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Checking The Pulse On Azeri-Armenian Front Line

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  • Checking The Pulse On Azeri-Armenian Front Line


    Institute for War & Peace Reporting , UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #726
    March 5 2014

    Speakers at IWPR debate discuss whether recent deterioration indicates
    worse is to come.

    By IWPR Caucasus - Caucasus CRS Issue 726,

    A recent upsurge in shootings along Azerbaijani-Armenian front lines
    is pronounced enough to alarm commentators on both sides, who are
    unsure whether this is a temporary blip or the start of things to come.

    Tensions escalated through the second half of January both along the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani border and on the "line of control" that separates
    Karabakh Armenian and Azerbaijani forces. Although full casualty
    figures have not been released, Armenian officials confirmed that
    two soldiers died on January 19 and 28. The Azerbaijani authorities
    announced the deaths of two servicemen, on January 23 and January 27.

    Breaches of the 1994 ceasefire are not uncommon, but there was
    something about recent developments that made commentators pause for
    thought. To probe the issues, IWPR brought together Armenian and
    Azerbaijani experts for a joint event at which they discussed the
    causes and implications of the latest incidents.

    The January 30 event was held at the Media Centre in Yerevan, with
    Azerbaijani participants taking part via a video link.

    On the Armenian side, the speakers were Sergei Minasyan, deputy
    director of the Caucasus Institute, and Manvel Sargsyan, director of
    the Armenian Centre for National and International Studies. They were
    joined from Azerbaijan by Kenan Guluzade, editor of the Baku Post
    newspaper, and Avaz Hasanov, head of the Society for Humanitarian
    Research and a member of the International Working Group for the
    Release of Prisoners and Hostages.

    Minasyan began by asking his colleagues about the significance of
    the recent frontier skirmishes.

    "Is this the start of more serious developments, or is it just the
    standard situation on the front line which we've really been observing
    for the last two decades?" he asked.

    Sargsyan said increases in shooting were not uncommon when
    international meetings were taking place - in this case, a meeting
    between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers.

    "There's a perception that it's better to pursue negotiations in an
    atmosphere of tension rather than calm. This philosophy gives rise
    to all these things that are playing out on the front line," he said.

    By contrast, Guluzade disagreed that there was anything unusual about
    the latest incidents, since this kind of thing was a regular feature
    of what was misleadingly described as a "frozen conflict".

    All the speakers discussed possible reasons why the military narrative
    was being dramatised.

    Guluzade said what puzzled him more than the events themselves were
    the hysterical media reports.

    "The information coming from the front line is really just rumour at
    the moment. No one knows how many people died, what kind of operations
    have been going on, or what's really happening. Some Azerbaijani
    bloggers are claiming up to 35 deaths on the Armenian side, but where
    are the bodies of these soldiers?"

    He continued, "I think the media and social network users are
    exaggerating things far too much."

    He said it was hard to work who had an interest in fueling this kind
    of reporting - the Armenian or Azerbaijani governments as a whole,
    or just the military or diplomats on one or both sides.

    Hasanov agreed that the material appearing on social networking sites
    was painting a totally misleading picture, so that someone who did
    not use alternative news sources "might think war that had broken out".

    "That's the impression that's been given recently - archive photos
    from the [1990s] Georgian-Abkhazian war were posted, along with
    video footage that even an expert would find it hard to identify,"
    Hasanov said.

    According to Minasyan, this propaganda war is not unusual - it fits
    the past pattern of rhetoric around border clashes.

    "In my view, when one assesses the situation over the last seven to
    ten day, one really gets a sense of deja vu," he said. "Over the last
    20 years we've repeatedly seen tensions to various extents. But for a
    whole set of reasons, escalation has not led to real combat. Clearly
    the political and military balance has had an effect, as has a
    reluctance on both Armenian and Azerbaijani sides to make these
    confrontations on the front line into something more substantial."

    Minasyan said it was his view that the current tensions were not
    a sign of impending conflict. Tit-for-tat shooting incidents had
    their own dynamic in which they periodically increased or subsided,
    but were prevented from growing into anything bigger.

    Minasyan asked whether the recent appointment of a new defence
    minister in Azerbaijan Zakir Hasanov, might have contributed to the
    escalation in tensions, as the new official tried to demonstrate
    a robust approach. Guluzade expressed scepticism about this idea,
    saying the minister's role meant he was more of a "manager" and did
    not really direct military operations.

    Sargsyan said that border clashes happened as a direct expression of
    policymaking decisions. The human cost was something that was rarely
    discussed, but it was something people really cared about. In Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, he argued, "the public could influence the leaderships
    of both countries to abandon this policy".

    The video-link debate - a rare opportunity for Azerbaijanis and
    Armenians to hear considered views from the other side - was attended
    by journalists and NGO representatives in Yerevan. It prompted over
    a dozen articles published in both Armenian and Azerbaijani media.

    From: Baghdasarian