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Europe's Homeless States Risk EU Rebuff As Putin Digs In

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  • Europe's Homeless States Risk EU Rebuff As Putin Digs In


    March 7 2014

    By Leon Mangasarian and James G. Neuger

    Arseniy Yatsenyuk looked at home with Angela Merkel yesterday as
    she chaperoned him around an emergency European Union summit. Yet
    the new Ukraine premier's chances of getting a permanent seat in the
    Brussels club are becoming more remote as Russia tightens its grip
    on his country.

    While EU leaders promise sanctions and travel bans for Vladimir
    Putin's officials, Russia's president is establishing facts on the
    ground every day. Yesterday, Crimea's parliament, seized at gunpoint
    by pro-Russian forces last week, announced plans to hold a referendum
    on March 16 on seceding from Ukraine.

    The risk for Yatsenyuk and millions of other Putin opponents in the
    buffer zone between the EU and Russia is that European leaders will
    balk at the commitment needed to give them what they really want: full
    EU membership. To the EU's critics, the bloc's leaders are failing
    to recognize a turning point comparable to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

    "Putin's not too afraid of what the EU's going to do -- Russia holds
    all the cards and is there to stay in Crimea," Spyros Economides,
    senior lecturer in international relations at the London School of
    Economics, said in a phone interview. "I can't see how the 28 EU
    members could agree a clear path for Ukraine to join the EU in the
    next years."

    >From Kiev to Tbilisi, the EU has become a beacon for those who
    want to throw off Russian domination. While the euro crisis exposed
    the EU's faults, membership has also fueled growth and a measure of
    prosperity in those former Soviet-bloc countries that joined in 2004.

    GDP Growth

    Ukrainian and Polish income per capita both started at just under
    $2,000 in 1991, according to World Bank data. Poland, which joined
    NATO in 1999 and the EU in 2004, is now just under $13,000. Ukraine,
    which isn't a member of either club, is just below $4,000.

    The question for European leaders is how much political and economic
    capital they are willing to spend on making a clear commitment to
    Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, whose economies aren't close to matching
    the standards needed of EU members.

    The most strategically important is Ukraine, with 45 million people
    and pipelines funneling Russian gas to western Europe. It's also the
    most pressing case, after Pro-Kremlin President Viktor Yanukovych
    fled last month following three months of anti-government protests.

    Presidential Luxury

    Pictures of Yanukovuch's presidential retreat with its fleet of luxury
    cars and a pleasure galleon, hinted at Ukraine's status as one of the
    world's most corrupt countries, ranking 144 out of 175 in Transparency
    International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2013. And bringing it
    into the EU would risk alienating about 11 million Russian speakers,
    some of whom look to Moscow rather than Brussels for their political

    "EU membership is totally unrealistic for a country like Ukraine
    that's still so corrupt and post-Soviet," Barbara von Ow-Freytag,
    who advised the German government from 2008 to 2013 on Russian issues,
    said in a phone interview.

    Belarus, which sits to the north of Ukraine between Poland and Russia,
    has been labeled a dictatorship by the U.S. and blackballed by the EU.

    Moldova, to the southwest of Ukraine, is Europe's poorest state, and
    to the east on the other side of the Black Sea, Georgia's territory
    is partly under Russian military occupation, unaltered by EU and U.S.

    protests since Putin invaded in 2008.

    Russia's Orbit

    While European institutions have expanded East before -- waves of
    former Soviet satellites joined NATO from 1999 and the EU from 2004 --
    the danger for those left out in the cold is that Putin may have more
    at stake in keeping them in Russia's orbit.

    "Russia's strategy is to create problems on the ground in its
    neighbors," Joerg Forbrig, a senior program officer at the Berlin
    bureau of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S., said in a phone

    Putin's driving political force is to rebuild the prestige lost
    by Russia during the collapse of the Soviet Union. He also needs
    Ukraine to fulfill his dream of creating a Eurasian Economic Union,
    a free-trade area sprawling across nine time zones from Kaliningrad on
    the Baltic to Kamchatka on the Pacific that he wants to rival the EU.


    "Putin was shell-shocked when he realized he had no influence in
    Ukraine after Yanukovych fled," said Jan Techau, head of the Brussels
    office of the Carnegie Endowment and a former research adviser at
    the NATO Defense College in Rome. "That's why he grabbed Crimea. A
    successful Ukraine would be a terrible example aimed at Putinism. What
    happened in Kiev could happen in Moscow."

    Putin is using armed force to harass any government tempted to look
    west. Russian or Russian-backed forces have now infiltrated territory
    in four of the six nations in the EU's Eastern Partnership, set up
    to deepen ties between Brussels and the post-Soviet region.

    The Kremlin has troops based in Moldova's separatist region of
    Transnistria and in Georgia's breakaway republics of South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia. Armenia, backed by Russia, took control of the enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent districts from Azerbaijan. In Crimea,
    Russian forces are now facilitating the slow dismemberment of the
    region from Ukraine.

    To be sure, the EU is fighting back and says it still wants Ukraine's
    next government to sign a trade association agreement, the rejection
    of which by President Yanukovych sparked the protests that eventually
    toppled him.

    EU Sanctions

    EU governments yesterday ratcheted up their response to Putin. Heads
    of state and government agreed to prepare sanctions against selected
    Russian officials after the Crimean referendum decision swayed some
    leaders who wanted to delay such a move. Trade and visa negotiations
    were also halted.

    The presence in Brussels ofYatsenyuk, who accused the Kremlin of
    putting up a new Berlin Wall, also played a role, Merkel said after
    the summit.

    "Tear down this wall, the wall of intimidation, the wall of military
    aggression," Yatsenyuk told reporters earlier.

    As Ukraine struggles to avoid default after three months of turmoil,
    the EU also pledged to add 1 billion euros ($1.4 billion) in emergency
    aid, which may form the nucleus of a package that could top 11 billion
    euros over seven years.

    "This is a game not only about future of Ukraine," Polish Prime
    Minister Donald Tusk said in a speech to parliament in Warsaw on march
    5. "This is a game about the future of the whole region, including
    other eastern neighbors."

    Moldovan Values

    That recognition has been missing for much of the past decade, says
    Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca, whose country has Russian troops
    on the ground in the disputed territory of Transnistria.

    "We are in a very difficult situation because we fight for certain
    values and for certain objectives when there's no response," said
    Leanca in an interview on March 5. "We need a common vision."

    Finding that vision may not come naturally to an EU that's still
    struggling to recover from a three-year debt crisis that threatened to
    blow up the euro and where electorates are suspicious of new member
    states. With unemployment across Europe near the highest in 14 years
    and anti-EU populist parties on the rise in countries such as France,
    the U.K. and the Netherlands before European Parliament elections in
    May, the bloc may have trouble staying united and focused on Ukraine.

    Prague 1968

    The EU suspension of the commercial talks with Russia yesterday echoed
    the bloc's response to Russia's invasion of another neighbor, Georgia,
    in 2008. Those contacts were resumed after two months and failed
    to dislodge the Russian troops that remain on parts of Georgia's

    Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates in his memoirs
    "Duties" published this year, says the Georgia response was par for
    the course for Brussels.

    "A statement by the EU criticizing the invasion was predictably tepid,"
    he writes. "It reminded me of my initial crisis in government when,
    during my first week on the job at CIA in August 1968, the Soviets
    invaded Czechoslovakia. As horrified as the Europeans said they were
    by the brutal invasion, for them, everything was back to business as
    usual with the Soviets within three or four months."

    Techau said that while Putin is creating facts on the ground, the EU,
    while willing to engage long-term, "is playing a totally different
    game than Russia."

    "Russia is playing hardball geo-politics," he said. "The EU is mainly
    just focused on developing Ukraine's economy."

    To contact the reporters on this story: Leon Mangasarian in Berlin
    at [email protected]; James G. Neuger in Brussels at
    [email protected]

    To contact the editors responsible for this story: Alan Crawford at
    [email protected] John Fraher

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress