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Following the Russian playbook

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  • Following the Russian playbook

    Orange County Register (California)
    March 7, 2014 Friday

    Following the Russian playbook

    By JAMES J. COYLE, Contributing Writer

    Unlikely that U.S. or Europe will militarily intervene.

    Moscow has a long history of using military force to maintain its
    control over areas it considers part of its empire. East Berlin,
    Hungary and Czechoslovakia are examples from Cold War history. Other
    examples are less well known in the West, but are still significant.

    On Dec. 27, 1979, Soviet forces dressed in Afghan army uniforms took
    over the major government and military installations in Kabul,
    Afghanistan. Russia recognized Babrak Karmal as the rightful leader of
    Afghanistan and then heeded his request for intervention (broadcast
    from his location inside the Soviet Union) to justify the invasion.

    The Soviets announced their military action was to protect the
    socialist revolution in Afghanistan.

    A decade later, as the Soviet Union collapsed, a section of Moldova
    separated from that country and unilaterally declared its
    independence. This separatist region, the Trans-Dniester, was
    supported by Moscow in a brief war in 1992. Russian troops then moved
    into the area as peacekeepers.

    Russia now chairs fruitless peace talks between the two sides. Russia
    also used its position in Trans-Dniester as justification to cancel
    its involvement with the Conventional Forces in Europe arms limitation

    In the same period, areas within Georgia broke away from that country.
    These separatist regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, declared their
    independence. Russia again moved troops into the area as peacekeepers
    and co-chaired peace talks that have gone nowhere. In 2008, when
    Georgia tried to restore its sovereignty over these separatist areas,
    Moscow fought a war with that country, supposedly to protect Russian
    citizens living in the breakaway republics. Russia has since
    recognized the two areas as sovereign nations and kept their forces on
    the Georgian border.

    In 1991-94 Armenia invaded around one-fifth of Azerbaijan's territory,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region. During the war, Armenia was
    heavily supported by the Russian military. Today, the largest Russian
    military base outside of Russian territory is located in Armenia.

    The United Nations Security Council passed four resolutions
    acknowledging that Nagorno- Karabakh and the surrounding occupied
    territories are part of Azerbaijan, and demanding immediate withdrawal
    of all Armenian troops from the occupied territories. But the
    resolutions remain unfulfilled by Russian-backed Armenia. Given
    Russia's veto power on the Security Council, it is not surprising that
    the Council does nothing to push for the implementation of its own

    As in Moldova and Georgia, Russia is a cosponsor of peace talks that
    have not solved the conflict.

    Now it is Ukraine's turn. Russian military units dressed in uniforms
    without insignia (but driving Russian-licensed military vehicles)
    occupied or surrounded major governmental and military installations
    in Crimea. Russia has recognized Sergei Aksyonov as the leader of
    Crimea, despite his party having the support of 3 percent of the
    people. Russia is defending its moves in the area as an effort to
    protect Russian citizens in Crimea. As NATO forces mass on the Polish
    border and the United States calls for a cease-fire, Russian President
    Vladimir Putin has ended military maneuvers on the Russian-Ukrainian
    border. He said he has not ruled out direct military intervention in
    the east of the country, if necessary to protect Russian citizens.

    If history is a guide, neither Europe nor the United States will
    militarily defend Ukraine's independence. Any United Nations
    resolution will call for respecting the territorial integrity of
    Ukraine, but will not contain enforcement provisions or a condemnation
    of Russian moves.

    A cease-fire will be established, with Russian troops acting as
    peacekeepers. Russia will co-chair peace talks that will enshrine
    their continued involvement. Russia, controlling Ukraine's northern
    borders and the Crimea, will have a stranglehold on that nation's
    independence. American prestige in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
    will slip another notch.

    American politicians are calling for steps to roll back Russian gains
    in Crimea. For their calls to be heeded, they should first call for
    the removal of Russian troops in the conflicts in Moldova, Georgia and

    James J. Coyle, Ph.D., is
    the director of Global
    Education at Chapman
    University and is chair of the
    Eurasian committee of the Pacific
    Council on International Policy.
