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SpitRain VII

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  • SpitRain VII

    SpitRain VII

    Friday, June 20th, 2014

    This is another of those "two-fer" awards, and in this case, they're a
    couple, so they're living in sin... You'll remember Spit-Rain comes from
    the Armenian saying, "He's so shameless, if you spit in his face, he'd
    think it's rain."

    One of the shameless absurdities we're treated to by Dr. Mallory Moss,
    the lead culprit of our story, is how her then-boyfriend-turned-fiancé
    proposed to her in the "beautiful" city of... Baku. Apparently, it
    rivals New York, Paris, and Rome, according to this
    betrothed-of-an-Azerbaijan-lobbyist, Jason Katz. Katz is described as
    "founder and principal" of "The Tool Shed Group" which is registered,
    under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), as a lobbyist for the
    Azerbaijani consulate in LA. Interestingly, he also had a relationship
    with another SpitRain Award winner, the American Jewish Committee, a
    recently reformed former Armenian Genocide denier. Katz was the former
    Director of Public Affairs and Public Relations for the AJC. It seems
    he was thoroughly imbued with anti-Armenianism while working there, as
    you'll see below.

    This pair is thoroughly two-faced, much as other Jewish deniers of the
    Genocide. Moss tries to establish her credentials by telling us she is
    "a child of a Jewish lobbyist and a Catholic advice columnist." Katz
    works on his bona-fides in a Huffington post article, "Disabilities in
    America and My New Phamaly," wherein he describes his experience with
    a troupe of disabled actors, managing to insert that his significant
    other, i.e. Moss, has bipolar disorder. I'm no stickler for propriety,
    prissiness, or pomp, but using one's girlfriend's condition to build
    street cred seems tacky. The other tacky, even egotistical, aspect to
    this couple is Moss' constant use of big words she learned in
    psychiatry school-- xenophobia, androphobia, venustraphobia,
    hyperboliphobic, lyssophobia--which appear in the first of her three
    offending articles, "Azeris are damn fine looking people."

    Yes, really, that's the title of an article from February of this
    year. We also learn from this "fantastic" piece of journalism that
    "There are Mountain Jews who live in Guba, who live side by side with
    their Muslim neighbors and in fact are aided in renovating historic
    homes and synagogues in the region. Catholics are not threatened nor
    are the many religious and ethnic sects in Azerbaijan." Ah yes,
    Azerbaijan, where no one is mistreated, not journalists, not the Tats,
    not oppositionists, not the Talysh, not youth activists, not
    Daghestanis. And, of course, the author shares her "insight" with us
    when she writes "The U.S.'s recent condemnation of last fall's
    elections was short-sighted and reflected ignorance of the context of
    the elections and an emerging democracy. Azerbaijan is an important
    ally both for its sources of natural gas and oil, Muslim tolerance and
    Western values. Shouldn't we spend more time strengthening our
    relationship with this nation rather than nitpicking its growing

    But it gets better. Two months later, ON APRIL 24, Dr. Mallory Moss
    was at it again. This time, her "wisdom" appeared in the blog run by
    The Hill, a publication that generally covers Congress. The article,
    titled "The language of genocide" staggers all over the genocidal map
    of our planet--Jews, Native Americans, Tutsis-- but somehow misses
    Armenians, the prototypical victims of modern genocide. That's no
    accident. All the reasonableness Moss spouts is so she can discuss
    Khojaly-1992, the murder of civilians committed by anti-regime Azeris
    (to discredit Baku's government of that time) that Azerbaijan
    attributes to Armenians. Coincidence? I think not. It seems The Hill
    Blog has a history of running pro-Azeri pieces, so what better time to
    slam Armenians than on our most somber day?

    But it doesn't end there. Psych Nurse Moss came out with "Boko Haram
    and the relevance of genocide" on June 16, once again in the offending
    blog. This time, ensconced in otherwise reasonable-sounding thoughts,
    Armenians are effectively equated to Boko Haram, the murderous
    Nigerian rebel group. You know why? It's all because the California
    State Assembly passed a resolution recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh's

    It's certainly very strange that a "Board Certified Nurse Practitioner
    of Psychiatry" (along with other related credentials), as Moss is
    described in the biographical blurbs accompanying her articles, is
    churning out anti-Armenian propaganda. It is even stranger when we
    learn, from those same blurbs, that she has worked with Dr. Leo Kuper
    on the Sudan genocide. Kuper has been stellar when it comes to the
    Armenian Genocide. Talk about taking advantage of someone else's
    credibility! What a leech this woman is!

    But what's worse is a guy who has his girl doing his dirty work for
    him. Fiancé Katz, as a registered foreign agent, is required to report
    what he's done for his clients once every six months, even if it's
    just to say that he's done nothing. It turns out the last report filed
    by The Tool Shed Group regarding Azerbaijan-related work was in April
    of 2012. Maybe Katz is trying to avoid the negative connotations of
    lobbyist-generated publicity by demonstrating poor taste (at least)
    and abusing his fianceé to put out anti-Armenian attacks and
    pro-Azerbaijan puff pieces.

    It seems this is only the beginning, since Moss has registered five
    websites with names like and
    Clearly, she/they are hatching some more propaganda plans. Who knows,
    maybe one or both of them, Katz and Moss, are vying for the "chief
    denialist" position at the Anti-Defamation League once Abe Foxman
    retires next Summer. What are we to do?

    First, we should deluge The Hill (Editorial department:
    [email protected]) with notes expressing our dismay and disgust at
    their bias in running these types of pro-Azerbaijan articles,
    especially when the timing is very obviously hateful and spiteful.
    Then we should question why flacks like Katz are getting away with
    breaking the law. Dr. Kuper should be contacted and asked to publicly
    disassociate himself from Mallory Moss. But most importantly, we, any
    and all of us, should be striving to get truthful articles published
    by The Hill and others.
