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As West Leaves The Front Line, 'The Horrors Of History' Return

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  • As West Leaves The Front Line, 'The Horrors Of History' Return


    World Tribune
    March 11 2014

    Special to

    By Alexander Maistrovoy

    The West has left the forefront of history which is repeating itself
    in force and with dispatch throughout Eurasia.

    While condemning the actions of Russia in Crimea, John Kerry said
    that the time of empires is long gone; we live in the "21st century,
    and not in the 19th century". After speaking with Putin, Angela Merkel
    told him that he had lost touch with reality and that he lives "in
    another dimension".

    In my opinion the time of empires has not passed and Putin is in full
    harmony with reality.

    The United States, and with their assistance a significant part of
    Europe have created an isolated civilization: extremely successful
    and advanced, but isolated.

    Geography played a great role because the U.S. and Britain are island
    states and mainland Europe is a peninsula. From a cultural stand point,
    this civilization has been based on ancient models of Greek democracy
    and Roman law; ethnically - on a relatively homogeneous population
    in a very limited space.

    For millennia the giant Eurasia had existed in a completely different
    position that has never changed.

    Mircea Eliade wrote with bitterness that his people, Romanians, like
    other Balkan peoples consistently lived in fear of the "The Horror
    of History". It's difficult to create and develop sustainable forms
    of democracy when you live in perpetual state of hordes, intrusions
    and tyrannies. Meanwhile, leading Eurasian powers - Russia, China,
    Turkey and Iran - were formed in exactly such an ominous environment:
    endless open borders, limitless vastness, mixed, diverse and often
    hostile to each other and its governments population dispersed over
    an infinite space.

    Only through harsh centralized power was it possible to maintain
    such population, these areas and these boundaries. This was a natural
    prerequisite for creation of the empires.

    Every Eurasian state - from Persian's Achaemenids and ancient China
    (Tianxia) to Ottomans and Tsarist Russia to the Soviet Union, Communist
    China and Islamic republic of Iran - desired to expand its boundaries
    to resist its rivals and hostile, spontaneously emerging entities
    (such the Mongols, The Mughal Empire, the state of Tamerlane), to
    keep rebellious population and augment the resources.

    In the 19th-20th centuries these common threats were supplemented by
    the expansion of the West: The British Empire and the United States.

    No one, not even modern powers, had forgotten the "surprises", in
    the face of nomads or Islamist gangs, by constantly bustling steppe
    spreading from the Caspian Sea to Mongolia.

    The ruling power could not afford to discuss issues of law and justice
    in a state of permanent external hazards, especially when a significant
    part of population looked forward to enemy invasion. Any resistance
    had to be crushed by an iron fist and troops mobilized as promptly
    and as quickly as possible to launch an attack on the enemy on his
    own territory. Such a tactic, with different degrees of success, was
    used equally by Sassanids and Sultans after the Ottoman defeat at the
    Battle of Ankara; the empire of the Great Ming in China and Shahanshah
    Mohammad Reza Pahlavi after the invasion of Iran during World War II
    by Soviet and British forces; Stalin, Chinese Communists and now Putin.

    Democracy in such circumstances was not just impossible - it was fatal.

    It was perfectly clear to Montesquieu when he wrote that democratic
    societies are possible only in relatively small isolated ethnic
    homogeneous communities that existed in Europe, and utterly impossible
    and implausible in vast spaces of the continent with restless masses
    and heterogeneous populations.

    Modern passionate supporters of democracy have completely forgotten
    this although the situation has not changed a bit. Russia, China,
    Turkey and Iran are huge conglomerates with diverse populations,
    bordering with other aggressive and powerful nations. As has occurred
    many times before - lightly loosened reins would cause a state to
    collapse: during the unrest in Iran in the late 18th century; in Turkey
    in the early 20th century; in China in the era of the Three Kingdoms
    (AD 220-280), during the Boxer Uprising and other periods of unrest
    in the late 19th - early 20th century; in the course of the Russian
    Provisional Government in 1917 and after the dismantling of the USSR.

    Rigid ruling demanded clear game rules. In order to survive, a
    full submission of peoples of empires to the regime was required
    - otherwise, a catastrophe would incur upon them similar to the
    one happened to the Armenians and Assyrians in Turkey, Chechens,
    Circassians and Tatars in Russia.

    Small independent entities immediately become the object of
    confrontation: obviously, not being a part of one Empire, they
    automatically become part of another and subsequently a place of
    arms for further offenses. This happened with the Kurds, occupied
    by the Turks, Iran and Iraq; with Tibet, which lies on the border of
    India and China; with Caucasus, which divide the Ottoman and Russian
    empires; with South Azerbaijan, which occupied by Russians, Turks,
    Soviet Union and eventually by Iran in 1946, and with Armenia.

    This is exactly what's happening now with Ukraine and especially
    the Crimea peninsula with a massive Russian population and as a
    strategically important base for Russia's naval fleet in Sevastopol
    which Russia wouldn't give up to anyone - neither NATO, nor Turkey. A
    land without an owner is doomed to become an enemy outpost and a
    threat to the Empire.

    These principles were, are, and will always be eternal for mainland
    Eurasia. This is why, first of all, there will never be strong liberal
    democracy, similar to the island civilizations, and secondly, fighting
    for territory will never stop. It is the very essence of survival,
    and not a whim of Putin, the Chinese Communists, the actual Turkish
    rulers (no matter, army or Islamist) or the Iranian regime, either
    Shah or ayatollahs.

    The natural aspiration of Eurasian empires for expansion can only
    be restrained vigorously. West fears any serious interference;
    eternal mechanisms are at work, as in nature, with full force, and
    any moralizing by Obama, Kerry, Merkel and Cameron becomes a reason
    for mockery in Kremlin, Beijing and Teheran.

    Ayatollahs, Communists in China and Islamists in Turkey are
    carefully following the developments around Ukraine. They want to
    see what actions the West will take next, in order to make their own
    conclusions. They have all the reasons to believe that the West would
    limit itself by verbal reprimand.

    The West has voluntarily left the stage of History. So it is not
    surprising that history returns bringing horror to world.
