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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 06/26/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 06/26/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY June 26, 2014
    St. Nersess the Great
    An icon depicting Catholicos Nersess the Great.

    ** Armenia's Saint of Compassion
    As the great-grandson of St. Gregory the Illuminator, he was heir to
    Armenia's most exalted lineage, and possessed all the qualities of a
    great spiritual leader. Yet he resisted becoming a priest, and by some
    accounts only accepted ordination and advancement at the insistence of
    Armenia's king.

    The king may have had cause to regret it. For when the new Catholicos
    Nersess ascended to the Throne of St. Gregory, he turned away from
    matters of the royal court. To Nersess, the church was first and
    foremost the servant and defender of the people: he strove to make
    Armenia a more hospitable place for the weak and dispossessed, and for
    the cultivation of the wholesome virtues of common family life.

    He built schools and orphanages; hospitals and shelters for the poor;
    monasteries and convents. At the bishops' council of Ashdishad, which
    Nersess convened in A.D. 364, he instituted reforms in the church
    canons that placed Christian charity, moral cleanliness, sincere
    worship, marriage and childrearing at the heart of religious

    Nersess was also outspoken in defiance of Armenia's impious
    leaders-and his unwavering moral integrity came at great cost. He was
    deposed from office; exiled from his homeland; eventually poisoned at
    the order of a depraved king. Nevertheless, his example of holiness
    and virtue left a lasting impression on the Armenian Church and
    people, who saw fit to canonize the reluctant catholicos, and name him
    `Nersess the Great.'

    On Saturday, the Armenian Church will again remember this remarkable
    4th-century figure during the Feast of St. Nersess the Great. Honor
    the day by performing an act of kindness for another living soul. And
    click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to read more about his life and ministry.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 1:1-15
    Rom 6:12-23
    Mt 12:1-8

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Dear Lord, you parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River as your people
    journeyed to the Promised Land. Lift away those things that keep us
    from you today as we continue the journey. We ask this in your name,
    and with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    28 June: Catholicos St. Nersess the Great

    1 July: Sts. Constantine the Emperor and his Mother Helen

    Return Churches
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian (center) with clergy and community members
    in Washington, DC.

    ** Seeking the Return of Stolen Churches
    Diocesan Ecumenical Director Archbishop Vicken Aykazian was on Capitol
    Hill in Washington, DC, this morning, to witness the passage of a
    religious freedom resolution calling for thousands of Christian holy
    sites in Turkey to be returned to their rightful owners.

    The sites in question include Armenian, Greek, Assyrian and other
    churches that were stolen, and often desecrated, by Turkish
    authorities in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide and the
    expulsion of historic Christian communities from Anatolia.

    The `Turkey Christian Churches Accountability Act' (H.R. 4347), passed
    today by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of
    Representatives, will require the U.S. Secretary of State to report to
    Congress every year on the U.S. government's efforts to secure the
    return, protection, and restoration of these Christian properties in
    the Republic of Turkey and in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus.

    Attending the congressional session, Archbishop Aykazian led a
    delegation of Diocesan clergymen including Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian and
    Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan of Washington, Fr. Mesrob Hovsepyan of Richmond,
    VA, and Fr. Hagop Gevorgyan of Cheltenham, PA. House Committee chair
    Ed Royce (R-CA) and ranking Democrat Eliot Engel (D-NY), who had
    introduced the bill, acknowledged Archbishop Aykazian's presence
    during the session. A number of congressmen made strong statements
    advocating for the preservation of Christian heritage sites in Turkey,
    and connecting this effort to the overall question of human rights.

    Archbishop Aykazian called the bill's passage `a very important
    development, which acknowledges the difficulties we and other
    Christians have in Turkey.' He noted that `out of 2,600 churches and
    monasteries, only two have been re-opened by the Turkish authorities,
    and one of those has been re-opened as a museum, not a religious

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to read the text of the `Turkey Christian Churches Accountability

    Patriarch Manougian at Holy Etchmiadzin
    Archbishop Nourhan Manougian and His Holiness Karekin II with members
    of the Supreme Spiritual Council.

    ** Patriarch of Jerusalem Visits Holy Etchmiadzin
    On Saturday, June 21, His Beatitude Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, the
    Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, visited Holy Etchmiadzin. He was
    welcomed with a
    hrashapar service and later met with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
    Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

    His Holiness and Archbishop Manougian discussed the recent projects of
    the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the life of the clergy in the
    Holy Land, as well as the activities of the Armenian community there.

    On the Feast of the Catholic Church of Holy Etchmiadzin, Archbishop
    Manougian joined the members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin
    for a service at the cathedral.

    On Monday, June 23, Archbishop Manougian chaired the Supreme Spiritual
    Council meeting held at Holy Etchmiadzin. Participants reviewed plans
    for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide, the process of canonization of the martyrs of 1915, and the
    Blessing of Muron ceremony scheduled for the fall of 2015.

    Holy Etchmiadzin Brotherhood meeting
    His Holiness Karekin II addresses members of the Brotherhood of Holy

    ** Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin Meets
    The biennial meeting of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin convened
    from June 16 to 23 in Armenia, with His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
    Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, presiding. Four clergy of
    the Eastern Diocese took part in the meeting: Very Rev. Fr. Simeon
    Odabashian, Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, Very Rev. Fr. Oshagan
    Gulgulian, and Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian.

    The sessions focused on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
    of 1915. Lectures were presented on such topics as `The Question of
    the Canonization of the Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide,' =80=9CThe
    Question of the Expulsion from the Homeland and the Legal Basis for
    Reparations,' and "The Armenian Church and Cultural Losses During the
    Genocide." Requiem services were held at the cemetery of the
    Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin and at the Dzidzernagapert memorial in

    Brotherhood members participated in the festal processions and
    services on the feasts of St. Hripsime, St. Gayane, St. Gregory the
    Illuminator, and the Feast of the Catholic Church of Holy
    Etchmiadzin. Fr. Odabashian and Fr. Findikyan delivered sermons on the
    feasts of St. Hripsime and St. Gayane, respectively. At midnight on
    the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin, the clergy took part in a special
    Divine Liturgy celebrated on the Altar of Descent, where they renewed
    their vow of loyalty to the Mother See, and their loving respect
    toward the Catholicos of All Armenians.

    A group of seven clergy, including the four priests from the Eastern
    Diocese, also visited the soldiers stationed on the Armenia-
    Nakhichevan border. The clergy prayed with the young men, learned
    about their daily life, and expressed their support for Armenia's
    armed forces and their mission of protecting the homeland.

    Amp. Markarian
    Ambassador Tatoul Markarian delivers remarks at the farewell event
    held in his honor.

    ** Community Honors Ambassador Markarian
    On Tuesday evening, June 24, diplomats, organization representatives,
    leaders in the arts and professions, and friends paid tribute to
    Ambassador Tatoul Markarian, Armenia's long-serving ambassador to the
    United States who is departing his post to take up another position
    for the Republic of Armenia.

    Ambassador Markarian has represented Armenia in Washington, DC, for
    nine years. During this period, the Armenian diplomat also served as
    Armenia's representative in the Organization of the American
    States. The farewell event took place in Haik and Alice Kavookjian
    Auditorium of the Diocesan Center.

    Click on the following links to read more
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    and to view photos
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    ** Society of Oriental Liturgy Visits Diocesan Center
    The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan was elected as vice president of
    the international Society of Oriental Liturgy on Saturday, June
    14. The election came as part of the academic society's biennial
    congress, which convened primarily at St. Vladimir's Orthodox
    Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY, during the week of June 8.

    On Friday, June 13, at the invitation of Diocesan Primate Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian, the congress delegates visited St. Vartan Armenian
    Cathedral, where they joined in a special prayer service. At a
    luncheon held later that afternoon at the Diocesan Center,
    Fr. Findikyan delivered an address titled, `The Origins of the Feast
    of the Ark of the Covenant: Echoes from Armenia.' Fr. Daniel related
    that the Armenians remain the only Christians to have preserved this
    feast, which they celebrate every year on the Saturday before the
    Feast of Christ's Transfiguration.

    The Society of Oriental Liturgy is a prestigious, world-wide
    association of scholars, historians and theologians specializing in
    the study of the liturgical traditions of the ancient eastern
    churches-including the Armenian Apostolic Church.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to read more.

    Fr. Garabed
    Fr. Garabed Kochakian spoke at the General Assembly of the
    Presbyterian Church about the importance of recognizing the Armenian

    ** Presbyterian Church Adopts Genocide Resolution
    At the request of Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the Diocese's Ecumenical
    Director, the Rev. Fr. Garabed Kochakian, pastor of St. John Church of
    Southfield, MI, represented the Armenian Church at the General
    Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA in Detroit on Monday, June 16.

    Fr. Kochakian spoke in support of a proposal to amend the Presbyterian
    Church USA's annual calendar to designate April 24 as a day of
    remembrance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

    `Though the actual survivors are now few in number, there is still no
    Armenian whose family has not been wounded by the sword of the Ottoman
    Turks and this tragedy in our history as a God-fearing people,'
    Fr. Kochakian said. `We appeal to the Presbyterian Church, our
    Christian brothers and sisters, to lift up your voices in support of
    the truth, standing with us as we remember the departed whose lives
    were stolen from our nation.'

    The proposal was passed, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian
    Church plans to call on the U.S. Congress to recognize the Armenian

    Journalist and activist Hagop Vartivarian was honored in New Jersey
    last weekend.

    ** Armenian Journalist Honored for 45 Years of Service
    Representatives of various Armenian organizations, community leaders,
    and friends gathered on Saturday, June 21, to honor journalist and
    activist Hagop Vartivarian on the 45th anniversary of his dedicated
    service to the Armenian cause.

    Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian delivered the opening prayer at the event
    held in Tenafly, NJ. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    spoke about Mr. Vartivarian's contributions to the Armenian Church and
    presented him with the `Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Medal' and Pontifical
    Encyclical, bestowed by His Holiness Karekin II.

    `Hagop is man of many activities, whose influence is felt throughout
    our community,' Archbishop Barsamian said. `We honor him tonight for
    his contributions to the Armenian literary arts-and in that role,
    Hagop is part of a very great, very ancient legacy among our people.'

    Also that evening, Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanian, Armenia's Permanent
    Representative to the UN, presented Mr. Vartivarian with the `Movses
    Khorenatsi Medal' bestowed by Armenia's President Serge Sargsyan.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Participants in the Information and Communication Technology forum
    held in Yerevan last spring.

    ** GTech Student Receives Award in Yerevan
    A student in the Fund for Armenian Relief's GTech program won a prize
    at an Information and Communication Technology forum in Yerevan,
    Armenia, last April.

    Lusine Khachatryan is a second-year Mobile Department student at
    GTech. She won first place at the forum, which was held at the
    American University of Armenia in Yerevan. The event aims to encourage
    young women to participate in the digital economy as partners in the
    building and shaping of the digital world.

    GTech was established in 2005 by FAR, in partnership with U.S. and
    Armenian technology companies, and with strong support from FAR's
    Young Professional
    ( da6c46fc8d&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=8bcfc720bc-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    alumni community. The goal of the center is to strengthen the
    information technology skills of young Armenians and to expand
    employment and business opportunities in the region for young
    professionals. GTech also helps to bolster development by incubating
    new start-up IT businesses.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to read more on FAR's blog.

    Holy Cross Church in Van
    Holy Cross Church, a precious jewel of Armenian architecture, on
    Aghtamar island in Lake Van.

    ** The Clock is Ticking
    There is still time to register for the Eastern Diocese's pilgrimage
    to historic Armenia, scheduled for September 3 to 15, 2014.

    Participants will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Holy Cross Church on
    the island of Aghtamar, and take part in prayer services at the
    St. Giragos Armenian Church of Dikranagert and the St. Gregory Church
    in Kayseri.

    The pilgrimage also includes visits to other cities of historic
    Armenia=80'Kharpert, Malatya, and Sepastia, and other locales. The
    journey will include a stop in Istanbul, where pilgrims will visit the
    Armenian Patriarchate.

    Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=8bcfc720bc-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to view a flyer for registration information. To view a short film
    about the Diocese's 2012 pilgrimage to historic Armenia, click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=8bcfc720bc-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)

    Deacons Ordained in White Plains
    >From left: Gregory Guroian, Peter Derderian, and Michael Givelekian
    kneel on the altar during the ordination service.

    ** Young Deacons Ordained in White Plains

    Three young men at St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains,
    NY, began a new journey in their service to the Armenian Church when
    they were ordained to the diaconate on Sunday, June 22.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, visited St. Gregory the
    Enlightener Church, where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy and
    performed the ordination service. The Primate was assisted by the
    Rev. Fr. Karekin Kasparian, the longtime pastor of the White Plains

    Following services, the Women's Guild hosted a brunch in the church's
    Tutak Hall. The entire parish gathered to congratulate Peter
    Derderian, Michael Givelekian, and Gregory Guroian on their

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
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    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)

    Holy Martyrs Church, Bayside, NY
    The Holy Martyrs Church sanctuary receives a fresh coat of paint.

    ** Bayside Parish Renovates Sanctuary

    Thanks to a generous donation, parishioners at Holy Martyrs Church of
    Bayside, NY, were able to repaint and renovate the sanctuary earlier
    this month.

    The work went forward under the leadership of the Rev. Fr. Abraham
    Malkhasyan, parish pastor; members of the parish council, and the
    facilities committee. Fr. Malkhasyan celebrated the first Divine
    Liturgy in the renovated sanctuary on Sunday, June 15.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Armenian School in Providence, RI
    Children sing a song at the Holy Translators Armenian School hantes.

    ** Armenian School Hantes in Providence

    The Holy Translators Armenian School of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church
    of Providence, RI, presented a hantes in celebration of the 100th
    anniversary of the church this month.

    Students recited the Lord' Prayer, sang spiritual songs, danced, and
    recited poetry. At the conclusion of the program, an elder of the
    community handed a lighted candle to the youngest Armenian School
    student, Armina Ayriyan.

    The hantes also celebrated the accomplishments of Maria Kasparian and
    Anna Robinson, two adult students who have earned certificates of
    achievement from the school. They read personal essays in Armenian
    explaining what inspired them to learn the Armenian language.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to view photos. 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434
    Fr. Arakel Aljalian with Sunday School graduates. (Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to enlarge the photo.)

    ** Watertown Celebrates 2014 Sunday School Class

    On Sunday, June 1, St. James Church of Watertown, MA, celebrated the
    graduation of 15 Sunday School students. Following the Divine Liturgy,
    the graduates received diplomas from the Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian,
    parish pastor, and Marsha Alabachian, school superintendent.

    The graduating class, taught by Julie Cristello, focused on the
    importance of service. Students spent the year organizing service
    projects in the Boston area, including `Holiday Mail for Heroes'
    through the American Red Cross and a volleyball game fundraiser to
    benefit a homeless shelter; they also volunteered to serve brunch at
    various shelters.

    `This past year of Sunday School has changed my outlook: I want to be
    a better person, for myself, for society, and in the eyes of our
    church,' said valedictorian Emma Kaloostian. `I hope we all never
    forget that we are capable of making a difference, even if it is one
    small act at a time.'

    Ms. Cristello told the students to `make sure that as you all head out
    into the real world, you speak up about things that matter. And
    remember, when the world gets overwhelming or you feel like you've
    lost God too, you can always return home to St. James.'

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to view a video highlighting the parish's 2013-14 academic year.

    Concert at St. Sahag Church
    Katya Grineva in concert at St. Sahag Church.

    ** A Concert at St. Sahag Church

    On Thursday, June 19, St. Sahag Church of St. Paul, MN, hosted a
    classical concert featuring the critically-acclaimed pianist Katya
    Grineva and the Exultate Chamber Orchestra.

    Ms. Grineva, who resides in New York, was visiting the Twin Cities for
    other concerts, and graciously volunteered her time to perform at
    St. Sahag Church. Thanks to her donation, proceeds from the event will
    benefit the church's `children's fund,' which supports summer camp

    Marriage Renewal in New Britain
    Married couples renewed their vows on Pentecost Sunday.

    ** Couples Renew Vows in New Britain

    On Pentecost Sunday, June 8, the Rev. Fr. Kapriel Mouradjian, pastor
    of Holy Resurrection Church of New Britain, CT, renewed the vows of
    six couples.

    Following services, the entire parish gathered to congratulate the
    couples and to wish them many more happy years together.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Sts. Joachim and Anne Church | Palos Heights, IL
    Sts. Joachim and Anne Church of Palos Heights, IL, will host its
    annual church picnic on Sunday, July 13, from 12 to 5 p.m.

    Enjoy lamb, chicken, and shish kebob; khorovadz, and other Armenian
    favorites. The event will be held on church grounds (12600 South
    Ridgeland Avenue in Palos Heights). For information, call the church
    at (708) 388-4940.

    Choir Workshop
    Youth choir directors at a winter workshop at St. Nersess Seminary.

    ** Registration Open for Youth Choir Program

    The Boyajian Youth Choir Directors Program will be held at St. Nersess
    Armenian Seminary from August 18 to 24.

    Young musicians interested in leading their parish choirs are
    encouraged to take part. Organized by the Diocese's Sacred Music
    Council, the program helps familiarize participants with the music of
    the Divine Liturgy.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    to download an application packet.

    Holy Land Pilgrimage 2014
    Pilgrims take part in a Bible study session at the Pater Noster

    ** Young Pilgrims Imbibe Armenian Spirit of the Holy Land

    In early June, a group of young adults from parishes across the
    Eastern Diocese came together to journey halfway across the world, to
    a place they had only heard about.

    Ten days later, the 29 young pilgrims returned as a family, changed by
    their experiences and brought together by their spiritual journey in
    the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The fourth annual Youth Leadership Pilgrimage to the Holy Land was led
    by Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian. The Primate was
    assisted by the Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan, pastor of St. Mary Church
    of Washington, DC; Maria Derderian, youth minister at St. James Church
    of Watertown, MA; and Arpi Nakashian, a student at St. Nersess
    Armenian Seminary.

    The pilgrims visited the Church of the Nativity of Christ in
    Bethlehem, the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the Jordan River, Sea of
    Galilee, and other holy sites. They also toured the Armenian
    Patriarchate of Jerusalem and learned about the Armenian presence in
    the Holy Land.

    Click on the following links to read about their journey
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-8bcfc720bc-159688434)
