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Boosting Armenian Agriculture

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  • Boosting Armenian Agriculture


    Kansas City infoZine
    June 25 2014

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014 :: Staff infoZine

    For the women and men living in Armenia's rural communities,
    agriculture remains the main source of employment and livelihoods.

    Washington DC - infoZine - The World Bank Board of Executive
    Directors approved a US$ 32.67 million financing for the Second
    Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness
    (CARMAC) Project for Armenia. This Project is designed to improve
    productivity and sustainability of pasture and livestock systems in
    up to 100 communities in eight regions of Armenia with significant
    pasture areas and increase the marketed production from selected
    livestock and high value agri-food value chains.

    For the women and men living in Armenia's rural communities,
    agriculture remains the main source of employment and livelihoods.

    Thus, developing farmers' productivity, including through cooperatives
    and associations, and strengthening the links between agricultural
    producers and the food processing industry are critical. The project
    will help address key constraints by improving market access,
    supporting the commercialization process, and enhancing employment
    opportunities while protecting the natural environment. The second
    CARMAC expands the scope of the first project, notably its successful
    pasture-based livestock activities, to include a new value chain
    component linking livestock and other agriculture production with

    Map of World Bank Armenian Projects "Enhancing productivity and
    strengthening market access of farmers are key to reducing poverty
    and boosting shared prosperity in rural areas" says Jean-Michel Happi,
    World Bank Country Manager for Armenia.

    "Project activities are devised in such a way as to mainly benefit
    pasture users, farmer cooperatives, as well as food business
    operators. At least 50,000 farmers are expected to participate in this
    project through their membership in Pasture Users' Cooperatives (PUC)."

    The proposed project will further implement an efficient and
    sustainable community managed pasture based livestock production
    and include new communities exhibiting a strong interest, adding to
    the already existing 86 communities covered by the on-going CARMAC
    project. Pasture users cooperatives will be established in about 100
    communities, which will be the key players in developing sustainable
    pasture/livestock management plans and receiving grant resources
    of about US$ 200,000 per PUC for their implementation. Funding may
    include financing of infrastructure to access and use remote pastures,
    milk collection points with cooling equipment, machinery to produce
    and harvest fodder, and other activities of community importance.

    "I would highlight the long-term benefits of value chain development
    for the efficiency of agricultural output," says Nicolas Ahouissoussi,
    World Bank Task Team Leader of the project. "The project will support
    agricultural producers and processors to improve the ability to meet
    domestic demand and access international markets, building on the
    competitive advantages of the Armenian market."

    Support programs for women and youth are planned to enhance their
    participation in the PUCs along with their communal decision-making
    process around pasture management. Along with other activities,
    the project pays special attention and will contribute to increasing
    the capacity of public sector institutions, such as regional-level
    Veterinary Service Centers and State Service for Food Safety, to
    facilitate business development and enable market access in the
    selected value chains.
