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Human Rights Council Concludes General Debate On HR Situations

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  • Human Rights Council Concludes General Debate On HR Situations


    States News Service
    June 23, 2014 Monday


    GENEVA, Switzerland

    The following information was released by the United Nations Office
    at Geneva (UNOG):

    The Human Rights Council this morning concluded its general debate
    on human rights situations that require the attention of the Council,
    and heard an address by Luis Campos Ferreira, Secretary of State for
    Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal.

    Mr. Campos Ferreira said that achieving universal respect of all human
    rights was Portugal's first priority and that this was a common and
    shared goal in the attainment of which all States, civil society and
    the multilateral human rights system had a key role to play. Portugal
    attached the utmost importance to a strong, independent and effective
    human rights system. Portugal had been since the beginning a strong
    supporter of the Human Rights Council, actively participating in its
    work and hoped to become a member of the Council as of January 2015.

    If elected to the Council membership, Portugal would continue
    to encourage the ratification of human rights treaties and their
    optional protocols and to promote the creation of national human
    rights institutions in accordance with the Paris Principles.

    In the general debate, speakers raised allegations of human rights
    violations in countries and regions around the world and reiterated
    the Council's responsibility to address all situations of concern.

    The following delegations took the floor in the general debate:
    Myanmar, Malaysia, Ukraine, Armenia, Switzerland, Israel and Iran.

    The following non-governmental organizations took the floor: Baha'i
    International Community, International Commission of Jurists, Asian
    Legal Resources Centre, COC Nederland, World Barua Organization,
    International Buddhist Relief Organisation, International Movements
    Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, Reporters Without
    Borders International, United Nations Watch, Action international
    pour la paix et le developpement dans la region des Grands Lacs,
    CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Centre for Human
    Rights and Peace Advocacy, International Educational Development,
    British Humanist Association, Centre for Inquiry, General Arab Women
    Federation, International Humanist and Ethical Union, United Towns
    Agency for North-South Cooperation, Human Rights Law Centre, Alsalam
    Foundation, International Federation for Human Rights Leagues, Freedom
    House, World Muslim Congress, Organization for Defending Victims
    of Violence, Amnesty International, Agence Internationale pour le
    Developpement, International Muslim Women's Union, Indian Council
    of South America, Verein Sudwind Entwicklungspolitik, Liberation,
    Al-khoei Foundation, Rencontre Africaine pour la defense des droits de
    l'homme, B'nai B'rith, Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique,
    Al Hakim Foundation, Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network,
    Espace Afrique International, Human Rights House Foundation, Human
    Rights Watch, Press Emblem Campaign, Union of Arab Jurists, and
    International Association of Democratic Lawyers.

    South Sudan, Burundi, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Japan, Azerbaijan, Egypt,
    Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea,
    and Armenia spoke in right of reply.

    The first part of the general debate on human rights situations that
    require the Council's attention was held on Friday, 20 June, and a
    summary can be seen here.

    The Human Rights Council during its noon meeting will hear the
    presentations of the reports of the Advisory Committee, the Social
    Forum, the Forum on Human Rights and Business and the Working Group on
    the Rights of Peasants, followed by a general debate on human rights
    bodies and mechanisms.

    General Debate on Human Rights Situations that Require the Council's

    Myanmar said in Rakai state steps had been taken to improve the
    situation and the police had been providing security cover for the
    travel of aid workers. It was important for aid agencies to gain
    the trust of the population by providing independent and impartial
    assistance. As a new democracy, Myanmar needed space and time to
    strengthen the protection of human rights and it could not accept
    pressure applied under the pretext of human rights.

    Malaysia remained deeply concerned about the new developments in Syria
    and said that recent bombing and indiscriminate attacks were alarming.

    All parties should stop the violence and resume peace negotiations.

    More needed to be done to ensure unhindered, safe and speedy
    delivery of humanitarian aid to the population in need. Moderation
    and compromise must be upheld in the peace negotiations.

    Ukraine said that the human rights situation in the country
    remained alarming because of the illegal annexation of the Crimea
    and the continuing terrorist activities in eastern Ukraine. The main
    objective of the President's peace plan was to stabilize the areas
    and improve the human rights situation through immediate suspension
    of the counterterrorist operation, disarmament of illegally armed
    groups, release of all hostages and amnesty for those who did not
    commit serious crimes.

    Armenia called the attention of the Human Rights Council to
    Azerbaijan's continuing policy of aggression and hostility against
    Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh. Since April 2014, Azerbaijani forces
    had violated the ceasefire on the Line of Contact over 3,000 times.

    Azerbaijan continued to reject the proposals of the Minsk Group
    Co-Chairs to withdraw snipers from the line of contact and to elaborate
    an investigating mechanism for the ceasefire violations.

    Switzerland condemned intimidation, harassment and arrest of
    individuals participating in demonstrations, criticising their
    governments, or defending human rights. Switzerland expressed concern
    about people being arrested in Uzbekistan on fabricated charges; it
    called on the Bangladeshi authorities to free people arrested during
    the last elections; and encouraged China to reform the administrative
    detention system.

    Israel recalled that in June 2013 three Jewish youths left their house
    and never returned, soon after the formation of a unity Palestinian
    Government with Hamas. Israel held President Abbas accountable for
    the safety of the kidnapped teens. Israel had warned the international
    community about the danger of the Fatah-Hamas alliance, and continued
    to strive for peace on the basis of the two State solution so that
    both peoples could live side by side with security.

    Iran said that human rights violations continued to be rampant in the
    United States and in the United Kingdom, which required more action
    from the Council. In Canada, the situation of indigenous peoples and
    other human rights violations also remained of concern, there were
    very negative reports on the implementation of the rights of migrants,
    racial discrimination, and targeting of Muslim communities. In the
    Czech Republic the Roma suffered from segregation and discrimination.

    Baha'i International Community recalled that in the previous
    session Iran had claimed that the rights of the Baha'i community were
    respected. Days later, bulldozers had destroyed the Baha'i cemetery in
    Shiraz. The international community should call on Iran to avoid the
    desecration of the cemetery and to respect the rights of the Baha'i.

    International Commission of Jurists said that judges and prosecutors
    in Venezuela lacked security of tenure which seriously eroded the
    independence of the judicial system. The absence of independent
    and impartial judicial institutions left victims defenceless, while
    perpetrators of gross human rights violations enjoyed impunity.

    Asian Legal Resources Centre said in a joint statement that the human
    rights situation had deteriorated since the coup d'etat in Thailand,
    as evidenced by the curtailing of freedom of expression and opinion,
    the use of draconian l se majeste laws and others. The Human Rights
    Council should declare the coup illegal and insist that Thailand
    respect its human rights obligations.

    COC Nederland brought the attention of the Human Rights Council
    to human rights violations against persons on the basis of their
    sexual orientation and gender identity, including in Venezuela,
    Chile, Namibia and Australia. The Human Rights Council must adopt a
    resolution against discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and
    transgender persons everywhere and on all grounds.

    World Barua Organization said that many violations of human rights
    in India were being committed by the authorities, including against
    women, marginalized communities, human rights defenders objecting
    against development projects and others.

    International Buddhist Relief Organization said that coal mining in
    the Meghalaya State in India was dangerous and led to environmental
    degradation. Several accidents and deaths had taken place there due
    to the insecure working conditions. They called on the Council to
    address this situation before the damage to people and the environment
    became irremediable.

    International Movements against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism
    condemned the violence in South Western Sri Lanka which caused the
    death of three persons and the serious injury of around 80 people. It
    was outrageous that the Government had ignored previous appeals and
    allowed the Bodu Bala Sena to continue committing hate crimes against
    Muslims and Christians.

    Reporters without Borders International addressed the situation
    of imprisoned journalists in Eritrea. In Ethiopia bloggers had been
    arrested last April and were still held without charges. In Kazakhstan,
    journalists had been arrested and online sites criticising the signing
    of the Eurasia Treaty had been blocked. When these issues were brought
    to the Council they were dismissed as politicised attempts to discredit
    the concerned countries.

    United Nations Watch said that if the human rights situation was so
    horrific in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, why was it
    that so many Iranians along with many others lined up to emigrate to
    those countries? The reality today was that Iranian defence lawyers
    were imprisoned and beaten for defending Iranian citizens. When would
    there be human rights in Iran?

    Action international pour la paix et le developpement dans la region
    des Grands Lacs said that in Algeria there were continuing restrictions
    of freedoms and serious violations of human rights which tried to
    crush the emancipation movement of Saharawis. There was a need for
    an impartial and independent inquiry into these serious violations.

    CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation was shocked by the
    lethargy of the international community when innocent civilians in
    Syria were living through unspeakable horror and the Security Council
    had failed to reach consensus to help stop the bloodshed or provide
    minimum life-saving assistance. The Council was strongly urged to
    consider establishing a Commission of Inquiry for Eritrea.

    Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy said that the Sikhs
    respected women as daughters, mothers and sisters and also respected
    women and men equally, as they were equal partners in their lives,
    society and to make the world a better place to live. All societies
    should respect women and make the world a perfect place to live.

    International Educational Development was concerned about the Sikh
    population in Punjab because of the coming to power of a political
    party which was not likely to respect ethnic and religious minorities.

    The international community should closely follow the human rights
    situation in Punjab to prevent human rights violations that might
    occur in the future.

    British Humanist Association said that religious intolerance and
    violence affected three quarters of the world population. In the
    Central African Republic, the violence continued to escalate with
    one million persons displaced. In Myanmar, the relentless Buddhist
    persecution against Muslims continued in Rakhine state and amounted
    to crimes against humanity.

    Centre for Inquiry recalled that last month Raif Badawi, founder of a
    Saudi website dedicated to fostering debate on religion and politics
    had been charged with "insulting Islam" and sentenced to 10 years in
    prison and 1,000 lashes. The Centre called on Saudi Arabia to release
    Mr. Badawi and to reform its laws to protect freedom of religion and
    belief and cease the use of corporal punishment.

    General Arab Women Federation said that the situation in Syria was
    getting worse as armed groups denied people their right to subsistence,
    such as with the destruction of water sources in Aleppo.

    Citizens in Aleppo were also deprived of health care because of attacks
    and shelling targeting clinics and health centres. The use of water
    as a tool of genocide should be considered a crime against humanity.

    International Humanist and Ethical Union said that the Tunisian
    people had hoped that the 14 January revolution would bring them
    justice and human rights but the Government had failed to fulfil
    promises. It was a great shame that there were real failings with
    regards to investigations into crimes against citizens, who were
    deprived of their rights and became victims of violence. The Union
    hoped to see immediate action.

    United Towns Agency for North-South Cooperation said that the
    systematic "dirty war' by Pakistan against the Baloch continued
    unabated and with increasing ferocity. The autopsies of the bodies
    found in the mass graves at Tutak showed that the victims were buried
    alive. Moreover, the commission formed to investigate this had not
    even started working.

    Human Rights Law Centre said Australian law now required all new
    maritime arrivals to be transferred to Nauru or Manus in Papua
    New Guinea, where they were subjected to mandatory and indefinite
    detention in conditions that the United Nations High Commissioner for
    Refugees had repeatedly assessed as falling short of international
    human rights standards.

    Alsalam Foundation called attention to the human rights situation
    in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, specifically highlighting the cases of
    arbitrary detention, torture and extrajudicial killing of human rights
    defenders, journalists, and peaceful protesters in those countries.

    Both countries were called upon to honour their commitments to prevent
    arbitrary detention, torture and extrajudicial killing, among others.

    International Federation for Human Rights Leagues said that hundreds
    of citizens were still held in prison in Bahrain for exercising their
    right to freedom of expression and of association. In Saudi Arabia,
    a blogger had been condemned to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes
    for promoting freedom of speech. In Iran, plain-clothed agents and
    guards attacked prisoners and subjected them to inhumane treatment.

    Freedom House said that the crisis in Ukraine demanded the United
    Nations to monitor and report on the human rights situation, provide
    assistance to the Government and facilitate the protection of human
    rights throughout the country. It was imperative that the Human Rights
    Council focus on the human rights implications of the ongoing crisis.

    World Muslim Congress said that the pathetic state of human rights in
    Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir did not show any prospect of improving,
    mainly because of the continued impunity and the draconian laws in
    force. It was important to set up a commission to investigate human
    rights abuses and release political prisoners.

    Organization for Defending Victims of Violence indicated that Shi'a
    minorities all over the world had been subjected to repressive and
    inhumane atrocities. Just in the last few days, even more Shi'a
    minority men were sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia and more faced
    dire situations in Pakistan, Bahrain and Malaysia. Shi'a minorities
    in these countries were neither protected nor allowed to exercise
    their religious rights.

    Amnesty International said that in South Sudan thousands had died
    and millions had been displaced in the past months. The Council had
    fallen short in its contribution to preventing violations and abuses
    and to addressing the situation, missing opportunities to establish
    regular public reporting. The inauguration of a new President in
    Egypt did not wipe clean the country's human rights record, by all
    accounts torture and ill-treatment were once again rife.

    Agence international pour le Developpement updated the Council
    regarding a recent visit to Tindouf camp in Algeria. While many
    challenges remained, they had noted positive achievements made.

    Nevertheless, they asked how other organizations had been able to
    freely circulate in the region and access the camp, while its members
    had found it so difficult to obtain Algerian visas.

    International Muslim Women's Union said the people of Indian occupied
    Kashmir had been robbed of all rights by the enactment of draconian
    laws. Torture, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances,
    arbitrary detention, and rape, among others, constituted daily life
    routine. The Council had a moral obligation to take note of this
    human rights situation.

    Indian Council of South America called on all States not to use
    terrorism laws to suppress human rights. The Government of Chile
    should not only give political assurances but should stop the use
    of terrorism laws against the Mapuche. Bolivia was called upon to
    continue to address the Tipnis situation and not to ignore it.

    Verein Sudwind Entwicklungspolitik was deeply concerned about the
    situation in Syria and the expansion of chaos to other parts of the
    region. There was also concern that comments given by high-ranking
    Iranian politicians, including Iran's President, would instigate the
    Shi'a-Sunni divide and create further tensions in the region.

    Liberation said that the Indian Government was moving to clamp down
    on freedom of press and association and Green Peace and Amnesty
    International had already become victims. There were also fears
    that the newly elected Government was going to violate the rights of
    minorities, including Christians and Dalits.

    Al-Khoei Foundation said that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
    (ISIS) was the most brutal and violent terrorist organization in the
    Middle East, and it had taken over Iraq's third largest city Mosul.

    The situation was of concern not only for the citizens of Mosul, but
    for Iraq and the Governments in the Middle East and the world. This
    murderous terrorist group must be stopped and this could be done by
    stopping its funding and stifling its propaganda.

    Rencontre Africaine pour la defense des droigts de l'homme said that
    sub-saharan Africa was becoming an incubator of terrorist groups which
    had no respect for human dignity. The Council should hold a special
    session on the situation in South Sudan, and an urgent international
    conference should be held on the situation in Iraq. The authorities
    in Niger should promote dialogue to avoid a new crisis in the country.

    B'nai B'rith noted that in April Fatah and Hamas had signed a
    cooperation agreement leading to the formation of a new Government. It
    was vital that the Council responded to the ritual condemnation
    against Israel, and took a position against Palestinian terrorism.

    Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique, in a joint statement,
    drew attention to the situation in Tindouf camps in Algeria, including
    the lawlessness and its impact on women and children, who were largely
    dependent on humanitarian aid. The leaders of the Polisario Front
    misled international public opinion, hiding the lack of freedom and
    democracy in the camps, and the organization appealed in the Council
    to save those in the camps.

    Al-Hakim Foundation said that tens of thousands of Iraqis had given
    their lives defending freedom and democracy, recalling the occupation
    of Mosul by Islamist fighters of the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
    (ISIS)" and the threat they posed to the region and the world. They
    called on the Council to address this challenge to world peace and
    also called on the international community to support Iraq's protracted
    war against terrorism.

    Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network said it had to be realised
    that an important aspect was whether there was an open access to
    United Nations mechanisms to monitor, especially in chronic human
    right situations inflicted on Chinese, Mongolians, Tibetans and
    Uyghurs for more than six decades now, by the Chinese authorities.

    Espace Afrique International said the recent disappearances of two men
    from Pakistani occupied Kashmir had once again raised questions over
    enforced disappearances and serious human rights violations going
    unchecked in the occupied region. It was also noted that Pakistan
    was one of the world's most dangerous countries for journalists.

    Human Rights House Foundation said the authorities of Azerbaijan had
    to release Anar Mammadli and Bashir Suleymanli. Prosecution against
    those expressing their opinions had drastically increased. Azerbaijan
    was called upon to stop harassing, threatening and punishing human
    rights defenders, including Leyla Yunis, journalists and bloggers.

    Human Rights Watch was gravelly concerned about Uzbekistan's
    appalling human rights record, where authorities targeted civil
    society activists, political opposition figures and independent
    journalists, and said that the Council should create a dedicated
    monitoring mechanism on the country. The situation in Venezuela was
    the worst seen in the country in years.

    Press Emblem Campaign drew attention to the dire situation of
    journalists in armed confrontations or conflict situations. In
    Ukraine, hundreds of incidents against journalists had been recorded
    since last November and all parties involved in the conflict were
    responsible for acts of violence against media workers. In Israel,
    Palestinian journalists continued to be subjected to harassment and
    acts of violence by Israeli security forces.

    Union of Arab Jurists said that referring Syria to the International
    Criminal Court did not make any sense as it would only allow terrorist
    organizations to exist in Iraq and Syria. The Council should support
    Syria and its President who worked for peace and security in Syria
    and the region and should also establish a dedicated mechanism
    against terrorism.

    International Association of Democratic Lawyers, in a joint statement,
    said that the ongoing epidemic of cholera in Haiti which had killed
    over 8,500 persons, had been caused by the United Nations reckless
    disposal of untreated human waste and called on the Council to urge
    the United Nations to compensate the victims and ensure accountability.

    Right of Reply

    South Sudan, speaking in a right of reply in response to a joint
    statement delivered by Belgium during the general debate concerning the
    alleged deterioration of the human rights situation in the country,
    said while recognising the negative effects of the ongoing conflict,
    progress had been made towards peace and reconciliation with the
    help of the African Union, and consultations were taking place with
    the support of civil society. Remaining violations did not entail a
    deterioration of the situation and the African Union was providing
    support for the verification of violations. Concerning accountability,
    the delegation stressed that those who had committed abuses would be
    held accountable. Raising this question in the Council entailed the
    politicisation of the issue and doubting the African Union's ability
    to address the situation and ensure accountability.

    Burundi, speaking in a right of reply in response to the statement
    delivered by Belgium, reassured the Council that Burundi would ensure
    the promotion and protection of the human rights of its people,
    including the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly,
    among others, which were guaranteed by the constitution. Moreover,
    these rights were exercised on a daily basis and even by those
    criticising the Government, as all witnesses in Burundi could attest.

    The delegation reiterated the transparency enjoyed by its judicial
    system and joined the voices which continued to express concern about
    the politicisation of the Council.

    Sri Lanka, speaking in a right of reply in response to a statement by
    Canada claiming ongoing use of rape and sexual violence by Sri Lankan
    security forces, said Sri Lanka strongly rejected this claim, which
    was not substantiated by verifiable data or evidence. Sri Lanka had
    an established zero tolerance policy on gender based violence against
    women and took strong action on reported cases. The Sri Lankan military
    continued to provide large scale human rights training to its troops
    with the assistance of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

    Venezuela, speaking in a right of reply in response to statements
    by Spain and Switzerland referring to terrorist violence suffered
    as of February 2014 by a small radical sector of the coup-oriented
    opposition in the country, said the competent State institutions
    with the support of the overwhelming majority of the people had
    been able to defeat the attempted coup d'etat. Under the fa ade of
    alleged peaceful demonstrations, the criminals had created serious
    offenses against the people and public property. The international
    media campaign twisted the truth to try to portray the Government as
    one that violated human rights.

    Japan, speaking in a right of reply, said that its position on
    the past events remained unchanged and reminded all that Japan had
    already expressed deep remorse for the events of World War Two. The
    Democratic People's Republic of Korea would not be able to cover
    up its own human rights record by pointing fingers at others. On a
    bilateral level, Japan reminded that the issue of property would
    be addressed in the normalization talks. The Democratic People's
    Republic of Korea should address all outstanding issues of concern,
    including the abduction issue.

    Azerbaijan, speaking in a right of reply, said it was aware of
    the actions of Armenia and why it made absurd accusations against
    Azerbaijan and the Special Procedures. As the Special Rapporteur
    on violence against women had stated, the root cause of internally
    displaced persons in Azerbaijan was the occupation of Nagorny Karabakh;
    the Republic of Nagorny Karabakh was Azerbaijan's constitutive part,
    which Armenia occupied and continued to use for illegal activities
    such as drug trade.

    Egypt, speaking in a right of reply in response to the statement
    delivered by Switzerland, recalled that Egypt took very seriously
    its responsibility towards human rights because they concerned the
    Egyptian people, not because of external pressures. It was unfortunate
    that Switzerland had raised this issue under item 4. The Egyptian
    Constitution guaranteed the protection of the rights of freedom
    of expression and peaceful assembly, including public meetings,
    processions and demonstrations, in accordance with its international

    Ethiopia, speaking in a right of reply, refuted the statements made by
    Switzerland and non-governmental organization (NGOs) speakers, noting
    that bloggers, journalists and citizens fully enjoyed their human
    rights, including freedom of expression, association, and peaceful
    assembly. The rights of people in detention, such as the right to
    due process, were also respected and therefore the allegations made
    by Switzerland and NGOs about Eritrea were unfounded.

    Uzbekistan, speaking in a right of reply in response to biased
    interventions with regards to the human right situation in the country,
    said these were accusatory in nature and not based on facts.

    Uzbekistan had created the necessary institutional and legislative
    basis to ensure the rights of its civilians. People were not persecuted
    on any political basis. Uzbekistan had taken major steps to ensure the
    rights of civil society. It worked closely with the Special Procedures
    of the Human Rights Council and had adopted a national plan of action
    on the recommendations of the Universal Periodic Review.

    China, speaking in a right of reply in response to accusations made
    by the European Union, United States, Germany, Czech Republic and
    Switzerland, said they were groundless and politically motivated. The
    facts had shown that the path China had taken had served the
    fundamental interests of a large sector of its population. China was
    a country governed by the rule of law. Anyone that violated Chinese
    laws would be dealt with by the judiciary. The Government attached
    importance to guaranteeing all the rights of ethnic minorities.

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea , speaking in a right of reply,
    said that Japan continued to justify past crimes and the human
    suffering by the war it waged against other countries. The result
    of the investigation by the Special Investigation Committee would
    clearly prove the position of the Democratic People's Republic of
    Korea on the issue of abductions. Japan should apologise to victims
    and bring to justice those responsible.

    Armenia, speaking in a right of reply, strongly rejected the
    allegations by Azerbaijan and reminded that it was the actions of
    Azerbaijan that had unleashed the full blown conflict in Nagorny
    Karabakh in 1994. The war propaganda against Armenia was being voiced
    by the highest Azerbaijani authorities in preparation for a new war
    in Nagorny Karabakh and Armenia called on Azerbaijan to cease its
    bellicose behaviour.

    Japan, speaking in a second right of reply in response to the statement
    by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, said Japan had already
    stated its position concerning events in the past and would not
    repeat them.

    Azerbaijan, speaking in a second right of reply, noted that while the
    Armenian delegation had claimed to respond to its previous statement,
    it had actually failed to respond to the question posed by Azerbaijan.

    What could Armenia answer about a General Assembly resolution that
    recognised that Nagorno-Karabakh was part of Azerbaijan and demanded
    the withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied territories, as
    well as other forms of international condemnation of the illegitimate
    use of force against Azerbaijan? Armenia lacked the credibility to
    give lessons to other delegations.

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea, speaking in a second right
    of reply, said that as already known Japan, during its 40 years of
    occupation, had committed crimes against humanity, including forced
    sexual slavery. However, it had continued to deny its responsibility
    for past wrongdoing. It was once again urged to show its determination
    not to repeat such crimes against humanity.

    Armenia, speaking in a second right of reply, said that Armenia was
    not obliged to respond to questions by Azerbaijan. However, regarding
    the General Assembly resolution mentioned, it was adopted by 37 Member
    States. Azerbaijan tried to distort and keep the situation on the
    border full of constant tension, and continued to blame Armenia for
    its own internal failure.

    Statement by the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
    of Portugal

    LUIS CAMPOS FERREIRA, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and
    Cooperation of Portugal, said that achieving universal respect of all
    human rights was Portugal's first priority and that this was a common
    and shared goal in the attainment of which all States, civil society
    and the multilateral human rights system had a key role to play.

    Portugal attached the utmost importance to a strong, independent and
    effective human rights system. Portugal had been since the beginning a
    strong supporter of the Human Rights Council, actively participating
    in its work, and it hoped to become a Member of the Council as of
    January 2015. Once a member of the Council, Portugal would promote
    all realization of human rights and would continue to stand for the
    abolition of the death penalty. It would continue to advocate for
    the elimination of all forms of discrimination and would continue
    to pursue its commitment to the rights of the child and the rights
    of women, migrants, persons with disabilities, persons belonging
    to minorities, and refugees. If elected to the Council membership,
    Portugal would continue to encourage the ratification of human rights
    treaties and their optional protocols and to promote the creation
    of national human rights institutions in accordance with the Paris
    Principles. In closing, Mr. Campos Ferreira said that Portugal would
    significantly contribute to the work of the Human Rights Council and
    expressed hope that the present session would decisively contribute
    to the realization of human rights worldwide.
