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Baku Remains Cold To French Leader'sOffer Of Azerbaijan-Armenia Summ

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  • Baku Remains Cold To French Leader'sOffer Of Azerbaijan-Armenia Summ


    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    June 23 2014

    June 23, 21:26 UTC+4 YEREVAN
    Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mamedyarov said earlier that Baku was waiting
    for concrete proposals following Hollande's initiative to arrange a
    new meeting between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan

    YEREVAN, June 23. /ITAR-TASS/. French President Francois Hollande's
    offer to arrange a meeting between the presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan in Paris was more than concrete, but Baku did not agree
    with it, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan said on Monday,
    June 23.

    "During his visit to the region the president of France made more than
    a concrete proposal, including in terms of substance, to organize a
    meeting between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Paris.

    Apparently this concrete offer goes against Baku's position and
    it expects some other concrete proposal," he said at a joint press
    conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov said at a joint press
    briefing with Lavrov earlier that Baku was waiting for concrete
    proposals following up on Hollande's initiative to arrange a new
    meeting between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    "For some reason, Azerbaijan constantly dislikes proposals put forth
    on behalf of the international community by the co-chairs, including
    those to strengthen the ceasefire regime, withdraw snipers and create
    a mechanism for investigating incidents. It does not like proposals
    made as one whole and contained in five statements of the presidents
    of the five co-chair countries of the OSCE Minsk Group. There are
    simply no concrete alternatives to proposals made by the co-chairs
    and aimed solely at ensuring a peaceful resolution of the conflict,"
    Nalbandyan said.

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan confirmed earlier reiterated
    Armenia's commitment to a speedy resolution of the conflict over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a de facto independent but unrecognized state in
    Azerbaijan populated mainly by Armenians, on the basis of international
    law and join statements of the Minsk Group co-chairs.

    "We firmly believe that a new war cannot resolve the conflict,"
    Sargsyan said.

    In his opinion, "confrontation will only lead to destabilization,
    provoke tensions and arms race, and further aggravate interstate
    contradictions, foment ethnic and religious strife, and threatens
    the security of other countries".

    Sargsyan said that his country would do everything it can to resolve
    the Nagorno-Karabakh issue peacefully.

    "We will do everything we can to solve the Karabakh problem
    peacefully," the president said.

    "The [settlement] process is underway, and we are acting constructively
    in this process," Sargsyan said.

    "We will do our best to find a fair solution," he said. "The stronger
    we are, the more combat capable our army is, the better our positions
    at the talks will be."

    However, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could be resolved only if the territorial
    integrity of his country was ensured.

    "The conflict can be resolved only within the framework of the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. There is no other solution,
    and I have no doubts that Azerbaijan will restore its territorial
    integrity," the head of state said.

    He stressed that Azerbaijan was seeking to solve the issue

    "We hope for a peaceful resolution yet. To this end, the Armenian side
    should unconditionally comply with the resolutions of international
    organizations, including the UN Security Council, free the occupied
    territories and Azerbaijani citizens should return to their homes.

    After that peace and stability will come to the region," Aliyev said.

    He said the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was the "biggest source of
    threat" in the region.

    Azerbaijan and its people "will never allow a second Armenian state
    to be created on their historical land", he said.

    "Nagorno-Karabakh will never get independence. The people who live
    in Nagorno-Karabakh now, and the Azeris will certainly return there
    should live in autonomy. This is a well known international approach,"
    the president said.

    He made it clear that Azerbaijan would "never step aside from its
    position of principle".

    The head of state called for a speedy and fair settlement in Karabakh
    on the basis of international law.

    Speaking of the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh, he said it was
    "a matter of the future".

    "We have said many times that we will never agree to any status for
    Nagorno-Karabakh outside Azerbaijan, and international law supports
    our positions," the president said.

    Aliyev urged Armenia to continue peace talks on Nagorno-Karabakh.

    From: A. Papazian