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The Oscars: Pizza Delivery He'll Never Forget

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  • The Oscars: Pizza Delivery He'll Never Forget


    Los Angeles Times
    March 4, 2014 Tuesday
    Home Edition

    Edgar Martirosyan thought pies were for Oscar staff. Then he found
    himself onstage.

    by: Amy Kaufman

    When Edgar Martirosyan showed up at the Dolby Theatre on Sunday with
    a stack of pizza boxes in hand, he thought he was delivering a few
    pies to some hardworking Oscar staffers.

    But Martirosyan, co-owner of Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria on Sunset
    Boulevard, soon found himself being led onto the Oscar stage by host
    Ellen DeGeneres. With 43 million viewers watching at home, he was
    instructed to hand out slices to some of Hollywood's biggest stars,
    including Julia Roberts and Jared Leto.

    "I was shocked," Martirosyan said in a phone interview Monday
    afternoon. "When I realized I was onstage, I didn't understand what
    was going on. Like, 'What am I doing here?' "

    The 30-year-old's journey to Hollywood & Highland began Saturday, he
    said, when he received a call from an Oscar staffer asking whether he
    would be able to handle a delivery to the Dolby the following day. He
    was told he'd be getting the order after 5 p.m. Sunday.

    When Sunday evening rolled around, Martirosyan was slammed. He doesn't
    usually deliver pizzas himself -- that stopped five years ago, when
    he went from an employee to co-owner of the Hollywood outpost of the
    pizzeria. But because of how busy it was, he decided to help out and
    drive over to the Dolby himself.

    Even though he had to pass through a number of security barriers,
    he never imagined that he would end up as part of the telecast.

    "They told me it was going to be for the writers," he said.

    When he finally got backstage, he was told to wait, and suddenly
    DeGeneres appeared. She introduced herself to him, and then the host
    told Martirosyan to follow her, without saying where they were going.

    She didn't give him any instructions on how to behave or what to say,
    and before he knew it he was in front of the Hollywood elite.

    Born in Armenia, Martirosyan moved to Moscow at age 10; there, he grew
    up watching some Hollywood films, including Roberts' "Pretty Woman."

    Needless to say, he was star struck when he found himself handing her
    a slice of cheese pizza. "She was actually more beautiful in person,"
    he said with a laugh.

    And then, just as quickly as he'd found himself in the spotlight, he
    was back at work. When he walked into the pizza shop, his employees
    greeted him with screams. Reporters from local news outlets and
    paparazzi had also gathered outside the restaurant.

    On Monday morning, Martirosyan filmed an interview with DeGeneres
    for her talk show in Burbank, while his Facebook page was covered
    with comments from friends congratulating him on the Oscars appearance.

    Elsewhere on Facebook, Big Mama's & Papa's -- which has 20 locations in
    California -- was touting the accomplishments of the franchise owner.

    Referring to his journey as the "American Dream Come True!," a post
    described how Martirosyan went from delivery driver to franchise owner.

    In fact, Martirosyan said, he started out even lower on the food
    chain at Big Mama's -- handing out fliers on the street on behalf of
    the business.

    "I always loved to cook and had a real interest in learning to make
    pizzas," he recalled. "So I became a cook, and then a manager, and
    then an owner. Business wasn't that good -- it wasn't that clean when
    we came, and I'm really picky. So I started to clean everything up
    and grow the business."

    As for how all the attention from the Oscars would affect sales,
    Martirosyan said he was trying not to get ahead of himself.

    "Of course, extra orders are very good," he said. "But I'm very calm.

    I'm not going crazy now. I'm really chill. This is just another,
    regular busy day."
