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FM: Armenian people feel moral responsibility to contribute to the p

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  • FM: Armenian people feel moral responsibility to contribute to the p

    Edward Nalbandian: Armenian people feel moral responsibility to
    contribute to the prevention of genocide

    13:46 08.03.2014

    Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian made a statement at the
    high level panel discussion dedicated to the sixty-fifth anniversary
    of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

    "Mr. President of the Human Rights Council,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    First I would like to thank Madam Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner
    for Human Rights and her Office for holding this High Level Panel
    Discussion dedicated to the sixty-fifth anniversary of the Convention
    on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

    I would like also to thank all panelists for their willingness to
    shape result oriented discussion on genocide prevention. I want to
    particularly thank Madam Esther Mujawayo, a survivor of the Rwandan
    genocide, the 20th anniversary of which will be marked in an
    international conference in Brussels in three weeks.

    Armenian people, as a nation that survived the first genocide of the
    20th century, feels a strong moral responsibility to bring its
    contribution to international efforts in prevention of crimes against
    humanity. I should acknowledge the readiness with which many member
    states lent their support to our various initiatives for this noble
    goal. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all co-sponsors
    of the Human Rights Council Resolution on Genocide Prevention that was
    adopted by this august body last year.

    Through its various actors, the United Nations plays a central role in
    Genocide Prevention. I would like to mention the personal involvement
    of Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, who gives guidance to this
    ongoing cooperation. We are encouraged to see the determined work of
    the Human Rights Council, and other UN bodies together with the member
    states. I would like to stress the valuable contribution of Mr. Adama
    Dieng, Special Advisor to the Secretary General on the Prevention of
    Genocide, who is with us today.

    Despite the fact that the Genocide Prevention Convention was adopted
    in 1948, unfortunately, new genocides, new crimes against humanity
    have been committed over the ensuing decades, including recent years.
    >From Cambodia to Rwanda to Darfur the terrible phenomenon of genocide
    has continued seeming unabated.

    This means that we need not only debates, resolutions, declarations,
    conventions, but effective mechanisms and actions to prevent their

    Genocide is a complex phenomenon and does not occur according to a
    single model. Prevention must be based on an accurate understanding of
    the history of genocides. This includes a thorough analysis of all
    modern cases. We must understand not only what happened in each case,
    but also the causes. We must be ready to learn from past failures and
    be open to new ideas.

    Genocide prevention requires the development of both enforcement and
    preventive measures. If genocide is committed, the perpetrators should
    not stay in doubt that they will definitely be held responsible. On
    May 24th, 1915 in a special declaration the Allied Powers - Russia,
    France and Great Britain, warned the perpetrators of the atrocities
    against the Armenian people that they would be held personally
    responsible for "these new crimes of Turkey against humanity and
    civilization," from which the modern concept of Crimes against
    Humanity entered the international legal system.

    The prehistory of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
    the Crime of Genocide is related to the most tragic page in the
    history of the Armenian people. Raphael Lemkin, the author of the term
    "genocide," while defining the crime of genocide, referred to the very
    policy of mass extermination perpetrated against Armenians. Lemkin
    dedicated his life to the study of crimes against humanity, which,
    among others, paved the way for the adoption of the 1948 Convention.

    The measures foreseen in the Human Rights Council Resolution of 22nd
    of March 2013 envisages the necessary preventive measures. We are all
    unanimous on three pillars of genocide prevention: early warning,
    human rights protection, and public campaign of education and

    First, in order for the international community to react promptly, we
    must be aware of the risk of genocide as early as possible and make
    the necessary preventive steps. Usually perpetrators of genocide try
    to hide their intentions as long as possible. The international
    community should evaluate the origins of genocidal atmosphere leading
    to this heinous crime and prevent it as early as possible.

    Over the course of the past decade, both the United Nations and the
    regional bodies have made much progress in improving early warning and
    assessment systems. We should do our utmost to ensure that these
    advances continue in the years ahead. Early identification and warning
    by themselves will not be effective unless they are followed by
    concrete forms of deterrence.

    Second, genocide prevention is a part of the complex international
    mechanisms of the human rights protection. Moral values stand on the
    most important defense line against these horrible crimes. Genocide is
    an unthinkable crime for a society which is founded on the protection
    of human rights, on the values of mutual respect, tolerance and

    Third, one of our goals is to reinforce in the public these values
    through education and remembrance. Generations should get knowledge of
    the history of past tragedies, past genocides. The acknowledgement and
    condemnation of committed genocides are one of the most effective
    tools for their prevention in the future. Unacknowledged or preferred
    ignorance of genocide, which is otherwise called denial, along with
    impunity pave the way for the repetition of new crimes against
    humanity. Independent of geopolitical or other interests, the
    international community should stand together in the recognition,
    condemnation and punishment of past genocides, especially in light of
    the 1968 Convention on the Non-applicability of Statutory Limitations,
    in their efforts towards its prevention in the future.

    The remembrance days of the victims of genocides, Mets Yeghern, Shoah,
    remembrance days in Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur and other genocides
    should be days of mourning not only for the descendents of victims,
    but for the descendents of the perpetrators. These days should be
    approached with willingness to move towards recognition and
    reconciliation. True reconciliation does not mean forgetting the past
    or feeding younger generations with tales of denial.

    The civilized world resolutely rejects the incitement of hatred,
    racism, dissemination of intolerance, the denial of genocide, crimes
    against humanity under the guise of freedom of expression. The
    prevailing opinion of the international genocide scholars is that
    denial itself is a continuation of genocide.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    While commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Convention on
    Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide we understand that
    the effectiveness of each treaty should be evaluated based on its
    implementation. This panel discussion is a good opportunity for
    sharing best practices in the implementation of this Convention.

    Taking this opportunity, I would like to call upon those states that
    have not yet acceded to the Convention, to do so in the nearest future
    and to wish every success to those who spare no effort in genocide
