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Red Cross Committee Baku Office Reps. Meet 7 Armenian Captives

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  • Red Cross Committee Baku Office Reps. Meet 7 Armenian Captives


    March 13, 2014 - 14:25 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Representatives of the Baku Office of the
    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) met with seven
    Armenian citizens held captive in Azerbaijan -Verin Karmiragbyur
    border village resident Arsen Khojoyan, serviceman Hakob Injigulyan,
    and a family of 5.

    An exchange of letters took place during the meeting, with talks
    for more frequent meetings with the captives under way, ICRC Yerevan
    office representative Zara Amatuni toldPanARMENIAN.Net

    Khojoyan crossed the Armenian-Azerbaijani border on March 7. According
    to preliminary information, he lost his way in a thick fog. The
    23-year old is a relative of Mamikon Khojoyan, 77 who was recently
    released from Azeri captivity.

    The 77-year-old man was tortured during his more than month-long
    captivity and needs to remain in hospital for the time being, doctors
    and his relatives said.

    Baku has claimed all along that the elderly resident of Verin
    Karmiraghbyur, an Armenian village close to the Azerbaijani border,
    was armed and acted as a guide for an Armenian "sabotage squad"
    that tried to carry out a cross-border incursion.

    The Armenian military and the village administration have laughed off
    these claims, saying that Khojoyan suffers mental disorders and strayed
    into Azerbaijani territory by accident. Some Azerbaijani analysts have
    also brushed aside the official Azerbaijani version of his detention.

    On the night of Aug 8, Injighulyan, born in 1991, failed to find his
    bearings on the ground and crossed into the Azeri-controlled territory.

    Azeri media outlets have since been spreading information suggesting
    the captive is unwilling to return to Armenia.

    However, Injighulyan never mentioned his unwillingness to return
    to Armenia in a meeting with ICRC representatives, with Azerbaijani
    Prisoners of War Commission Secretary noting he sees no problem with
    the captive's return.

    Armenia has repeatedly slammed the "interviews" with Injighulyan as
    forced by Baku and urged the ICRC to take every effort to help the
    captive's return, with no persecution to be initiated against him in
    the absence of crime in the act.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress