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Pariotic Taurine Excreta

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  • Pariotic Taurine Excreta

    Huffington Post
    March 8 2014

    Pariotic Taurine Excreta

    By Ian Williams

    Vladimir Putin's actions in Crimea are perilously close to tearing up
    rules that have kept us "the peoples of the world from the scourge of

    Both sides in the conflict will be invoking the United Nations
    Charter, which enshrines the inviolability of sovereign states and
    their borders -- unlike the League of Nations, which was surprisingly
    active at redrawing borders after Versailles. The root of the problem
    is the weird West European notion of the nation state -- a Procrustean
    construct in which populations had to be cut or stretched to fit
    homogeneously into a frame predetermined by nationalist ideologues.
    The French probably invented it -- at a time when more than half their
    population did not speak French.

    Looking at the Ottomans and the Hapsburgs almost leads to nostalgia,
    albeit with many qualifications. In their different ways, they at
    least provided for linguistic and ethnic diversity within one polity,
    which the European Union (despite its failings) also offers.

    Boris Yeltsin's power grab in Moscow led to the chaotic dissolution of
    the Soviet Union, leaving far too many questions unanswered, not least
    of which were the rights of minorities. A shared EU style citizenship,
    dual nationalities, linguistic rights should all have been negotiated
    -- not to mention open borders.

    Decolonization in both Africa and the former Soviet Union led to many
    absurdities based on respect for existing boundaries whether drawn up
    by tipsy District Commissioners in Africa or playful commissars in the
    Soviet Union following Stalin's. One of Stalin's little jokes,
    Nagorno-Karabagh, stranding an enclave of Armenians in Azerbaijan, is
    a classic unresolved issue that cannot be solved without adjusting

    So what of Ukraine? During the Balkan Wars, Bogdan Denitch, who
    represented the Democratic Socialists of America at the Socialist
    International, often quoted the Balkan formula: "Why should I be a
    minority in your country, when you could be a minority in mine?" It
    seems to be doing sterling service in Ukraine now.

    If only Putin were as sedulous about the rights of, say, Chechens, as
    he is about Russian speakers in the Crimea. Or if Moscow had shown any
    respect for the rights of the Crimean Tartars. But then the respect
    for Iraqi sovereignty shown by George W. Bush and Tony Blair is hardly
    a good example. Experience suggests that people believe in their own
    right to self-determination but are less convinced about the rights of
    others. Ask a typical Indian about Kashmiri rights, an Argentinean
    about Falkland Islanders, or a Moroccan about Western Sahara, and the
    chances are you will hit a mother lode of patriotic taurine excreta.

    While many at the time would agree that the Sudeten Germans had been
    deprived of their right to self-determination, there is a consensus
    that Hitler's "liberation" of them broke all the rules. It was the
    Nazis flouting of the rules against aggression and conquest that led
    to the UN Charter's emphasis on sovereignty -- which has been
    reasonably successful so far in averting a third world war.

    There are more questions than answers in Ukraine. Its capital, Kiev,
    was the core of what became the Russian state. There were Polish,
    Lithuanian and Russian states on what is now Ukrainian territory but
    until 1917 there had been no independent Ukrainian polity. Ironically,
    Ukraine owes its present territory to Stalin and his joint invasion
    with Hitler in of Poland in 1939.

    But the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists, with their anti-Russian language
    moves, are not exactly paragons of toleration. If Ukraine has a right
    to national self-determination, then why don't the constituent parts
    also have the same right? There is nothing in the UN Charter to stop
    boundaries being changed -- but not by force. There are other ways.
    One is negotiation, from first principles with consultation and
    protection for all the parties on the ground. The other is the EU
    approach, which has been remarkably successful in making the borders
    meaningless for all but administrative purposes. If Britain and the
    new Europe can remain economically part of the EU while groveling
    politically to Washington, Ukraine can join the EU without joining
    Nato and while maintaining the close political relations it needs with
    Russia. After all, those Ukrainian nationalists still want Russian gas
    to keep them warm.

    First published in Tribune, UK, 7 March 2014
