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The Caspian Connection

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  • The Caspian Connection


    Silk Road Reporters
    June 25 2014

    by Joshua Noonan
    June 25, 2014

    The 826-kilometer (513-mile) Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) Railway is
    expected to be completed by late 2015, according to Azerbaijani
    Transportation Minister Ziya Mammadov who recently attended a
    tripartite meeting of ministers from Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

    It is anticipated that this railroad will transport up to 1 million
    passengers after its launch, ramping up to 3 million passengers and 15
    million tons of freight within the first few months of operation. The
    railroad is seen as the most important strategic infrastructure project
    in recent history for the region, and will have major implications
    for the three partners with secondary ramifications for Armenia and
    Kazakhstan as East-West energy transport routes link the Caspian
    Basin to Europe.

    Azerbaijan and the cities of Baku, Sumgayit, and Gance will notably
    benefit as their transportation links to Georgia and Turkey develop.

    The metropolitan areas of these cities comprise at least 20%
    of Azerbaijan's population and a large proportion of the economic
    activity and foreign exchange earning power of the state. Although
    there is already a Soviet-legacy Baku-Tbilisi passenger and freight
    network, an improvement in the infrastructure from the dilapidated
    Soviet legacy railroad will allow for the speedier delivery of goods
    and transport of passengers.

    The BTK is being coupled with the Nakhchivan-Kars Railway, which will
    connect the politically important Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan
    with Kars. The deepening of links with Turkey and Georgia will provide
    for the further westerly economic integration that the leaders of
    the country seek that started with the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum oil and gas pipelines, signaling the development
    of the Southern Energy Corridor.

    This has continued recently with further Azerbaijan-driven investment
    in the downstream distribution and sales of gasoline and diesel in
    Georgia and the continued expansion of natural gas pipelines through
    Turkey with TANAP and TAP, linking Greece, Albania, and Italy. These
    mega-projects have been spearheaded by investors originating from
    Azerbaijan, Turkey, and other partner countries. Politically, these
    projects allow for the consolidation of Azerbaijani influence in
    Georgia through its State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)
    service stations, while providing increased leverage over its adversary
    Armenia through the deployment of its natural-resource-derived wealth
    in the guise of SOCAR and State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ).

    Since the Rose Revolution in November 2003, Georgia has been seeking
    inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) through internal reforms,
    cooperation with its neighbors, and integration into the Euro-Atlantic
    Community. As the current Georgian government has prioritized and
    campaigned on the promotion of rural development, market access that
    will be granted through these improved transportation links if coupled
    with subsequent reforms to the tariff and import regimes of Turkey
    and Azerbaijan. Georgia ranked eighth in the World Bank Ease of Doing
    Business Report in 2014. As labor costs increase in Turkey, Georgia
    could become a source of intermediary-product production, with the
    process speeded by the development of the BTK. This coupled with extant
    trade links, geopolitical trends, and entrepreneurial opportunities
    will assure the continued development of Georgia through this project.

    Turkey will continue to develop its role as a hub-state for the
    transportation of resources and a interconnector for Europe, Asia, and
    the Middle East. In that role, actions involved with the development
    of the BTK are quite useful. This mega-project will be paired with
    the Marmaray Bosphorus Tunnel Project, which will cross the Bosphorus,
    knitting the European and Asian sides of Turkey together. This action
    will link the rails of the Absheron Peninsula with those in Berlin.

    Continued investments in eastern Turkey, linking booming Azerbaijan
    with this underdeveloped region, will allow for an accelerated
    growth-path and increased market access for businesses from the
    Caucasus, as well as provide additional export opportunities for this
    less developed region while expanding access to cheap and reliable
    natural gas, petroleum, foodstuffs, and commodities.

    The last two countries are not transit countries for the BTK,
    but rather adjacent countries. The first, Armenia, has protested
    its exclusion from regional mega-projects. Though it would be
    a shorter and cheaper route from Baku through Yerevan to Kars,
    this possibility was forestalled by the over-20-year-old frozen
    conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. This has led to its continued regional
    marginalization, and the BTK is only the latest example. Despite the
    lack of direct investment, consumers and intermediaries in Armenia will
    benefit from a more developed method of importing goods from Turkey,
    all of which are currently transshipped via Georgia on semi-tractor
    trailers. Moreover, exports from Armenia not bound for Russia or
    Iran could benefit from transshipment from Tbilisi westwards to
    European markets.

    Kazakhstan as a major commodity and energy exporter may be able to
    benefit from the export of commodities to Turkey and from there to the
    Balkans via the Caspian. Issues concerning shipments on the Caspian,
    including terminals, are starting to be rectified on both shores.

    Nevertheless, a deeper East-West integration across the Caspian would
    take additional political capital that the respective leaders do not
    seem prepared to spend.

    Nevertheless, as Europe and the Caucasus are knit together,
    leaders across the Caspian will start to take due notice of these

    There are still many hurdles for the project to clear - both technical
    and politcal - but when this project is finished and finally goes
    online, the world will behold an important realignment of how it
    interacts and trades with this once-distant region.
