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Vazgen Manukian: Joining Customs Union Does Not Mean Armenia Abandon

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  • Vazgen Manukian: Joining Customs Union Does Not Mean Armenia Abandon


    Agerpres, Bucharest, Romania
    March 6, 2014 Thursday

    Agerpres, Bucharest, Romania

    March 06--BUCHAREST -- Last year's decision by Armenia to join
    the Eurasian Customs Union led by Russia was motivated by security
    considerations, but Yerevan has not abandoned the European path, former
    Armenian Prime Minister and Defence Minister Vazgen Manukian said in
    an interview with AGERPRES while paying a short visit to Bucharest.

    AGERPRES: Lately, there have been discussions about a decentralization
    of the bilateral cooperation between Romania and Armenia. Which are,
    in your opinion, the main domains in which the Armenian companies
    could primarily invest in Romania?

    Vazgen Manukian: Although it's not my area of expertise, I am familiar
    with the fact that a decentralized cooperation between Armenia
    and Romania has been launched over the past few years. This is an
    interesting framework enabling the local authorities to maintain
    direct contact and draw up projects to develop local production,
    trade, tourism, carry out an exchange of cultural programmes and
    various projects for the youths. The Armenians' historical presence
    in Romania, the huge cultural heritage shared by the Romanians and
    Armenians give a breath of fresh air to this cooperation.

    AGERPRES: Which is in your opinion the main obstacle at present to
    solving the territorial dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh? What do you
    think about the mediation efforts made by the OSCE Minsk Group? Could
    Romania, as an EU and NATO member state, play a more important role
    in settling this conflict?

    Vazgen Manukian: The Nagorno-Karabakh dispute includes three basis
    components: the issue of the return of refugees to their native
    places; the second component regards the territories, namely the
    delimitation of the borders between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh,
    and the most important component is the third one, that is the status
    of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    As a former defence minister, I can assure you that even the worst
    peace is better than a war. This danger is always hanging over your
    heads, and the consequences can be disastrous not only for Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, but for the entire humankind. For this reason,
    we expect from the international community and the partner states,
    including Romania, to become aware of this threat, make an objective
    evaluation of this situation and act properly.

    AGERPRES: Which is your opinion about the evolution of the Ukraine
    situation? Do you believe we could witness a new war similar to the
    one in Georgia in 2008 or will Russia decide not to take risks? Do
    you think there's the risk of partitioning Ukraine?

    Vazgen Manukian: I express my deep regrets and I am extremely concerned
    about the unfolding situation in Ukraine. I hope the Ukrainian people
    and its leaders will found as soon as possible a solution to get out of
    this crisis. I also hope they will set up a power, which will mobilize
    the entire population and will represent the interests not only of
    some segments, but of the entire country, including the minorities'.

    AGERPRES: I have one more question. How do you explain the decision
    made by Armenia in September 2013 to join the Customs Union led by
    Russia, instead of moving closer to the European Union? Do you truly
    believe in the project of the Eurasian Union? Will it become fully
    operational in 2015?

    Vazgen Manukian: First of all, I would like to stress the fact that
    we do not prioritize one direction at the expense of the other. In
    parallel with our decision to join the Customs Union, Armenia's
    President Serge Sarkisian said that Armenia does not abandon the
    Association Agreement with the EU. A joint declaration between
    Armenia and the EU was signed in Vilnius and we hope to establish the
    parameters of the association by year-end, taking into consideration
    the new realities. During the time we spent considering the idea of
    joining the Customs Union, Armenia was guided by pragmatic interests
    and security considerations, which I believe are important not only
    for Armenia, but for the entire region and European space. Both
    the European capitals and the EU authorities have greeted Armenia's
    decision with some measure of understanding.

    I would like to remind the fact that after Armenia gained independency,
    when we started to build a new state, we chose the European model and
    we shall not deviate from it. Fortunately, we realize that all the
    others around us are heading in the same direction, and this give us
    hope for the future. As for the Eurasian Union, the setting up of such
    unions copying the EU model, across the vast Eurasian space benefiting
    from a huge economic potential, is not ruled out. This is the future in
    the current globalization process and no direction should be regarded
    with envy. Given its national interests and specific geostrategic
    position, Armenia will try to fully integrate to these global systems.
