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The Black Madonna And The Russian Problem

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  • The Black Madonna And The Russian Problem


    Asharq Al-Awsat English (The Middle East), UK
    March 7 2014

    by Amir Taheri

    Last month, when Vladimir Putin ordered that the Black Madonna of
    Kazan, the holiest icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, be flown over
    the Black Sea, many believed he wished to secure blessings for the
    Winter Olympics in Sochi.

    It was the first time the icon, or rather a copy of it, since the
    original was stolen and possibly destroyed in 1904, was deployed to
    bless a peaceful enterprise. Over the centuries, the "Black Virgin" has
    been taken to battlefields to bless Russian armies fighting Swedish,
    Polish, Turkish, Persian, French and German invaders. Stalin sent
    it to Stalingrad in 1943 to ensure victory over the German invaders
    under Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus.

    With Putin's troops in control of Crimea and threatening to move
    further into Ukraine, we now know that the icon was brought in to
    bless a military operation this time as well.

    Putin appears strong because US President Barack Obama, accidentally
    cast as the leader of Western democracies, is weak. Putin is over-using
    the power Russia really doesn't have because Obama under-uses the
    power the US does have. As long as Obama prevents the US from playing
    the leadership role it has had since the end of World War II, Putin
    will see no reason why he should not pursue his dream of reviving
    the Soviet Empire wherever possible. In doing so he is acting within
    a tradition established since the 18th century, when Russia emerged
    as a power with a pathological fear of encirclement. That fear has
    always made Russia aggressive.

    Throughout the 19th century, Russia used "the protection of Christian
    minorities" as an excuse for invading its Muslim neighbors, especially
    the Ottoman Empire and Iran, annexing vast chunks of territory. The
    whole of Northern Caucasus, plus Georgia and Armenia, were annexed with
    that excuse, as was Crimea. In the 18th century, Empress Catherine
    II used the pretext of protecting Christians to wrest away Dagestan
    and Georgia from Iran.

    Russia also used the excuse to seize territories that belonged to
    European neighbors, including Germany, Poland and Finland. For almost
    100 years, Russia expanded at the average rate of 62 square miles
    (100 square kilometers) a day, creating history's largest empire in
    terms of territory.

    Casting itself as the "Third Rome" and the final defender of
    Christianity, Russian empire-builders claimed that their enterprise
    enjoyed divine blessing.

    Russia has used the trick of granting Russian nationality to people
    in neighboring countries as a pretext for invasion since the 18th
    century. In 1829, Russia used the excuse of freeing Georgian women,
    supposedly granted Russian citizenship, from the harem of the Qajar
    Shah of Persia as a pretext for an invasion of Iran. A Tehran mob
    retaliated by murdering the Russian charge d'affaires, Alexander

    In 1911, a number of Qajar princes led by Shu'a Al-Saltaneh (The Light
    Beam of Monarchy) and opposed to Iran's Constitutional Revolution
    declared themselves subjects of the Tsar and raised Russian flags
    on top of their palaces. The Tsar used the pretext of "protecting"
    his subjects for invading Iran, occupying five Iranian provinces and
    sending an army to destroy the newly created Iranian parliament.

    In 1912, Russia used the excuse of protecting its citizens for
    invading parts of China and annexing large chunks of land, especially
    in what is now Mongolia. After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the
    empire, re-named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, replaced
    Christianity with Communism as its ideological matrix. It was in the
    name of defending "Socialism" that, in the 1950s and 1960s, the Soviet
    Union sent is tanks to Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The invasion
    of Afghanistan in 1979, too, was sold as a bid to "defend Socialism."

    After the disintegration of the Soviet Empire in 1991, Russia
    revived the old excuse of protecting its "kith and kin" in neighboring
    countries. In some instances, those minorities are genuine communities
    shaped over a century or so. In others, however, "kith-and-kin"
    communities are artificial creations to be used as a means of pressure
    on weaker neighbors.

    Under Putin, Moscow has been distributing large numbers of Russian
    passports, some suggest millions, in neighboring countries,
    notably Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
    and Kazakhstan. There are also significant numbers of Russian
    passport-holders in Transnistria, part of Moldova, which does not
    have a border with Russia.

    The first test of the "kith-and-kin" excuse came in 2000 when, as
    prime minister, Putin forced Tajikistan to host 15,000 Russian troops
    stationed at six bases. The next time "kith-and-kin" was cited was
    in August 2008, coinciding with the Beijing Olympics, when Putin,
    this time as president, ordered an invasion of Georgia and annexed
    the autonomous republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Today, Russia
    has some 40,000 troops stationed in the two enclaves.

    Ukraine is the third nation to experience Putin's "kith-and-kin" game,
    and if Putin manages to pull this one off, it will not be the last.

    Putin's shenanigans in Crimea are symptoms of a deeper malaise
    caused by Russia's inability to gauge its place in the post-Cold War
    international order and the inability of European powers and the United
    States to accommodate Russia in a way commensurate with its weight,
    if not its ambitions.

    In the past quarter of a century, with the loss of its glacis in
    eastern and central Europe, Russia has seen NATO arrive right at its
    borders. The entire European continent has been reorganized within the
    framework fixed by NATO and the European Union. Today, Russia is just
    one of four European powers still shut out of both NATO and the EU. It
    took Russia almost two decades to gain admission into the World Trade
    Organization (WTO) and, more tentatively, be offered a side chair at
    the G8. The only leadership slot Russia has had is its veto-holding
    seat in the UN's Security Council, a relic of the Cold War. But even
    then, until Obama paralyzed US foreign policy the Western powers,
    led by Washington, simply ignored Russia whenever it suited them,
    as was the case in the 2003 military intervention in Iraq.

    Putin has built his narrative on the theme of encirclement by
    hostile powers and their "agents" inside Russia. To the West, Russia
    is shut out of Europe, which paradoxically remains its principal
    trading partner. To the south, Russia is hemmed in by a string of
    Muslim-majority nations with deep-rooted resentment of Tsarist
    and Communist oppression. To the east, Russia faces two hostile
    powers--China and Japan, part of whose territories remain under
    Russian occupation.

    At home, Russia faces a seemingly endless war against jihadist
    forces in five Caucasian republics, while relations with Georgia
    and Armenia remain strained. Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev claims
    that Russia today is in the vanguard of fighting "Islamic terror"
    and its aim of world conquest. However, jihadists are not alone
    in posing a threat to Putin's idealized vision of a greater Russia
    seeking global leadership. Well-financed Christian missionary groups,
    mostly from the US, are expanding their networks throughout Russia at
    the expense of the Orthodox Church, which has become Putin's principal
    ideological ally.

    To make matters worse for Putin, his autocratic style of rule is also
    challenged by a growing number of Russians seduced by the Western
    ideas of multi-party democracy, pluralism and desacralization of
    political power.

    Meanwhile, the domination of the Russian economy by the oligarchs,
    whose support Putin needs, has slowed down, and in some cases even
    prevented, genuine development. Russia has become an exporter of raw
    materials, especially oil and gas, dependent on European markets.

    Worse still, a good part of the capital formed in Russia finds its
    way into European banks, especially in Britain and Switzerland.

    Today, the real issue is not whether Russian troops remain inside their
    bases in Crimea or show their teeth in the streets of Sebastopol. The
    real issue is how to find Russia a place in a world order in the
    creation of which it played no part. Putin's current policy could
    transform Russia into a fully fledged rogue state. And that would be
    dangerous both for Russia and the world, even if the Black Madonna
    of Kazan were brought in to perform a miracle.

    Amir Taheri was the executive editor-in-chief of the daily Kayhan in
    Iran from 1972 to 1979. He has worked at or written for innumerable
    publications, published eleven books, and has been a columnist for
    Asharq Al-Awsat since 1987. Mr. Taheri has won several prizes for
    his journalism, and in 2012 was named International Journalist of
    the Year by the British Society of Editors and the Foreign Press
    Association in the annual British Media Awards.
