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IMF Exec Board approves US$127.6m extended arrangement for Armenia

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  • IMF Exec Board approves US$127.6m extended arrangement for Armenia

    States News Service
    March 7, 2014 Friday



    The following information was released by the International Monetary Fund:

    The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today
    approved a 38-month SDR 82.21 million (about US$127.6 million, or 89.4
    percent of Armenia's quota) Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement
    with the Republic of Armenia to support the authorities' economic
    program. The approval enables the disbursement of SDR 11.74 million
    (about US$18.2 million), while the remaining amount will be phased
    over the duration of the program, subject to semi-annual program

    The program aims to support a rebound in economic activity, further
    progress in poverty reduction, inflation stabilization, and a
    reduction in outstanding fiscal and external vulnerabilities.

    Following the Executive Board discussion on Armenia, Ms. Nemat Shafik,
    Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, said:

    Armenia's performance under the 201013 Extended Fund Facility and
    Extended Credit Facility arrangements was sound. However, growth and
    inflation remain volatile, the external current account deficit
    continues to be large, and poverty and unemployment are still high.
    The new 38-month extended arrangement with the Fund aims to support
    the authorities in addressing these challenges and to sustain
    Armenia's access to international financial markets.

    Fiscal policy will play a central role in the program, supporting
    growth in 2014 and reducing the headline deficit over the rest of the
    program period to build up policy buffers. Delivering planned revenue
    gains and reducing the under execution of the public investment budget
    will be essential for successful implementation of the fiscal
    strategy. Another key measure in the fiscal area is setting up
    institutional structures to monitor and mitigate fiscal risks.

    Under the authorities' program, monetary policy will continue to be
    framed by inflation targeting in the context of a flexible exchange
    rate regime. For the financial sector, policy will be geared towards
    promoting resilience to shocks and greater financial deepening.

    Growth-enhancing structural reforms will also play a central role in
    the new program, given the objective of transforming Armenia into a
    dynamic emerging market. In this context, smooth accession to the
    Eurasian Customs Union, along with continuing growth of trade and
    other links with the European Union, will be essential to achieve
    diversification of markets, products, financial flows, and investors.

    Risks to the new program appear to be manageable, and Armenia's
    repayment capacity remains robust. The authorities have a long track
    record of sound macroeconomic policies but maintaining a strong
    ownership of the program will be essential to its successful


    Recent developments:

    Despite sound performance under the 201013 IMF-supported program,
    challenges to the Armenian economy remain, in terms of macroeconomic
    stabilization, reduction of vulnerabilities, and medium-term growth
    dynamics. Inflation and growth remain highly volatile, as the growth
    slowdown and inflation increase in 2013 have illustrated. The external
    current account deficit and dollarization remain high, keeping the
    economy vulnerable to shocks. Poverty and unemployment also remain
    high, and the transition towards an alternative to the pre-crisis
    construction-led growth model has been slow. Armenia took major
    financial and trade decisions in 2013, with a 7-year debut Eurobond
    issued in September, and the announcement that it would seek accession
    the Eurasian Customs Union.

    Program Summary

    As part of the program, fiscal policy will support the growth recovery
    in 2014 by providing a modest stimulus, before moving to a gradual
    consolidation stance in 201517. This will place public debt on a
    declining path during the program period. Revenue measures will
    support the consolidation and also create room for addressing social
    and investment needs.

    Monetary and exchange rate policies will be guided by the authorities'
    framework of inflation targeting and exchange rate flexibility, with
    program policies focusing on continued improvements in monetary
    operations, communications, and modeling. Financial sector policies
    will target implementation of remaining recommendations of the IMF's
    2012 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) Update, which aim to
    promote resilience to shocks and greater financial deepening.

    Structural reforms will support medium-term growth by targeting
    improvements in the business climate, strengthening institutions,
    improving connectivity and competition, creating a stronger
    environment for private and foreign direct investment, and tackling
    key risks, especially in the energy sector.

    Barring major shocks, Armenia's balance of payments gaps should close
    by the end of the program period and the country should be able to
    sustain access to international financial markets, paving the way for
    an exit from IMF support, provided that balance of payments
    difficulties are resolved, as expected.

    Armenia: Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 200916

    2009201020112012 2013201420152016

    Act.Act.Act.Prel. EBS/13/75Proj.Proj.Proj.Proj.

    National income and prices

    Real GDP (percent change) -

    Gross domestic product (in billions of drams) 3,1423,4603,7783,998

    Gross domestic product (in millions of U.S. dollars)
    8,6489,26010,1429,950 10,36510,54711,21611,60912,039

    Gross domestic product per capita (in U.S. dollars)
    2,6612,8383,0973,033 3,1533,2083,4053,5173,640

    CPI (period average; percent change)

    CPI (end of period; percent change)

    GDP deflator (percent change)

    Poverty rate (in percent) 34.135.835.0... ...............

    Investment and saving (in percent of GDP)

    Investment 33.829.427.022.8 24.523.924.424.925.5

    National savings 18.014.616.111.6 14.415.517.318.118.9

    Money and credit (end of period)

    Reserve money (percent change) 13.8-0.832.31.9 10.329.99.0......

    Broad money (percent change) 16.410.623.619.6 15.915.211.3......

    Velocity of broad money (end of period) 2.82.8.........

    Commercial banks' 3-month lending rate (in percent) 19.117.720.718.5

    Central government operations (in percent of GDP)

    Revenue and grants 20.921.222.122.3 23.223.323.523.323.6

    Of which: tax revenue 1/ 16.116.416.718.1 21.722.522.722.723.0

    Expenditure 2/ 28.626.225.023.9 25.525.825.925.425.4

    Overall balance on a cash basis -7.9-4.6-2.8-1.5 -2.3-2.5-2.3-2.0-1.8

    Public and publicly-guaranteed debt (in percent of GDP)
    40.239.742.044.0 43.545.445.246.046.2

    Share of foreign currency debt (in percent) 88.987.486.886.9

    External sector

    Exports of goods and services (in millions of U.S. dollars)
    1,3361,9372,4072,440 2,6992,5832,7572,9323,123

    Imports of goods and services (in millions of U.S. dollars)
    -3,683-4,212-4,797-4,907 -5,135-5,022-5,155-5,365-5,596

    Exports of goods and services (percent change) -

    Imports of goods and services (percent change) -22.414.413.92.3

    Current account balance (in percent of GDP) -15.8-14.8-10.9-11.2

    FDI (net, in millions of U.S. dollars) 3/ 725562447474 440549413432472

    External debt (in percent of GDP) 56.466.471.576.2 76.079.377.077.778.1

    o.w. public debt (in percent of GDP) 4/ 35.734.736.438.2 37.638.538.138.839.2

    Debt service ratio (in percent of exports of goods and services) 4/ 15.634.

    Gross international reserves (in millions of U.S. dollars)
    2,0041,8661,8691,799 1,4672,2532,1932,2782,376

    Import cover 5/

    Nominal effective exchange rate (percent change) 6/ -8.4-2.6-2.8-7.3

    Real effective exchange rate (percent change) 6/ -

    End-of-period exchange rate (dram per U.S. dollar) 378363385.8403.6 405.6

    Average exchange rate (dram per U.S. dollar) 363374372.5401.8 406.8

    Memorandum item:

    Population (in millions)

    Sources: Armenian authorities; and IMF staff estimates and projections.

    1/ From 2013, tax revenue includes social contribution.

    2/ In 2013 includes 1.5 percent of GDP related to the acquisition by
    Gazprom from the government of 20 percent of the shares of
    ArmRusGazprom, and the transfer (expenditure) of the same amount from
    the government to ArmRusGazprom to liquidate liabilities. Excluding
    this transaction, the deficit would amount to 1 percent of GDP.

    3/ In 2013, a credit for $155 million is registered in FDI to reflect
    the acquisition by Gazprom of 20 percent of the shares of
    ArmRusGazprom, while an offseting debit is registered in other capital
    (net) to reflect the corresponding reduction in liabilities of the
    latter with the former.

    4/ Based on public and publicly-guaranteed debt.

    5/ Gross international reserves in months of next year's imports of
    goods and services, including the SDR holdings.

    6/ A positive sign denotes appreciation.


    Public Affairs Media Relations

    From: A. Papazian