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Movses Shahverdyan. "You Cannot Intimidate Russians By War."

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  • Movses Shahverdyan. "You Cannot Intimidate Russians By War."


    March 10 2014

    The current geopolitical processes, according to the President
    of Labor Socialist Party of Armenia, Movses Shahverdyan, are the
    logical continuation of the events of 300 years ago, when Peter the
    Great opened a window to Europe by the Baltic Sea, and Russia tried
    to enter the maelstrom of European events and to tell its word, and
    met with serious resistance of Anglo-Saxons. Today, according to
    our interlocutor, the United States takes the role of the latter,
    with its European countries. "This conflict of interest has always
    been. In the existence of the Russian Empire, it was expressed in the
    Balkans and the Middle East by the then Russo-Turkish wars, but Russia
    was always given counterblow by England through its European allies,"
    said our interlocutor. Since the Crimea problem is on the agenda,
    Movses Shahverdyan, referring to the ongoing act of war in the Crimea
    in 1853-55, recalls that although the war was between Russia and
    the Ottoman Empire, but the European countries intervened headed by
    England, the heroic defense of Sevastopol happened, and notes, "Today,
    it seems that conditions are created for the second war of Crimea.

    Again, the problem of conflict of interest arises. Regardless of
    what they say that the world is unipolar, today, the existence of
    bipolar world is clearly outlined, on the one hand, the Russian
    Federation with its supporters, on the other hand, the United States
    with European countries. No one can say that the matter will reach
    the World War III, or not, however, no one can deny the existence of
    serious danger. Anyway, you cannot intimidate Russians by war. They
    are the people and the state that feel like fish in the water during
    the wartime. That is the very danger that always scared the West and
    the United States. Remember the event of September 11, when only two
    buildings exploded, but what kind of panic had begun in the U.S. I
    do not like to make predictions, but I have no doubt that Russia will
    not retreat and will solve the problem of Crimea exactly as it finds
    convenient." Movses Shahverdyan, again with historical references,
    came to the conclusion that the West should not make great program
    with Ukraine, as there had been wrinkles in the Russian-Ukrainian
    relations, there had been complex historical situations, which were
    smoothed out. Now, he is convinced that the Ukrainian and Russian
    relations will be normalized, since the Ukrainian people have generated
    from the same Slavic roots, and there cannot be major conflicts
    between them. The evidence of it, according to our interlocutor,
    is also the recent polls conducted in Ukraine, according to which,
    the leaders of this movement have negligible percent in presidential
    elections. But under this geopolitical situation, our interlocutor is
    mostly concerned about the events in Armenia, since "they will solve
    their problems without our intervention," however, these developments
    will directly affect Armenia, especially when in recent years our
    country's "Achilles' heel" has been and remains our authorities, with
    their illegitimacy and the consequences thereof. In this context,
    at the request of, referring to the parallels drawn by
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan at the March 1 rally between Gagik Tsarukyan and
    Bidzina Ivanishvili, Movses Shahverdyan said, "A long time has been
    elapsed since Levon Ter-Petrosyan's statement. Everyone is talking
    about this matter, positive or negative evaluations are made, except
    Gagik Tsarukyan. Each person takes on a role and he decides to what
    extent and how he is going to implement it. However, Gagik Tsarukyan
    is silent." Generally, our interlocutor finds that a new government
    should be formed in Armenia as soon as possible, whose educational and
    governance qualification is substantially different from the current
    one, in the sense of increasing the benchmark. "This government has
    neither legitimacy supply, nor the support of the people behind
    it, and the outer forces know it very well, which makes both the
    authorities and the state vulnerable, moreover, under the existence
    of our problems. It's an unforgivable luxury for us." And, if this
    issue is not resolved, according to conviction of Moses Shahverdyan,
    it is not due to the lack of solution rather than the inefficiency of
    those solving this issue. Shahverdyan even sees several options for
    the regulation of the matter, one of which is political. However, as
    Ter-Petrosyan said the "wonderful quartet", non-government forces of
    the parliament do not inspire faith in our interlocutor, since it is
    not clear on what problems are put forward in their agenda. According
    to his assessment, the parliament is just "a place for entertainment"
    for these forces. Meanwhile, proper cooperation of political forces,
    according to LSPA President, can provide serious results, the
    examples of which they have. Recalling Gagik Tsarukyan's statement
    made at the last PAP congress that there should be a broad political
    and social consolidation, Shahverdyan is concerned that still no
    moves are followed, yet there are no arrangements for meetings and
    consultations. The next option is to change the situation by the
    government initiative. "I am just amazed at not serious statements made
    by some RPA members saying about upcoming 2017-18 elections. And who
    can say what the situation will be on the Earth planet at that time,
    when the world situation is changing by hours?" Movses Shahverdyan
    is confident that soon serious political processes will commence in
    Armenia instigated by the West or Russia.

    RPA members also urge not to be naive, because even the decision
    to join the Customs Union will not make Russia forget about "their
    genealogy." As for the CU accession process, he characterizes it
    by Avetik Isahakyan's famous phrase, again we went and stood under
    collapsing walls, and God forbid that these walls fell on our heads.

    Movses Shahverdyan is not against the CU accession, he is against
    the form how it was done, unconditioned capitulation act was signed
    without gaining anything. "Armenia needs a government that will rule
    as demanded by our national-state interests, which, unfortunately,
    have not been formulated so far."

    Nelly Grigoryan

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