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British Parliament Discusses Karabakh Conflict. An Adjournment Debat

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  • British Parliament Discusses Karabakh Conflict. An Adjournment Debat


    12 February 2014

    An adjournment debate on Nagorno-Karabakh took place on Tuesday,
    11 February 2014 in the British Parliament. Adjournment debates
    are triggered at the request of back bench MPs who can raise any
    matter that they wish. The Labour MP Stephen Pound chose to speak on
    Karabakh in the debate and a government Minister from the Foreign and
    Commonwealth Office was also on hand to give a government response
    to the points raised.

    The following is a complete report of the debate as carried by the
    Parliamentary Journal, Hansard.

    Stephen Pound (Ealing North) (Lab):

    May I share with the House the fact that this month marks the 20th
    anniversary of the ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh,
    which is also known as the mountainous Karabakh republic? Many people
    know very little about the political situation in the south Caucasus,
    but I am very grateful to the hon. Member for Maldon (Mr Whittingdale),
    my hon. Friend the Member for Bishop Auckland (Helen Goodman) and
    the noble Lady, Baroness Cox in the other House, for frequently
    raising the subject. My purpose in raising it in this Adjournment
    debate is that the Minsk process has sought to resolve the conflict
    since the ceasefire 20 years ago, but now appears to be stalled, if
    not frozen. I seek tonight to try to apply the gentlest of nudges to
    the three Minsk co-chairs, to see if we cannot make progress.

    It is difficult to understand and almost impossible to appreciate the
    full extent and horror of the war that raged between February 1988
    and May 1994 in Nagorno-Karabakh. One has to go back many centuries
    if one wants to discover its origin, but, for the sake of brevity,
    Mr Speaker, and to avoid testing your patience and indulgence, I
    shall refer to a couple of simple and basic facts. In that war-and
    it was a war; it was not a regional conflict, a local conflagration
    or skirmish-on one side was an Azerbaijani army of 42,000 people,
    of whom 11,000 died, and on the Armenian side was an army of 20,000,
    of whom 6,000 died. There were Afghan mujaheddin and Chechen volunteers
    fighting on the side of the Azeris, and Armenian volunteers and people
    from the diaspora fighting on the other side. It was an extraordinarily
    bloody war, and I think that, because there was UK-British involvement
    in the early days of the creation of the boundaries of these republics,
    we have a duty to do what we can to nudge the matter forward.

    After the Russian revolution in 1917, the three south Caucasian
    republics, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, together formed a
    trans-Caucasian federation, which sadly did not last long, collapsing
    after three months. British troops occupied a great deal of the south
    Caucasus, particularly Baku in Azerbaijan, in 1919, pending the
    Paris peace conference-a period in which we were rightly involved
    in the area. However, the Soviet army invaded and set up something
    called the Kavburo-the Caucasus bureau-which at the time voted 4:3
    in favour of the area we know as the mountainous Karabakh republic
    or Nagorno-Karabakh being allocated to Armenia.

    You will know, Mr Speaker, as will many in this House, that the
    dividing line between the two communities is very deep and very
    ancient. Armenia has been a Christian country since 301 AD; the vast
    majority of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh are Christian, and
    the majority of the population of Azerbaijan Muslim. There has been a
    degree of tension, which has spilled over into bloody ethnic conflict.

    Jim Shannon (Strangford) (DUP):

    Churches had to register in Azerbaijan by 1 January 2010. Any house
    churches active after that date were raided by police and state
    authorities, with church leaders arrested and sent to jail. Should
    not our Government make representations to the Azerbaijan Government
    to stop the persecution of Christians and actions against the churches?

    Stephen Pound:

    The hon. Gentleman's record on addressing the persecution of Christians
    is second to none, and I hope that his words reverberate and are
    heard beyond this Chamber.

    After the Caucasus bureau voted for Nagorno-Karabakh being allocated
    to Armenia, there was an intervention by the Communist party leader
    in Azerbaijan, Nariman Narimanov, who reversed that decision. He was
    guided in this by the people's commissar for nationalities-better
    known to us as Joseph Stalin.

    Things came to a head in 1985, when Gorbachev was elected in the Soviet
    Union. In the ensuing feeling of perestroika-the slight lifting of
    the yoke-there were demonstrations in Yerevan and Baku, which were
    very much about determination of what was then called an enclave
    between the two countries. In February 1988, there were skirmishes
    near Askeran in Artsakh, on the Stepanakert-Agdam road. Then there
    was what is still-rightly-called the pogram in Sumgait, in which many
    Armenians were killed in the most horrendous circumstances. There were
    riots for three days and then the Soviet Army intervened. As if that
    were not enough, in December 1988 there was an enormous earthquake,
    which killed 25,000 people in what was then called Leninakan and is
    now Gyumri.

    That period saw increasing tension along the borders, including
    in January 1990 an air and rail blockade by the Azerbaijan Soviet
    Socialist Republic, another pogrom, and finally Gorbachev declaring
    a state of emergency. There was fighting throughout the Azeri cities,
    and then, in spring 1991, Operation Ring, in which Ayas Mutalibov-the
    Azerbaijani leader, who was seen at the time as one of the new wave of
    non-communist leaders that included Yeltsin, who had just been elected
    in Russia, and Levon Ter-Petrossian in Armenia-launched a military
    offensive against Armenians in the Shahumyan area, with a view to
    ethnically cleansing the area. That is when the diaspora, personified
    in some ways by Monte Melkonian, who was one of the great leaders,
    realised that it had to support ethnic Armenians in their homeland.

    Gorbachev resigned in December 1991. That allowed the old Soviet Union
    to collapse in the south Caucasus region. Azerbaijan voted to rescind
    the autonomous oblast status of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenians did
    the same and declared independence on 6 January 1992.

    Then the war started, and it was a war. There was a complete imbalance
    between the two armies. Together, Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia had
    170 tanks and 360 armoured personnel carriers, but no fighter aircraft.

    The Azeris had 300 tanks, the same number of APCs and, crucially,
    170 fighter aircraft. They were helicopter gunships-the old Mil Mi-24s
    that were left over from the Russian retreat. Throughout this sad and
    sorry story, almost all the weapons, armaments, ordnance and artillery
    pieces were left by the retreating Russians. It was like there was a
    vast warehouse of weaponry throughout the south Caucasus-an enormous
    bonfire waiting for the spark.

    There were appalling scenes throughout the war. There were accusations
    of atrocities on both sides, many of which have been investigated. In
    May 1992, the war took a crucial turn when the Armenians captured
    the headland or redoubt of the Azerbaijan army in the area that most
    people now know as Shushi, but which at that time was called Shusha.

    At that time, much of the fighting was being done by Chechens, who
    were fighting for jihad. Their leader, Shamil Basayev, referred to the
    soldiers of the so-called Dashnak battalion, which is also known as
    the Dashnaktsutyun or the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, as the
    only people who had ever defeated him.

    I could describe the war further, but that is not really the point
    of this debate. Towards the end of the war, in January 1994, even by
    the horrific standards of modern warfare, things had got to an almost
    unbearably painful phase. Azerbaijan extended the call-up to boys of
    16. The war entered what objective, independent observers call the
    "human wave" phase. Andrei Sakharov, who is often quoted in this
    Chamber, said at the time: "For Azerbaijan the issue of Karabakh is
    a matter of ambition, for the Armenians of Karabakh, it is a matter
    of life or death".

    The peace process started. In 1994, it was recognised that it was, in
    effect, a frozen conflict. The Minsk group, with its three co-chairs,
    who are currently Igor Popov from the Russian Federation, Jacques
    Faure from France and James Warlick of the USA, is working as hard as
    it can to move matters forward. I hope and believe that it is doing
    so with the support, knowledge and understanding of Her Majesty's
    Government. The co-chairs visited Baku and Yerevan just this month.

    However, matters along the line of contact are not good. Twenty
    soldiers were killed along the ceasefire line in 2013, despite the
    existence of the ceasefire. There were nearly 200 ceasefire violations
    between 2 and 8 February of this year. Often, the violations involve
    people firing across the border, including snipers, but there are
    also more violent incidents. The line of contact is porous and is
    coming under increased pressure.

    People will be asking themselves the question, as I would be if I
    were listening to this debate, "What can we do?" Every Member of
    Parliament is inundated by letters saying, "Please put pressure on
    country X or nation Y and do something about it." What can we do in
    this case? I think that we have a crucial role to play. There is not a
    massive amount of trade between the United Kingdom and Armenia. Fewer
    than 10 UK firms are active in Armenia. We gave Armenia £882,000 in
    aid last year. I pay credit to our remarkable joint ambassadors in
    Yerevan, Kathy Leach and Jonathan Aves, who work extraordinarily hard
    to progress British trade interests in the area. However, we could
    do much more. By contrast, Azerbaijan was given £1,335,000 in aid
    over the same period, and we have very close trade links. The United
    Kingdom is actually the 15th largest trade partner of Azerbaijan,
    and the major role of BP in oil extraction, refining and marketing
    cannot be underestimated.

    Charles Hendry (Wealden) (Con):

    The hon. Gentleman will be aware that I am the Prime Minister's trade
    envoy to Azerbaijan. Our trading links go much further than that,
    and indeed, we are by far the biggest investor in Azerbaijan through
    BP and other companies in that sector. The country is increasingly
    important to the British economy, and I hope he will reflect that in
    his comments.

    Stephen Pound:

    I am grateful, and I place on record my appreciation for the hon.

    Gentleman and the work he is undertaking in that area. To show
    how important that link is, when President Ilham Aliyev made
    critical comments fairly recently-I think it was on 17 October
    2012-in connection with British Petroleum's output from the
    Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field, our ambassador to Azerbaijan, Peter
    Bateman, said: "I shall be calling on BP in London next week to find
    out what more, if anything, we can do to help".

    That shows a remarkable degree of association with the British
    Government, and of involvement at a very high level. Indeed, the FCO
    was vital in negotiating what was widely called the "contract of the
    century", which was signed in Azerbaijan in 1994. Co-operation was so
    close that when we first posted ambassadorial staff to the Republic of
    Azerbaijan they were located in BP's offices in Baku. The relationship
    continues and prospers. In fact, the Foreign Secretary attended the
    signing ceremony for the final investment decision on the Shah Deniz
    2 project in Baku.

    Helen Goodman (Bishop Auckland) (Lab):

    The Foreign Secretary told me in response to a parliamentary question
    that he raised human rights issues on that visit. Does my hon. Friend
    know, and will he press the Minister on whether the Foreign Secretary
    also raised the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Stephen Pound:

    Like many Members, I was in the Chamber for the debate that my hon.

    Friend initiated on that issue, but I think, with respect, that
    the Minister may be a more appropriate person to respond. I am not
    entirely privy to every detail of the negotiations and discussions,
    but I certainly recall the debate on this important issue.

    There are some signs of movement. Just this week, the United States
    ambassador to Azerbaijan, Richard Morningstar, issued a statement to
    say that the United States is being even more active in resolution
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict than in the past. He said: "I
    can understand the frustration of the Azerbaijani people about the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We are committed to trying to bring about
    resolution. It is a good thing that presidents met in November."

    There is some movement. This week, the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk
    group have spoken of their hope for moving forward on this issue,
    particularly because of the additional truce that was agreed before
    the winter games in Sochi.

    Human rights issues in Azerbaijan are probably not the subject of
    this debate, but I am looking to get some movement to allow some
    peace to return to a deeply troubled part of the world. This may be
    commonplace and obvious, and it may almost be otiose for me to say it,
    but it is one of the great tragedies that some of the most beautiful
    parts of the world are the places that are most troubled. One thinks
    of parts of central Africa, East Timor, and so many countries of great
    heart-stopping beauty. Anyone who has been to Nagorno-Karabakh-as I
    know many Members of the House have-will never forget those great
    sweeping, soaring mountains, those deep, eye-stretching valleys,
    and the churches going back nearly 2,000 years, with distinctive
    Armenian crosses everywhere one looks. We need to do something to
    bring back that peace.

    In addition, we are approaching the anniversary of the great Armenian
    genocide of 1915. If ever there was a time when this House could
    look to Armenia with support, friendship and solidarity, it is as we
    approach this anniversary. The Member for Portsmouth South (Mr Hancock)
    is not in the Chamber, but I notified him that I was likely to mention
    his name. Every time we have discussed the Armenian genocide and
    the current situation, he has chosen to use comments such as "the
    so-called genocide" and say how he disapproves of any democratic
    opposition in Azerbaijan. He never misses an opportunity to defend
    President Aliyev. That is a shame, because I would have thought that
    if there is one thing the House can agree on it is that a genocide
    of the most horrendous proportions did take place in Anatolia, Van
    and what was then called western Armenia. The 1915 genocide was the
    third genocide and was particularly horrendous. Would it not be a good
    thing if we were to lend our support, put our shoulder to the wheel,
    and try to move Minsk forward in time for the commemorations of this
    appalling genocide?

    Some would say, "Can we not put this matter behind us?" I am not
    Armenian and I am not Azeri. I do not have a drop of blood of either
    of those nations in my veins. However, I cannot help but note that
    even though much of what we talked about this evening appears to be
    in the past, it is a past that still resonates.

    Many people will know the situation that occurred on 18 February 2004.

    Extraordinarily, soldiers from Azerbaijan and Armenia were present
    at a NATO partnership for peace activity in Budapest. One Azerbaijani
    soldier, Ramil Safarov, decided to buy an axe and take the head off an
    Armenian soldier, Gurgen Markarian. This happened in Hungary in 2004.

    This is not ancient history; this is recent history. At the time,
    the Azerbaijan human rights commissioner said that Safarov must
    become an example of patriotism for Azerbaijani youth and the National
    Democratic party awarded him the man of the year award in 2005. When
    the Hungarians released Ramil Safarov, he returned to Azerbaijan to
    be promoted to the rank of major. He received eight years back pay
    and was given accommodation. It is that raw and it is that recent. My
    point is that these emotions simply cannot be allowed to fester. When
    we have a feeling of animosity between two peoples that leads to a
    fellow soldier on a NATO joint exercise decapitating another soldier,
    that is something intensely felt and we must be able to somehow push
    that forward and improve the situation.

    The British Government cannot demand action, but what we can do is to
    show our concern. I know the Minister and respect him, as do most in
    the House. We have an opportunity to put down a marker: to say it was
    an awful, bloody and terrible war, but that it finished 20 years ago.

    Let us finally end this awful conflict, and allow two nations to
    emerge into the sunshine to live in peace. Then we can talk about human
    rights, but at least let us talk without the sound of gunfire, without
    the smell of cordite and without the chill anticipation of death.

    The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
    Affairs (Mark Simmonds):

    I congratulate the hon. Member for Ealing North (Stephen Pound) on
    securing the debate and on the extremely articulate, comprehensive and
    passionate way in which he set out his case. He combined a detailed
    understanding of the history with an extreme passion for trying to
    find a satisfactory lasting resolution to this long-standing conflict
    in the south Caucasus region. He, and all Members of this House,
    will be extremely concerned with the lack of progress in resolving
    this conflict. This is not just an issue for Members of this House,
    but for many of the hon. Gentleman's constituents, as well as those
    people living in the south Caucasus region.

    The hon. Gentleman was right to highlight the fact that the conflict
    dates back to before world war one. Its causes are very deep-rooted.

    The conflict that broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan over
    Nagorno-Karabakh as the Soviet Union disintegrated created not
    only the problems to which he alluded but hundreds of thousands of
    refugees. For many of those refugees, the situation either has not
    improved or has improved little since then. The conflict continues to
    hamper development in both Armenia and Azerbaijan and cause further
    instability in the already troubled region of the south Caucasus.

    It goes without saying that finding a lasting solution will be vital
    in alleviating the suffering still felt in the region. I am extremely
    grateful for the work being done by the hon. Gentleman and other
    Members of both Houses to raise awareness of that tragic conflict. Of
    course, it does not need to be said that we are not much further on
    than we were 20 years ago, and we are almost at that 20th anniversary.

    The hon. Gentleman used the phrase "a frozen conflict". Let me gently
    say that I think that that is misleading. As he rightly pointed out,
    fighting continues to this day. The UK is concerned by the ongoing
    breach of the ceasefire along the line of contact as well as along the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan border. There were reports of increasing numbers
    of ceasefire violations in January and early February, as he rightly
    mentioned. We were pleased that the Presidents of both countries
    committed to a truce during the winter Olympics. While fighting
    continues, there is always a danger of escalation, whether that is
    deliberate or not, and we urge both sides to exercise restraint and
    avoid provocation.

    The UK strongly supports the work of the co-chairs of the Minsk
    group-led peace process and I agree with the hon. Gentleman on that
    point. We also recognise the frustration that he rightly articulated
    about the fact that progress has been slow and that it feels as though
    we are no closer to a resolution than we were 20 years ago. However,
    at last year's G8 summit in Lough Erne the three co-chairs primarily
    made the point that it was for the Armenian and Azerbaijani Governments
    to take ownership of the peace process. It is their conflict and they
    must take responsibility to resolve it. Of course, the co-chairs work
    hard to facilitate progress and we and the international community
    stand ready to provide further support when the time is right.

    The UK is concerned that neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan is creating
    a situation in which a peace agreement would be acceptable to their
    populations. A generation of people from both countries now exists
    that has had no contact with anyone from the other country. That is
    all the more regrettable given that throughout much of the region's
    history the two communities resided peacefully alongside each other,
    as they still do in neighbouring Georgia. Armenians and Azerbaijanis
    living in isolation goes against that trend and we need collectively
    to address that.

    The perceptions that many citizens of both countries have of their
    close neighbour are now founded on negative stereotypes and aggressive
    rhetoric. Neither Government have done enough to counter that image
    and, at times, they have actively encouraged those perceptions. The
    longer the conflict continues and the longer both Governments shy
    from preparing their populations for peace, the greater the loss
    of life will be for both sides and the more difficult it will be
    to find a lasting solution to the conflict. The UK Government do
    not underestimate the fact that finding peace will involve difficult
    decisions and compromises. Despite the difficulties, we are committed
    to doing everything we can to foster efforts to find a resolution to
    the conflict.

    We continue to encourage Azerbaijan and Armenia to follow the Madrid
    principles, to exercise restraint, to avoid provocation and to redouble
    efforts to achieve a negotiated settlement based on the principles
    of refraining from the threat or use of force, territorial integrity
    and the people's right to self-determination.

    The hon. Member for Bishop Auckland (Helen Goodman) rightly mentioned
    the Foreign Secretary's discussions, and I can assure her, the
    hon. Member for Ealing North and the hon. Member for Strangford (Jim
    Shannon), who has a particular passion for the plight of Christians
    everywhere in the world, that the Foreign Secretary raised the
    importance of human rights and Nagorno-Karabakh when he met President
    Aliyev. He also raised those issues with Armenian Foreign Minister
    Nalbandian last May. We regularly speak and raise these important
    issues with representatives of both Governments at all levels.

    The UK has invested more than £1.5 million over the last three years
    funding projects that attempt to break down walls and develop an
    understanding between the communities affected by the conflict.

    However, the leaders of both sides must play their part, and we
    consistently urge Armenia and Azerbaijan to work with the Minsk
    group to reduce tensions and create an environment conducive to
    a peaceful, long-lasting settlement. My hon. Friend the Member
    for Wealden (Charles Hendry), the Prime Minister's special trade
    envoy to Azerbaijan, was right that a peaceful solution will be
    beneficial, in economic and trade terms, to Azerbaijan, Armenia and
    the whole of the south Caucasus. We feel that is a way for the UK to
    play a significant part in engagement and reducing tensions, and we
    specifically encouraged the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, which happened last November, after almost two years,
    and we hope that further meetings between them will take place soon.

    These two countries occupy a pivotal geographical position just east of
    the EU and are an important part of the EU's wider neighbourhood, and
    the EU works with them through the Eastern Partnership. Both have huge
    potential, vibrant, dynamic populations and geostrategic locations,
    situated, as they are, between Europe and Asia, with Russia to the
    north and the Gulf states to the south. The south Caucasus can be a
    crossroads for trade, transport and energy, linking China, central
    Asia, the Caspian sea, Turkey, Europe and the middle east.

    Given that potential, it is hugely disappointing that this conflict
    remains unresolved, not least as we approach the 20th anniversary
    of the ceasefire agreement this May. The UK, as a friend of both
    countries, will continue to support all efforts to resolve this
    protracted conflict. These efforts are crucial to helping both
    countries and the broader south Caucasus region reap the substantial
    rewards and benefits that lasting peace and stability will bring.

    source: with Hansard

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress