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Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine Has A New CEO

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  • Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine Has A New CEO


    by Arthur Yernjakyan

    Friday, June 27, 03:13

    The largest mining enterprises in Armenia, Zangezur Copper Molybdenum
    Combine (ZCMC), has a new Chief Executive Officer - Neil Stevenson,
    who is the reprehensive of Cronimet Mining AG, the major shareholder of
    ZCMC, says the press release of the Cronimet Mining Office in Yerevan.

    The source says that the relevant decision was taken at the June 24
    annual meeting of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine in Yerevan.

    Stevenson has a huge experience in mining and he is also engaged in
    other mining projects of Cronimet. The shareholders decided to a set
    up a Board of Directors, which will be headed by Maxim Hakobyan,
    the former CEO. The meeting covered the results of the company's
    activities in 2013 and the development prospects. The shareholders
    qualified the ZCMC's activity over the past few years as positive and
    effective and praised the staff of the Combine. They also approved
    projects on technical expansion of the company and creation of new
    jobs, considered the further activity and outlined the key directions
    for further strategic development.

    Managing Director and Founder of Cronimet Mining Gunter Pilasky, CEO
    of Cronimet Mining Thomas Heil, ZCMC CEO Maxim Hakobyan and others
    attended the meeting.

    Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine CJSC is the largest mining
    enterprise in Armenia and exploits the Kajaran deposit, which is the
    richest in the CIS by its copper content. ZCMC was privatized for 132
    mln USD on 14 December 2004. Afterwards, 60% of its shares passed into
    the ownership of Cronimet Mining (Germany), with the remaining 15%,
    12.5% and 12.5% having gone to the Pure Iron Plant (Yerevan), Armenian
    Molybdenum Production CJSC and Zangezur Mining LLC, respectively.

    According to Cronimet Holding (headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany),
    over the past few years the total investments in Zangezur Copper
    Molybdenum Combine CJSC amounted to over $500 mln. The investments have
    ensured failure-free operation of the enterprise. By its equipment and
    production capacities, the Combine is highly competitive with the best
    international companies today. ZCMC is a local economic mainstay and
    makes an invaluable contribution to Armenia's economy and creation of
    jobs. In 2013, Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine CJSC topped the list
    of the largest taxpayers of Armenia, having paid 37.8 bln AMD to the
    state budget. Cronimet Mining also owns 51% of "Pure Iron Plant" OJSC's
    shares and 51% of ELBAT CJSC, an automotive battery production plant.

    From: A. Papazian