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K. Nahapetyan: Europeans Took Off Headphones Due To Azerbaijanis' Hy

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  • K. Nahapetyan: Europeans Took Off Headphones Due To Azerbaijanis' Hy



    The Armenian delegation's participation in the recent NATO PA Rose
    Roth seminar in Baku was extremely important, the head of the Armenian
    delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Koryun Nahapetyan said
    at the press conference today when giving details of the seminar held
    in Baku.

    "If we had not participated, a vacuum would have formed at the seminar,
    and Azerbaijanis would have taken the opportunity and misrepresented
    the regional developments, distorting the facts and reality," he noted.

    In his words, the Baku seminar took place against a background of
    anti-Armenian propaganda by Azerbaijanis.

    "We not only countered this, but also represented the Armenian side's
    position on all the issues. The Azerbaijani side did not respond
    to our observations. Instead, an attempt was made to aggravate the
    situation by means of accusations against the Armenian state and some
    figures and destructive approaches," Nahapetyan said, adding that
    unfortunately, not all mass media outlets published true information,
    sometimes reporting fabrication of the Azerbaijani press.

    According to Nahapetyan, Nagorno Karabakh and the Karabakh conflict
    were constantly discussed at the seminar, and Azerbaijanis spoke about
    the 'occupation' during all discussions. Yet the Armenian delegation
    insisted that Azerbaijan is the occupant by mentioning Getashen and
    other facts.

    "We also proposed that Azerbaijan should sit down to talks with
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. It is the only path if they want to
    achieve a lasting peace in the region... But the Azerbaijani delegates
    constantly spoke about the 'occupation' and so on, which tired our
    European colleagues as well. In some cases our European colleagues
    even took off their headphones as they got tired with Azerbaijanis'
    statements," the head of the Armenian delegation to the NATO PA said.

    Member of the Armenian delegation to the NATO PA, Armenian
    parliamentary deputy Tevan Poghosyan said for his part that when he
    visited Azerbaijan in 2011, everything was terribly closed there,
    while this time the Azerbaijani side tried to create an impression of
    freedom - the Armenian delegates allegedly could move freely. "But
    wherever we went, there would be nobody there - in a cafe or some
    other place," Poghosyan said.

    Another participant of the seminar, Director of Regional Studies Center
    Richard Giragosian said Armenia was much more interested in the event
    and that the Armenian delegation in the person of K. Nahapetyan and
    T. Poghosyan showed that the Karabakh conflict is an issue of national
    interests and domestic political problems are not important here. This
    issue is a priority in any circumstances.

    20.06.2014, 21:02

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress