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Baku Smooth Its Rights Record With A Thick Layer Of Caviar

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  • Baku Smooth Its Rights Record With A Thick Layer Of Caviar



    Some caviar and a lot of oil have a long way to go together.

    In recent years, Baku has spent millions of dollars to convince
    politicians in Europe and the United States as the country's oil-rich
    Caucasus is a reliable partner - and deflect criticism that the
    country is authoritarian and does not respect basic human rights.

    On October 30, some 600 influential Washington met in the halls of the
    National Museum for a five course dinner and sponsored by the Alliance
    Azerbaijan-USA show. The evening was hosted by the President of the
    Alliance and former U.S. Congressman Dan Burton. The "Honorary Host
    Committee" of the event included four U.S. senators and 13 members
    of Congress.

    Joshua Noonan, analyst Azerbaijan "The Conway Bulletin" who attended
    the gala in Washington said: "It was a useful exercise for them
    because they were former members of Congress and people the media
    establishment in Washington, a lot of people who lobby for them were
    also there. It was pretty interesting. It was a great event. "

    The event took place in the sumptuous surroundings of the aggressive
    strategy of Baku "caviar diplomacy", using a wide range of gifts and
    other incentives to change the opinions of decision makers in favor
    of Azerbaijan.

    Diplomacy Caviar

    Former U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Kauzlarich told RFE /
    RL that "such events only underline the contrast between reality and
    fiction about Azerbaijan."

    The term "caviar diplomacy" has become the title of a report
    published in May 2012 by the European Stability Initiative (ESI),
    a think tank specializing in Southern Europe and the challenges of
    the EU enlargement.

    Gerald Knaus, president of ESI and an author of the report Azerbaijan,
    told RFE / RL how the project was born.

    "As the situation of democracy and human rights in Azerbaijan
    continued to deteriorate, the Council of Europe - whose role is to
    ensure European standards of democracy and human rights - has become
    less audible and more silent in his review, "said Knaus. "This applies
    to elections, political prisoners, the general monitoring obligations
    of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe with regard to the rights of
    man. So we decided to try to understand and describe how this process
    to silence this institution was actually used and how it worked. "

    Rebecca Vincent, activist Human Rights based in London and a former
    U.S. diplomat in Baku, said the offensive public relations of
    Azerbaijan has made his job more difficult.

    "From the point of view of a defender of human rights, it makes our job
    very difficult in some of these European institutions, including the
    Council of Europe - I think it also aa place at EU level European -
    when we raise concerns about issues relating to human rights, there
    clearly was the politicians who have been balanced in the opposite
    direction, "said Rebecca Vincent.

    Gerald Knaus ESI adds that the efforts of Baku were "very aggressive."

    "The [diplomacy Caviar] includes a systematic approach to build
    friends, invite people in large numbers. Dozens of members of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) are invited
    to Baku by pro-government NGOs or directly by the government every
    year, "said Knaus."It takes a very aggressive lobbying, promising
    and offering positions as lobbyists people who occupied prominent
    positions in the Council of Europe before sending a clear signal - if
    you're on our side, you could become a well-paid lobbyist. " The ESI
    report mentions, among others, former German Christian Democrat and
    former member of PACE Eduard Lintner, who was part of a delegation
    of the PACE noted Azerbaijani referendum in March 2009, abolished
    presidential term limits and paved the way for President Aliyev to
    remain in his office indefinitely.

    The report of the PACE delegation stated that the widely criticized
    referendum "showed the will of the people of Azerbaijan have greater
    stability and elements for greater democratization." At the end
    of 2009, PACE Lintner left to become president of the Society for
    the Promotion of German-Azerbaijani Relations (GEFDAB) - a shadowy
    organization described as a de facto group lobbying for Baku.

    For the presidential election last month in Azerbaijan, where Aliyev
    received the third term GEFDAB sponsored a mission to observe the
    elections by a Belgian NGO registered. The mission found the election
    "fair, democratic and transparent."

    Think Tanks

    Lobbying efforts Baku also seem to extend to the use of focus groups
    to change public opinion. One month before the presidential election,
    the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC) in
    Brussels, published a report entitled "Azerbaijan Republic: a model
    of good governance."

    In broken English, the report praised the "stable social welfare"
    in Azerbaijan, explains the rights of women, "comparable to that
    of EU Member States" and notes Baku "absolute respect for religious
    minorities. "

    The site ESISC stresses "produces custom reports, analysis and ...

    briefings to meet the exact needs of each client in the industry." The
    center does not say who the "client" in the case of the report on
    Azerbaijan.Efforts Baku in Europe seemed to bear fruit in January when
    PACE rejected - by a vote of 175 against and 79 in favor - a stern
    report by Christoph Strasser Special Rapporteur on the identification
    of 85 political prisoners in Azerbaijan and calling for their release.

    German MEP Strasser has not received a visa to enter Azerbaijan since
    he was appointed Special Rapporteur in 2009.

    In many ways, the offensive diplomacy caviar Baku seems related to the
    presidential election last month. According to ESI, which this week
    published a report on the election and its aftermath, no less than
    50 organizations sent observation teams during the elections in Baku.

    Forty-nine of them - especially obscure and many of them are connected
    with the Azerbaijani NGOs funded as GEFDAB Lintner and welcomed
    the vote.

    Only the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
    criticized the election as undemocratic and non-compliant with
    international standards. Baku has since threatened to significantly
    reduce its cooperation with the OSCE.

    Former U.S. diplomat Vincent does not hesitate to describe the actions
    of many MEPs as "unethical".

    "It sends a bad impression. I think, especially for policymakers in
    democratic countries where they enjoy human rights and fundamental
    freedoms to replenish an authoritarian regime that does not respect
    the rights of its citizens while their constituents at home have
    no idea really what they are abroad - it is not quite reasonable,
    "said Rebecca Vincent.

    The work of the Azerbaijan America Alliance seems to be a geographical
    extension efforts Baku in Europe. Although officially an NGO, it was
    created by Anar Mammadov, Azerbaijan oligarch and a son of the Minister
    of Transport Ziya Mammadov. Even a glance at the website of the group
    says it strictly follows the positions of the Azerbaijani government.

    One of the main goals of the alliance is to develop the Azerbaijan
    Caucus in the U.S. Congress. This group, which was founded in 2004,
    now has 46 members.

    According to the website public interest, which
    monitors lobbying in Washington, the Alliance has paid the lobbying
    firm Fabiani & Company $ 1.8 million so far in 2013, more than half
    of total revenues lobbying. In 2012, Azerbaijan America Alliance
    Fabiani paid $ 2.4 million in 2011 and 1.8 million.

    The analyst Noonan, who attended the recent gala, said the public
    relations efforts of Baku are unlikely to be as influential in the
    United States they appear to have been in Europe. Ultimately, he
    said, must understand that Baku congressmen react more strongly to
    their constituents.

    "The [public diplomacy Baku] is useful for reaching higher-level
    individuals in Washington lobbying effort but this will not be a
    long-term success if voters representatives are not engaged. Without
    this commitment, it is only linkages. You are not going to influence
    policy at a deep level, "said Noonan.

    By Robert Coalson

    Radio Free Europe

    Thursday, June 26, 2014, Stephane ©
