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ANC Canada Urges Switzerland To Appeal ECHR Ruling

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  • ANC Canada Urges Switzerland To Appeal ECHR Ruling

    Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

    Armenian National Committee of Canada

    OTTAWA, Canada--On Thursday, Feb. 27, the Armenian National Committee
    of Canada (ANCC) met with Swiss Ambassador to Canada, Ulrich Lehner.

    The meeting, by request of the ANCC, was to convey to the Swiss
    ambassador the importance that the Swiss government exercise its right
    to appeal the European Court of Human Rights' verdict on genocide
    denial in Europe, stemming from a case involving a Turkish politician,
    Dogu Perincek.

    ANCC voiced the serious concerns of Armenian-Canadians, and Armenians
    worldwide, regarding the ECHR's December 17, 2013, decision that
    rejected the Swiss court's 2007 decision to penalize, under Swiss
    Penal Law, Dogu Perincek's vehement denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    In 2007, Turkish politician Dogu Perincek was convicted by the
    Federal Court of Switzerland for publicly denying the Armenian
    Genocide that included his public statement that "the genocide is
    an international lie." The ECHR subsequently ruled that it was not a
    crime for Perincek to publicly deny the Armenian Genocide, contrary
    to Swiss laws prohibiting denial and other European directives urging
    states to take a stronger stance in fighting denial of genocide and
    crimes against humanity.

    In an open and frank discussion with the Swiss Ambassador, the ANCC
    highlighted the gravity of some of the key factual and legal errors
    in the reasoning of the five to two majority decision of the ECHR

    The ANCC urged Switzerland, a nation that has been at the forefront of
    prohibiting denial of genocide and crimes against humanity in Europe,
    to keep its principled stance on the matter. "There is ample scholarly
    and expert opinion that would support Switzerland's strong grounds
    to appeal the decision" said ANCC president, Dr. Girair Basmadjian,
    pointing to the dissenting opinions of two of the seven ECHR judges
    who heard the case. "The message that Switzerland will be sending
    to Europe and the world, if it chooses to accept this ECHR verdict
    and not to appeal it, will not only cause a significant setback to
    Turkey's recognition of the Armenian genocide, but it will also be
    a significant setback to fighting denial of other genocides, and to
    the prevention of genocides from occurring in the future."

    The decision to request a revision of the ECHR' decision rests
    primarily on Switzerland's Federal Department of Justice and Police
    (FDJP), headed by Minister Simonetta Sommaruga. The ANCC anticipates
    that the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and even the
    Swiss Federal Council, may weigh in on the decision, given the broader
    legal and political repercussions that this ECHR verdict will have on
    fighting genocide denial, racism and incitement to hatred in Europe
    and possibly beyond.
