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Berkley Professor Discusses Upcoming Genocide Centennial Of The Mass

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  • Berkley Professor Discusses Upcoming Genocide Centennial Of The Mass


    History News Network
    June 24 2014 interviewed Dr. Stephan Astourian, professor of history
    and director of the Armenian studies program at the University of
    California, Berkeley. Dr. Astourian commented on a number of issues
    related to the Armenian Genocide centennial in 2015.

    NVARD CHALIKIAN: Dr. Astourian, how do you assess the current policy
    of Armenian leaders towards Turkey as well as the overall program
    for the Genocide centennial in 2015?

    DR. STEPHAN ASTOURIAN: Armenia's current policy toward Turkey fits
    with, and prolongs, the Armenian-Turkish Protocols signed in Zurich in
    October 2009. These protocols, which encompassed massive concessions
    on the part of Armenia in exchange for the tentative opening of the
    border by Turkey, were "dead on arrival." They remain so until now.

    It is difficult to answer your question about the "overall program
    of the Genocide Centennial" because I am unaware of any such program,
    assuming it exists. Even though the State Committee dealing with this
    matter has met three times, it has not made public any program. All
    that we have at this point is a logo and a somewhat vague motto. Being
    well aware of the activities of the San Francisco-Bay Area Armenian
    Centennial Organizing Committee, I can state that nothing could be
    organized on time for the Centennial in our region if our community
    leaders had not started planning for it as early as the end of 2013.

    N.C.: What is your view regarding the fact that the President of
    Armenia has invited the President of Turkey to Armenia to commemorate
    the Genocide centennial? What do you think will be the result of this?

    S.A.: Inviting Turkey's President in April 2015 is at best a minor
    tactical move which serves public relations goals. Turkish policy is
    coherent and it will not be altered because of this invitation. Turkey
    is not going to undermine its very strong strategic ties with
    Azerbaijan in order to recognize the Armenian Genocide. In addition,
    it is unlikely that the latest aggression on Nakhichevan's border,
    which caused Armenian casualties, could have taken place without
    prior Turkish knowledge of, or assent to, it. In this context and in
    the best scenario, Turkey might make at best some ambiguous, vague
    gesture or declaration in 2015...
