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BAKU: Azerbaijan opposes draft resolution regarding Ukraine crisis

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan opposes draft resolution regarding Ukraine crisis

    APA, Azerbaijan
    June 28 2014

    Azerbaijan opposes draft resolution regarding Ukraine crisis

    [ 28 Juny 2014 12:57 ]

    Bahar Muradova: `The draft resolution has a limited subject, is
    unilateral and does not fully cover the conflicts in the region'

    Baku. Mubariz Aslanov - APA. Dispute occurred during the discussion of
    the draft resolution regarding Ukraine crisis at the OSCE PA summer
    session in Baku.

    At today's meeting of the Standing Committee of the OSCE PA, President
    Ranko KrivokapiÄ? submitted for discussion the draft resolution of
    deputy head of the U.S. delegation to OSCE PA, Senator Benjamin Cardin
    regarding Ukraine crisis.

    The draft resolution condemns Russia's aggressive policy against
    Ukraine, demands the immediate liberation of Crimea and otherwise
    envisages the imposition of serious sanctions on Russia.

    First reaction for the resolution came from Azerbaijan. Head of the
    Azerbaijani delegation to the OSCE PA Bahar Muradova opposed the
    resolution. Muradova noted that the adoption of such resolutions in
    the subject of conflicts is unjust: `If we adopt resolution about the
    conflict in the region, we have to consider all conflicts in the
    region. Why do you forget the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict? The OSCE,
    including the U.S. has not come to a conclusion for 22 years. Now, you
    are passing over this and discussing unilateral issues. I repeatedly
    told Mr Cardin that as a co-chairing country of the Minsk Group, the
    U.S. should take serious steps to fulfill its commitments to the
    settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijan has been
    looking forward to the return of our occupied territories for 22
    years, and we expect it from you. Over a million refugees and IDPs are
    awaiting you. While we have been waiting for the adoption of such a
    resolution for 22 years, you once again neglect this issue in our
    country, adopting a unilateral resolution for a new conflict. We think
    an opportunity has now come up for OSCE to take steps to prevent the
    existing conflicts in the region, and future conflicts that are likely
    to occur. Therefore, we propose and demand that either Mr Cardin
    includes all the conflicts into this resolution, provisions to be
    presented therein meet the interests of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine
    and Moldova in a balanced manner or take this document back and work
    on it and submit it for discussion during the `Helsinki+40' event, for
    whose anniversary we are preparing for. This resolution has a limited
    subject at the moment, is unilateral and does not fully cover the
    conflicts in the region. Therefore, we are completely against the
    adoption of the document'.

    Head of the Ukrainian delegation to OSCE PA Oleg Zarubinsky said you
    do not need to be a mature lawyer when you're talking about
    international law: `There are conflicts outside Ukraine, too. If we
    don't react to direct violation of international principles, then why
    have we gathered here? Russia has violated the norms and principles of
    international law. If we're going to tolerate it, then why are we
    working? Let's go away back to our countries and await our end'.
