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ARF's Statement Of Demands For Justice For The Armenian Genocide

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  • ARF's Statement Of Demands For Justice For The Armenian Genocide


    Monday, June 23rd, 2014

    Mt. Ararat

    MONTEBELLO-The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western US's 49th
    Regional Convention on Sunday unanimously approved a statement
    delineating the organization's list of demands for justice on the
    eve of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Below is the text of
    that statement:

    Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western U.S.A. Statement Of Demands
    For Justice For The Armenian Genocide

    WHEREAS, the Armenian Nation was subjected to a systematic and
    premeditated Genocide officially beginning on April 24, 1915, at
    the hands of the Young Turk Government of the Ottoman Empire from
    1915-1919 and continued at the hands of the Kemalist Movement of
    Turkey from 1920-1923 whereby over 1.5 million Armenian men, women and
    children were slaughtered or marched to their deaths in an effort to
    annihilate the Armenian Nation in the First Genocide of modern times,
    while thousands of surviving Armenian women and children were forcibly
    converted and Islamized, and hundreds of thousands more were subjected
    to ethnic cleansing during the period of the modern Republic of Turkey
    from 1924-1937; and

    WHEREAS, the planning and implementation of Genocide is indisputably
    recognized in international law as a Crime Against Humanity and is
    punishable as such; and

    WHEREAS, this Genocidal Crime Against Humanity has remained unpunished
    for nearly one hundred years, as the Government of Turkey is allowed
    with impunity to distort history and to deny the Genocide and its
    consequences perpetrated both by its Ottoman predecessor and its own
    predecessor regimes despite international recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide by 23 countries, including the United States of America; and

    WHEREAS, Armenians were the indigenous and native inhabitants of their
    ancestral homeland for thousands of years preceding the Armenian
    Genocide as evidenced by the ruins of hundreds of ancient Armenian
    churches, monasteries, cemeteries and other readily identifiable
    religious and cultural structures, sites and antiquities still
    remaining on such land as proof of their ongoing presence there up
    until the Armenian Genocide; and

    WHEREAS, the ancestral homeland of the Armenian People, and especially
    the six historically Armenian regions of Van, Erzerum, Kharpert,
    Bitlis, Dikranagerd-Diyarbakir, and Sepastia-Sivas, all within
    the current borders of the Republic of Turkey, have been stripped
    of their native inhabitants by virtue of the Armenian Genocide,
    except for thousands of Islamized or hidden Armenians who have been
    subjected to silent oppression, while some of whom have recently begun
    to acknowledge their true ethnic identities and should be encouraged
    to return to their roots; and

    WHEREAS, the ancestral Homeland of the Armenian People continues to be
    illegally occupied by the Republic of Turkey which makes every attempt
    to erase any proof of the historic Armenian presence on such land; and

    WHEREAS, the Armenian Nation survived the Genocide despite the attempt
    by Ottoman Turkey and the modern Republic of Turkey to exterminate
    it; and

    WHEREAS, the survival of the Armenian Nation from the horrors of
    Genocide was due in significant part to American and international
    efforts spearheaded by Near East Relief, an organization created
    and sanctioned in 1916 by the United States Congress which rescued
    over 132,000 Armenian orphans and hundreds of thousands of Armenian
    refugees who went on to survive and thrive outside of their ancestral
    homeland all over the world and specifically within the United States
    of America; and

    WHEREAS, the First Independent Republic of Armenia was internationally
    recognized in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide through the
    Treaty of Sevres; and

    WHEREAS, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America,
    issued his final and binding Arbitral Award on November 22, 1920,
    restoring some of the territorial rights of the Armenian Nation taken
    from it by the Government of the Ottoman Empire as a consequence of
    the Armenian Genocide, by redrawing international borders to include
    the provinces of Van, Erzerum, Bitlis, and Trabzon with access to
    the Black Sea within the Republic of Armenia; and

    WHEREAS, despite its legally binding terms, the Wilsonian Arbitral
    Award was never enforced, and the Turkish occupation of the lands which
    legally belong to Armenia continues in blatant violation thereof to
    date; and

    WHEREAS, the Armenian People, individually and collectively, have
    been deprived of their real and personal property, culture and life
    on their ancestral Homeland for nearly a century since the Armenian
    Genocide; and

    WHEREAS, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation of the Western United
    States consists mostly of members who are the direct descendants of
    those survivors of the Armenian Genocide who eventually immigrated
    to the United States of America and who, as U.S. citizens, and as the
    largest organized community of the Armenian Diaspora, have the right
    to demand justice in the name of the Armenian Nation, including but
    not limited to the implementation of the Wilsonian Arbitral Award,
    and petitioning the U.S. Government at local, State and Federal levels
    to do so; and

    WHEREAS, the Government of Turkey continues its predecessor
    governments' campaign of Genocide and attempted destruction of the
    Armenian Nation with impunity by: (a) illegally occupying Western
    Armenia; (b) illegally blockading the western border of the current
    second independent Republic of Armenia; (c) aiding and abetting
    the Republic of Azerbaijan, its co-conspirator and accomplice,
    in its illegal blockade of the eastern border of the current second
    independent Republic of Armenia; (d) aiding and abetting the Republic
    of Azerbaijan, its co-conspirator and accomplice, in its illegal
    blockade of the current independent Republic of Nagorno Karabakh
    (Artsakh); (e) aiding and abetting the Republic of Azerbaijan, its
    co-conspirator and accomplice, in its attempt to erase any proof of the
    historical presence of the Armenian Nation and its rightful claims to
    Nakhichevan, including but not limited to the destruction with impunity
    of the ancient Armenian cemetery at Djulfa by the Azeri military; (f)
    aiding and abetting the Republic of Azerbaijan, its co-conspirator
    and accomplice, in perpetrating and then engaging in a campaign of
    denial and distortion of massacres perpetrated against the indigenous
    Armenian populations of Baku, Sumgait and Kirovabad; (g) aiding and
    abetting radicalized militant action and ethnic cleansing against the
    indigenous Armenian population of Kessab and other parts of Syria;
    (h) failing to bring to justice the perpetrators of the murder of
    Hrant Dink, a crime linked to the highest levels of the Turkish State;
    (i) continuing its silent oppression and intimidation of hidden and
    Islamized Armenians, most of whom fear revealing their true identities
    or practicing religious freedom under threat of retaliation; and (j)
    generally taking any and all steps within its power to eradicate any
    proof of the historical presence and valid claims of the Armenian
    Nation as a consequence of the Genocide perpetrated against it; and

    WHEREAS, the Peace & Democracy Party (BDP), the current leading
    party of the Kurdish population of Turkey, should be acknowledged and
    encouraged for its formal adoption as a part of its party platform an
    acknowledgement and apology for the role of the Kurdish population in
    the Armenian Genocide, a plan to try to restore some of the property
    rights of the Armenian Nation, and a call upon the Government of
    Turkey to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide and offer restitution; and

    WHEREAS, the municipal government of the City of Diyarbakir
    (Dikranagerd) in Turkey, democratically controlled by the Kurdish Peace
    & Democracy Party, has in fact recently taken concrete steps toward
    reconciliation by restoring the Armenian Sourp Giragos Cathedral,
    erecting a monument to victims of Genocide, allowing and encouraging
    Armenian language and religion classes to be held for Islamized or
    hidden Armenians, erecting a highway welcome sign into the City in
    Armenian, and other such measures for which it should be commended
    and encouraged; and

    WHEREAS, the current geopolitical conflicts in the Near East and Middle
    East have the significant potential of resulting in a redrawing of
    international borders in the region which can and should include the
    Western Armenian homeland and an independent Kurdistan which would
    necessitate dialogue, cooperation and peaceful co-existence based on a
    concrete framework for reparations and restitution as outlined herein;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that on the eve of the Centennial
    of the Armenian Genocide widely recognized as April 24, 2015, and on
    behalf of the descendants of the Armenian Genocide currently living
    in the Western United States of America, the Regional Convention of
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation of the Western United States
    hereby delineates its Demands for Justice for the Armenian Genocide,
    as follows:

    1. The Republic of Turkey must unequivocally acknowledge and bear
    the consequences of the Armenian Genocide planned and implemented
    by the Young Turk Government of the Ottoman Empire from 1915-1919,
    continued to be perpetrated by the Kemalist Movement from 1920-1923,
    and leading to ethnic cleansing by its own predecessor regime of the
    modern Republic of Turkey from 1924-1937.

    2. The Republic of Turkey must take prompt and meaningful steps toward
    restitution to the Armenian Nation for its Genocidal Crime Against
    Humanity, fully acknowledging that any attempt at restitution cannot
    possibly restore the Armenian Nation to the quality of national life
    and quantity of numbers it would have enjoyed but-for the Genocide
    perpetrated against it, but nevertheless showing good faith in
    attempting to right the wrongs of history by restoring all rights
    taken from the Armenian Nation.

    3. Restitution of territorial property rights of the Armenian Nation
    shall include the redrawing of international borders on the basis
    of the final and binding Arbitral Award of United States President
    Woodrow Wilson issued on November 22, 1920, including but not limited
    to reunification with the Republic of Armenia of the territories and
    provinces of Van, Bitlis, Erzerum and Trabzon to provide unrestricted
    access to the Black Sea, as well as the regions of Kars and Ardahan
    from within the borders of the First Independent Republic of Armenia,
    and including Mount Ararat and its surrounding territories.

    4. Complete and unequivocal restoration of territorial property rights
    of the Armenian Nation shall include recognition of the independence
    and international sovereignty of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh
    (Artsakh) and its current borders.

    5. Complete and unequivocal restoration of territorial property rights
    of the Armenian Nation shall include Nakhichevan.

    6. Complete and unequivocal restoration of the aforementioned property
    rights shall include unrestricted and free access and use of all
    natural resources and natural and man-made avenues of transportation,
    movement and land use.

    7. The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan shall
    acknowledge, protect and preserve the hundreds of ancient Armenian
    churches, monasteries, cemeteries and other historical and cultural
    structures, sites and antiquities within their current and future
    borders at their expense and shall refrain from making, encouraging
    or tolerating any attempts to destroy, deface, or eradicate them.

    8. The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan shall
    immediately remove any and all blockades of Armenia and Artsakh and
    allow unrestricted access through their borders and take other such
    good faith measures to normalize and cultivate relations amongst
    said countries anchored in a full and complete acknowledgement of
    the Armenian Genocide, its consequences, and an overall plan for just
    reparations as outlined herein.

    9. The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan shall refrain
    from taking any military or other action to provoke cross-border
    violence or in any way disrupt the peace with the Republic of Armenia
    and the Republic of Artsakh.

    10. The Republic of Turkey shall restore to the Armenian Patriarchate
    of Istanbul, the Holy See of the Great House of Cilicia, and/or any
    other entity designated by duly appointed representatives of the
    Armenian Nation full and unencumbered property rights and access to
    all Armenian churches, monasteries, cemeteries and other religious,
    faith-based, historical or cultural structures, sites and antiquities
    within its current and future borders, waiving any demands and
    exempting them from any past and future property taxes or other such
    potential obligations as a part of its measures toward restitution.

    11. The Republic of Turkey must make financial restitution to
    the descendants of the victims of the Armenian Genocide or their
    designated community or organizational representatives and provide
    economic assistance to the Republic of Armenia in amounts and manners
    to be determined by a duly appointed international tribunal assembled
    for this purpose.

    12. The Republic of Turkey shall provide unrestricted access to
    its judicial system and courts for any descendants of the victims
    of the Armenian Genocide, individually and collectively, or any
    representative organizations or entities of the Armenian People to
    assert real and personal property rights without regard to and with a
    complete waiver of any statutes of limitation, theories of abandonment,
    adverse possession and/or any laws which existed either during the
    Ottoman period and/or post-Ottoman Republic of Turkey, or any other
    legal hindrances that may affect the validity of such claims.

    13. The Republic of Turkey shall adopt as a part of its national
    educational system a full and complete acknowledgement of the Armenian
    Genocide and the consequences thereof and shall allow and encourage
    open and frank dialogue and research concerning this dark chapter of
    its history.

    14. The Republic of Turkey shall take all steps necessary to reverse,
    prevent and punish any attempts to discriminate against, intimidate,
    or harass ethnic Armenians because of their ethnicity, within its
    current and future borders and to allow without any hindrance hidden
    and/or Islamized Armenians to return to their true identities if
    they so wish and to practice religious and ethnic freedom without
    restriction or fear of retaliation;

    15. The Republic of Turkey shall designate April 24 of each year
    as a Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide and
    shall permit and encourage unrestricted commemorative events within
    its current and future borders, starting with April 24, 2015, the
    Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

    With full and prompt implementation of these aforementioned Demands
    for Justice for the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian Nation can
    finally move toward a genuine, durable and lasting reconciliation and
    peaceful coexistence with the Turkish, Azeri and Kurdish populations
    of the region.

    June 22, 2014

    From: Baghdasarian