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Turkey Planning YouTube and Facebook Ban

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  • Turkey Planning YouTube and Facebook Ban

    Guardian Liberty Voice
    March 9 2014

    Turkey Planning YouTube and Facebook Ban
    Added by Vikas Sharma on March 9, 2014.

    Turkish prime minister Tayyip Erdogan fired a warning shot at social
    media sites YouTube and Facebook. He even added banning these sites
    could be next step after phone conversation involving corruption of
    the government allies were leaked on YouTube and Facebook. "We will
    take the strongest possible way, We will not leave this nation at the
    mercy of YouTube and Facebook," he said in an ATV interview. Also
    adding that this is the work of the opposition parties to disrepute
    his government before the March 30 local elections. Though multiple
    corruption charges were filed last year against the current
    government. Meanwhile, the Turkish President Abdullah Gul strongly
    rejected the ban proposal saying: "Closure of [social media] is out of
    question." Appallingly, the Turkey Government on Feb 22, 2014 had
    already imposed new internet policing laws. These trends from the
    Erdogan government is disappointing after it showed promise of
    democratic governance at the start.

    When Turkey is talked about in global community, the first thing
    people credit that country is its global positioning. Turkey is the
    bridge between the east and the west but, the great Christopher
    Hitchens once narrated a conversation that happened with his friend on
    the Turkey bridge question. Apparently, the friend of the Hitch told
    him "Turkey is not a bridge my friend, it is a tunnel." Now it looks
    like a tunnel indeed, a morose and stinky one at that. Turkey's Human
    rights violations go a long way back, their treatment of the Kurds as
    second class Turkish citizens is true and Kurds are the largest
    ethnicity in the world without the state of their own. Also, the Turks
    bullying of the Armenian minority and the Armenian genocide during
    First World War by the ottoman Turks is well-known.

    Talking of Prime Minister. Erdogan, his arrogance stands out. During
    the Syrian crisis, he dismissed any talk of the mass murder by Bashar
    Al Assad government and supported Assad saying "No Muslim would kill
    his own people." This sort of arrogance is not a new one, in March,
    1785 newly born America faced it too. After a prior treaty with the US
    for ship trade, the ottomans attacked American ships breaking the
    treaty of Tripoli and when Thomas Jefferson and John Adams as American
    representatives went to London to meet the Ottoman foreign minister.
    When Jefferson asked him why after agreeing to share the sea and
    without any US provocation did the Ottomans attack US ships, the
    Ottoman minister replied that it is stated in their religion, that all
    non Prophet believers were sinners and so they had a special right to
    kill and enslave.

    In recent times, the turkey government tantrums have been plenty and
    the US should take some blame for it. Letting Turkey loose is one of
    the many disasters of Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At
    the NATO conferences, during their UN security council voting term and
    their push for a European Union membership. If there is still any
    suitors for Turkey's claim to permanent United Nations Security
    Council seat and an EU passport, good luck. It is absurd to put Turkey
    with its alarming record, in the same conversation as India and Brazil
    for a UN Security Council seat. Like the great George Orwell put it in
    1984 "If there is hope, it lies in the proles." Hope Turkey shall
    enjoy YouTube and Facebook as most of the world.

    Opinion By Vikas Vemuri
