviving in the
    region may well be found in Kurdistan."

    Indeed, thousands have already found provisional shelter there. And
    as the rest of Iraq's terrified Christians rush headlong into an
    unknown future, we can only pray for them as well.

    May they find peace, renewed hope and protection -- wherever their
    tragic journey takes them.
