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Our Security Depends On Correct Management Of Our Life

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  • Our Security Depends On Correct Management Of Our Life


    Siranuysh Papyan, Interviewer
    Interview - Friday, 27 June 2014, 12:35

    The RA Prime minister announced in Artsakh that Armenia will do
    everything for the security and development of Artsakh. What is your
    opinion on this statement?

    No Armenian official visiting Artsakh can say that Armenia will not
    guarantee the security of Artsakh. Of course, it should be so, and it
    is not heroism. However, there was another message in this statement
    that Artsakh is not ours according to our perceptions and legislation.

    It would be better if the Armenian prime minister said "though
    legislatively Artsakh does not belong to Armenia, but in our
    perceptions Artsakh is ours".

    Therefore we have initiated Artsakh Is Ours and That's It Movement.

    You also demand Serzh Sargsyan's resignation.

    We demanded Serzh Sargsyan earlier, a year ago. As to the attitude to
    the RA government, the conditions increasingly aggravate, the world
    and region are undergoing geopolitical changes. In fact, security in
    the region is not ensured by politics only. People's psychological
    readiness is more important, and this is the only guarantee of our
    security. People must be psychologically ready and encouraged. And
    the reason is, first of all, injustice, including social injustice. We
    must strive for justice because people's morale cannot be boosted when
    they can see unfair treatment, when they see their government leading
    the country in the wrong direction. Today, the loss of sovereignty
    of Armenia disrupts security.

    The security of Artsakh is ensured by our inner potential, not on the
    condition of being with Russians and guided by them. The policy of
    the Russian government which is already centuries old is not close to
    our heart. Having highly complicated relations with Turkey, Russia has
    always resolved its problems at the expense of Armenian territories.

    Should we be so faithful to Russia to agree to give a boost to its
    foot? We should not be so blindly faithful to the empire. This is
    the danger. Most of our people are blind, and a government official
    who belongs to these people may also be blind. Here is the secret of
    our security, not Smerch or other missiles. If our morale is high,
    the enemy will not be able to do anything, no matter how strong it is.

    Look at the United States, being such a powerful country, in the
    long run it was unable to bend Afghanistan and had to withdraw. And
    in our case, Azerbaijan is not stronger than us, on the contrary,
    we are strong, we are the winner country.

    Our security is the correct management of our life not to have our
    citizens leave the country to earn a living in other countries. This is
    an alarming thing and needs to be addressed. One cannot feed people on
    words. If a person migrates from the country to earn a living, it means
    it is really bad in our country. We must understand this, both the
    government and people. And we must be able to resolve these problems.

    Recently the border has been tense. We have victims in the army almost
    every day.

    We have made a number of proposals to the head of state, army command
    but they are declined. On the one hand, this is obviously a war that
    is not over, and victims are possible but it is possible reduce
    victims and no steps are taken. There are no experienced veterans
    among the high and middle-ranking commanders on the front line. They
    come from the Armed Forces. They don't want to serve because they
    cannot reconcile with the strange phenomena observed in the army.

    Indeed, there are steps and actions that strengthen the army but
    there are also actions that disturb the natural course and friendly
    coexistence in the army. We have negative examples and facts, such as
    the 9 levels of the law-enforcement system for regulation of relations
    within the personnel, in the result of which thousands of officers
    and sergeants are incarcerated, and 80% of servicemen are serving a
    conditional sentence. Isn't this a serious reason for people to quit
    the army? There must be justice in the army as well. If there is not,
    we must attend to it.

    How is it possible to prevent violations of field manuals, inhuman
    treatment of soldiers in the army?

    There are methods. Unfortunately, the army we gave birth to does not
    exist anymore. I wish we had the army which we created once. It was an
    Armenian army which was created in accordance with the situation and
    under specific conditions. Now the prominent ex-Soviet military who
    were not there during the war have created a different army. They came
    later and created an army which is not like the armies of the world. I
    have served in the Soviet army where there were three levels of law
    enforcement system: command investigation, military prosecutor and
    military arbitrator. Our army currently has about ten law enforcement
    bodies and they all have their agent networks inside the army, which
    disturbs army life. In other words, it is necessary to establish
    social justice in the army as well.

    Mr. Badasyan, is the security of the airport of Stepanakert guaranteed
    considering Azerbaijan's regular threats to strike the planes taking
    off from the airport.

    The operation of the airport of Stepanakert is ensured, Azerbaijan's
    statements are bubbles. I think those statements stem from Russian
    imperialistic ambitions to have Moscow station troops and use the
    airport of Stepanakert as a Russian lodgment. I am sure we can use
    the airport tomorrow, and nobody will hinder because if they strike
    our plane, we will strike their planes. During the wars of the past
    century, including World War II, no civilian planes were hit.

    Azerbaijan will not hit either because currently tens of Azerbaijan
    planes fly over Artsakh and we do not strike them. The airplanes can
    fly freely and one can only make guesses why they are not flying yet.

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