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Checking to reach Kokobelyan's mine too

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  • Checking to reach Kokobelyan's mine too

    Checking to reach Kokobelyan's mine too

    12:30 / 21.06.2014

    Leader of Free Democrats party Khachatur Kokobelyan owes Karevard Ltd
    registered in Artik since 2003. He is the owner of the biggest mines
    of coloured tuffa of Artik.

    His production is not common tuffa but the most expensive one. But the
    issue is not his being the owner of it. The thing is that no one is
    allowed to enter there and make checking. The tax committee is not
    daring to do it. Until now it has not done it. While now the Control
    Chamber headed by Ishkhan Zakaryan has started wide scale checking in
    the energy and natural resources sphere. The work started from
    Ashtarak territory. source reports that this time Kokobelyan
    will hardly split and the turn will reach Artik too.

    So, there is nothing strange that he voted with the ruling party. He
    just did not have any other choice.

    P.S. Of course he could say that these mines are not his, but his
    relatives like for instance his brother Sevak Kokobelyan who is
    appointed the director of the company.

    From: A. Papazian