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Ken Davitian Travels: Artists For Peace, Trip To Armenia With Hollyw

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  • Ken Davitian Travels: Artists For Peace, Trip To Armenia With Hollyw


    Thursday, June 26th, 2014

    Ken Davitian's project with Artists for Peace about racism in soccer


    Ken Davitian, a prolific Hollywood actor with roles in many popular
    TV shows and award-winning films, is in Belgium the last week of
    June to complete an Artists for Peace video, then heads to Armenia
    to explore film projects.

    In Belgium, Davitian is performing in "The Final Game," an original
    video project / collaboration of FMS Media and Artists for Peace. "The
    idea was given to us by Flora Martirosyan, the Armenian opera star,
    who sang at the Gibson Amphitheatre back in 2011 in an Artists for
    Peace concert," said Davitian. "I was the MC at that concert. Now,
    Artists for Peace is producing a video against racism, in honor of
    Flora and her son. It draws attention to racism experienced by soccer
    players around the world. It will be released on YouTube this July
    6 to coincide with the championship game of the World Cup."

    After the video shoot, Davitian heads to Armenia with his producing
    partner Arsen Bagdasaryan from Hollywood Film Partners to scout
    locations for their green-lit motion picture "Cloud Band." The script
    was written by Orange County attorney Leo Alexander and based on
    his family's true story of losing and trying to recover a family
    heirloom carpet stolen by the Turks. "It's a romantic comedy, based
    on a true story, and it mixes in the story of the genocide along the
    way," said Davitian. "A carpet woven to celebrate the merging of two
    families in a marriage was stolen, and surfaces 100 years later. The
    great-grandson of genocide survivors tries to recover it, encounters
    resistance for the carpet's Turkish owner, but meets an Armenian girl
    during his travels and falls in love. The script has been acquired
    and developed, and we are now working out logistics, including whether
    we can shoot exterior locations or the whole film in Armenia."

    "Orphans of the Genocide," a major PBS documentary which featured the
    work of Armenian orphans producing hand-made rugs, including the one
    given to U.S. President Calvin Coolidge, was promoted and supported
    by Davitian, and he cites the work as an inspiration for his current
    project. "There's a lot of discussion about the genocide in 'Cloud
    Band,'" said Davitian. "The owner of the carpet won't sell it to
    its original owners' descendant because he doesn't want to admit the
    facts of the genocide. The movie's aim is to show the parties should
    be talking to each other."

    Davitian will arrive one week ahead of Yerevan's Golden Apricot Film
    Festival, set for mid-July. He has plans to do a few classes there
    for film students, directors and producers. His goal is to introduce
    the Hollywood film industry to Armenia, and to open the doors for
    collaboration. "Along with preliminary location scouting, we want to
    see if there is government support for projects like "Cloud Band,"
    and other projects as well. We are prepared to do at least three
    major projects, all of which are close to development."

    Hollywood Film Partners has also developed a business plan and is
    talking to investors about building a major film studio in Armenia that
    would start by producing two films per year, then build out to eight,
    along with an accompanying theme park that would attract tourists
    and employ many locals. "There are all kinds of products available to
    buy now in Armenia. What the country needs is to put people to work,
    and give them a sense of hope," emphasizes Davitian.

    "This is show business - movies wouldn't be made if they didn't make
    money. Such projects in Armenia are an investment opportunity for
    people who have the money!"

    The Golden Apricot Film Festival has gained fame and popularity in
    recent years and will help Davitian and his partners determine the
    potential for international and cross-cultural alliance. Davitian
    hopes to bring his passion for his craft to the country and serve as
    Armenia's ambassador to Hollywood. "With the 100th Anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide upon us, now more than ever it is important that
    we tell our history. The ability of feature film-making allows us to
    bring several components together in depicting the tragic events that
    led to the massacre of over 1.5 million Armenians."
