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Border Tensions Amid Stalled Talks: Armenian Side Calls For NKR's Fu

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  • Border Tensions Amid Stalled Talks: Armenian Side Calls For NKR's Fu


    KARABAKH | 27.06.14 | 11:33


    By Gohar Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Stepanakert airport: Video with small airplane's flight appears
    on internet

    The Inter-Parliamentary Commission of the National Assemblies of
    the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) on
    Thursday urged the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to take the necessary
    steps to ensure the full participation of the NKR in all stages of
    the negotiation process.

    According to political analyst Tigran Abrahamyan, the passivity
    observed in the negotiation process recently is conditioned by
    the apparent toughening of the position of Azerbaijan. He says the
    recent tensions along the line of contact in Karabakh and at the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani border is the result of this toughening, towards
    which, according to the analyst, the international community and, first
    of all, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, remain "strangely indifferent".

    "The joint statement is primarily aimed at drawing the international
    community's attention to the dangerous situation in the negotiation
    process, as the observed indifference can lead to undesirable
    consequences," Abrahamyan tells ArmeniaNow, adding that he does
    not think, however, that this statement will result in significant
    changes and that the negotiators will finally decide how to behave
    in this situation.

    Although top officials in Azerbaijan continue to declare that they
    do not want to harm the civilian population of Armenia, shooting at
    the border continues unabated and it is also Armenian villagers who
    suffer from this shooting.

    A few days ago, on the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment
    of Azerbaijani Armed Forces the country's Defense Minister Zakir
    Hasanov told the state news agency AzerTAG that Baku has "every
    opportunity to hit any object and settlement on the territory of
    Armenia." "However, for the current situation the peaceful Armenian
    population is not to blame and it constrains us," he said.

    On Thursday, just like during the whole passing week, Azeri troops
    fired at Armenian borderline villages in Tavush not only during night
    hours, but also during the day when villagers are engaged in farming
    activities and become soft targets for Azeri troops, including snipers.

    According to political analyst Abrahamyan, tensions observed in the
    frontlines follow a certain pattern and periodicity and are mostly
    conditioned by certain events.

    "The current tense situation is also connected with the vague situation
    in the negotiation process. No matter how hard the mediators try to
    arrange a meeting at the presidential level, it is because of the
    unconstructive approaches of the Azerbaijani side that these efforts
    fail," the analyst says.

    In addition to the border tensions and repeated ceasefire violations,
    there is also a continued standoff in the information domain. It
    particularly intensified after a video appeared on the internet
    showing a two-seater airplane with NKR symbols on it taking off,
    flying around and landing again at the Stepanakert airport. Since
    the reconstruction of the facility several years ago officials in
    Azerbaijan have repeatedly threatened to shoot down any aircraft
    taking off or landing in Karabakh, which Azerbaijan still considers
    to be its territory.

    Ani Margaryan, who monitors Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian propaganda,
    says that during four days the video with the Karabakh airplane was
    viewed more than 32,000 times, and that also includes viewers in
    Azerbaijan, where they took it as a sign that "Armenians already
    re-operate the airport".

    "Meanwhile, on several occasions corresponding bodies in Karabakh as
    well as head of the Civil Aviation Department of the Government of
    Artsakh Dmitry Adbashyan stressed that helicopters and small aircraft
    have many times used the airport before and will continue to do so,
    but passenger transportation is not being carried out yet despite
    the airport's being technically ready for that," Margaryan tells
    ArmeniaNow, adding that Azeri media mostly presented the flight by
    the two-seater plane as the first flight from the Stepanakert airport,
    without mentioning the fact that other flights have also taken place
    before. That's how, she says, they tried to avoid giving explanations
    as to why despite threats from Azerbaijan the airport in Stepanakert
    is being used by Armenians.

    From: Baghdasarian