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Prosperous Armenia seeking control of all political forces - experts

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  • Prosperous Armenia seeking control of all political forces - experts

    Prosperous Armenia seeking control of all political forces - experts

    12:04 * 09.03.14

    The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) is seeking to gain control of all
    the political forces' activities political scientist Manvel Sargsyan
    told as he commented on PAP Chairman Gagik Tsarukyan's meeting
    with representatives of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    Dashnakstutyun (ARF-D).

    "The PAP was part of the ruling circles and has no problems with
    Armenia's authorities. They have repeatedly shown their unity and
    favor to Armenia's third President Serzh Sargsyan. I have never seen
    that the PAP and the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) have
    problems with each other. Rather, the PAP is active in the opposition
    political arena thus upsetting parties' plans. The ruling regime is
    just using the PAP to gain control of all political forces," he said.

    "It is difficult to understand the forces' aims. They are not
    specifying anything. They are just holding consultations. The four
    political parties' activities are not clear, they are just speaking of
    their hopes and dreams. If political forces hold consultations, they
    should speak of their agenda, aims. But I have not seen it so far,"
    Sargsyan said.

    The non-coalition forces' unification will not change the situation in
    the country as, like during the previous years and during the
    elections, the PAP supported the ruling party.

    "They were doing it very well during the elections and they are doing
    so now as well," he said.

    Political scientist Levon Shirinyan believes that the country must be
    brought out of the current situation, and opposition forces see this
    way of doing it:

    "I think this issue has matured, but the opposition forces are seeking
    for solutions. The forces are obviously trying to unite," he said.
    Armenia is in a stalemate now. The authorities cannot solve the
    problem of large-scale emigration.

    According to Shirinyan, it is to resolve "this matter of life and
    death" that the non-coalition forces are trying to unite.

    As to the possibility of Armenian ex-president Robert Kocharyan's
    return to politics, the expert said:

    "Kocharyan may or may not return. It is up to him to decide. But of
    importance is the country's situation. Armenia's demography is being
    ruined. If Kocharyan can stop emigration, let him do it, if the
    incumbent president can do it, let him do. But the authorities are not
    doing anything."

    As to the possibility of a revolution as a result of the political
    forces' unification, Shirinyan said:

    "Let them go away. A new generation must come. Power must change in
    some way or another. It is enough! Open the way. If this emigration
    goes on, a war is inevitable. The more people emigrate the more
    probable is a war."

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