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Let's Preserve Afrikyans House: Campaign Gets Boost From World-Renow

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  • Let's Preserve Afrikyans House: Campaign Gets Boost From World-Renow


    HUMAN RIGHTS | 25.06.14 | 20:46 gran_hamasyan


    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Worried for the fate of the 130-year-old Afrikyans club building
    jazz pianist, the winner of 2006 world-famous Monk international jazz
    competition, Tigran Hamasyan joined in the fight for the preservation
    of the building in the center of Yerevan.

    On Wednesday Let's Preserve Afrikyans Club Building civic campaign
    members brought a piano for Hamasyan and placed it in front of
    the construction site where the famous musician gave a concert
    in preservation of the historical building, using music as a tool
    of fight.

    "If there is history with this building, there is the spirit of that
    history, the piece of stone has some story, that history must be
    respected and loved - what people did two centuries before us. That's
    all, but this shouldn't be treated with animosity - on both sides. We
    must understand each other," 27-year-old Hamasyan said.

    Nevertheless, things got tense between the activists and the police
    after the concert, when the activists started heating with hands the
    metallic fence surrounding the building. The police applied force
    pushing people away from the fence, later forming a human wall around
    the construction site.

    After the deputy chief of Yerevan's police Valeri Osipyan arrived
    the police opened the way for the traffic pushing the citizens aside
    causing some to fall. According to Osipyan, all police actions were
    legal because the citizens started the clashes with the police.

    Opposition Heritage party secretary Stepat Safaryan mentions that the
    system cannot solve problems anymore, they have piled up, just like
    Afrikyans building story problems related to which date back to 2000.

    "Secondly, we have a generation with a spirit of ownership that
    differs from the senior generation, does not want to get along,
    views things and events differently, does not ignore illegalities,
    wants to live in their land and thus fights. This speaks of a grown
    civil society," he said.

    Sarhat Petrosyan, an architect and a member of Let's Preserve
    Afrikyans Club Building civic campaign, writes on his Facebook page,
    "I am almost sure that success is on our side, and that we solve
    various problems at every moment... Believe me, when nine years ago
    we were on Byuzand Street, besides the residents only some ten people
    would gather, some of whom are by our side here as well... It is not
    one building that we are saving today, but many others that will be
    removed in the nearest future; there has never been such in-depth
    struggle for heritage preservation before..."

    With a document about immediate stop of the dismantling of the
    building a member of the History and Culture preservation agency of the
    Ministry of Culture stepped up saying that the documents presented by
    the construction workers are incomplete. Thus the agency considers it
    necessary to immediately stop the dismantling works before presenting
    the proper documents. Despite all these, the construction workers
    kept on extracting the facade stones of the building.

    Another ground for stopping the dismantling works is the application
    submitted to the court by joint efforts of the Armenian Helsinki
    Committee and the Urban Lab public organization which challenges the
    Yerevan City Hall and the Government's decision about removing the
    Afrikyans club building. An additional mediation is also presented
    to the court for stopping the processes.

    From: Baghdasarian