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"Even Aliyev's Grandfathers Knew." The Azerbaijan President's Fiasco

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  • "Even Aliyev's Grandfathers Knew." The Azerbaijan President's Fiasco


    June 26 2014

    "Aliyev's speech can be considered am Azerbaijan President's fiasco
    in the PACE," characterized RPA MP Karen Avagyan, in the conversation
    with, referring to the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev's
    speech at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)
    summer session on June 24. Recall that Aliyev's speech was full of
    anti-Armenian propaganda. He stated that Armenia has occupied his
    territories, spoke of Armenia's anti-constructive position in the
    Karabakh conflict settlement process, and made hints about the fact
    that this situation (meaning the ceasefire regime -T.H.) cannot
    be extended forever. Meanwhile, Karen Avagyan considers Aliyev's
    "convulsions" results of appearing in unfavorable condition with
    Azerbaijan's positions in the diplomatic dimension. The MP observes
    that if Aliyev's assurances of democracy, freedom of expression,
    and human rights protection do not inspire faith, then why we are
    surprised when he speaks a lie about Artsakh. Referring to the
    position of the Armenian side, Mr. Avagyan said, "The Armenian side
    has always spoken in compliance with all international principles,
    reachable to the ear of the international community, and naturally,
    our positions are also shared in the PACE. It's quite different thing
    as to who understands what, specifically, I mean Aliyev, because,
    in my opinion, he understands these norms in his own interpretations.

    Therefore, it is said one thing at the negotiation table, and
    quite another thing to his own audience. It's true, Aliyev makes an
    articulate speech, but his thought is too far from being logical.

    Event Aliyev's grandfathers knew that Artsakh never belonged to
    Azerbaijan." Karen Avagyan does not think that the statements that
    were uttered by the lips of Azerbaijan president would be shared
    by anyone in the PACE. He detailed, "In the course of these years,
    they already managed to get acquainted with this issue and know
    that Artsakh needs a solution in compliance with the principles of
    international law. The worst thing is that Aliyev is trying to voice
    the militant statements typical to him also in the PACE, with a slight
    mitigation. I mean his statement that this situation cannot last
    long." Karen Avagyan is convinced that Aliyev was expecting another
    scenario in the PACE and was ready for something different, but the
    scenario did not evolve as he had designed, and his convulsions put
    him in unfavorable situation. With this regard, Karen Avagyan noted,
    "This is also evidenced by the recent violations of the cease-fire. I
    agree with the opinion that if they succeed in diplomacy, they would
    keep going with it, and there would not be a border tension."

    According to Karen Avagyan, Azerbaijan does not succeed in this
    platform, since "the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia's attitude
    are clear and understood by the world." To our observation of whether
    Armenia's attitude is not clear for Aliyev, since he stated in his
    speech http.// that "even Armenia has
    not recognized the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh," the Republican
    MP responded, "Armenia has repeatedly said why it had not recognized
    the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Once Aliyev is saying such a
    thing, and sometimes the representatives of some of our political
    forces. Obviously, they want to divert the peaceful negotiation
    process." To our other observation of how it happened that Azerbaijan
    managed to collect 58 signatures against the Armenia delegation in
    PACE, Mr. Avagyan responded, "By the oil odor of money smells. We
    all know how much money Azerbaijan spends on lobbying processes." We
    inquired whether the PACE President's unbeneficial statement for
    Armenia about territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was not the response
    of Armenia's orientation to the Eurasian Union, Karen Avagyan said,
    "You should not mix up the Karabakh processes with economic processes.

    I do not think that by saying territorial integrity the PACE President
    meant the Artsakh area. Artsakh people have all rights like other
    peoples, including the right to self-determination."


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