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'Crimea Is About The Survival Of Putin's System'

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  • 'Crimea Is About The Survival Of Putin's System'


    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    March 14 2014

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently flexing his muscles in
    the Crimea crisis. But what are his long-term goals, and who could
    still have the power to influence him?

    There is only one explanation for Russian President Vladimir Putin's
    behavior on the Crimean peninsula, according to Stefan Meister,
    a Russia expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

    "This is about the survival of Putin's system," he told DW. "For
    him, foreign policy has become a central instrument for internal

    Meister said Putin's strong stance is intended to increase the
    president's dwindling popularity among the Russian population.

    Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Putin has been Russia's dominant
    political force. In 1999, Boris Yeltsin made him prime minister. When
    Yeltsin himself resigned several months later, he made Putin president
    of the Russian Federation. In March 2000, the Russian people confirmed
    their support of Yeltsin's choice in a presidential election. Ever
    since, Vladimir Putin has been at the helm of the huge country -
    even when he did not officially hold the country's highest office.

    Russia Expert Stefan Meister thinks that Putin is using foreign policy
    to garner domestic support

    In May 2012, Putin began his third term as president. From 2008 to
    2012 he swapped roles with his close confidant Dmitry Medvedev and
    was Russia's prime minister for one legislative period, since the
    Russian constitution only allows two successive presidential terms.

    Putin wants to show strength

    "Putin is a politician who knows how to cleverly wield political
    power," said Meister. "But if he is put under pressure, he sometimes
    reacts in impulsive ways," he said, adding that for Putin, key is to
    show strength.

    This can also be seen in the image of himself he presents to the
    public. He has shown a foible for portraying himself as a tough
    outdoorsman, riding bare-chested through the endless Siberian steppe
    and catching huge fish. It is a public image that large segments of
    the Russian population approve of thoroughly.

    Putin likes to present himself as one with Russian nature

    Asked in a 2012 interview for German television what the source of
    negative Western attitudes towards him could be, Putin responded:
    "It mainly stems from a fear of Russia - of our scale, our nuclear
    weapons, our potential in various other spheres. But that is an old
    way of thinking."

    Vision of a Eurasian Union

    Russia too, is trying to find its geopolitical role. One important
    strategy for that is the Eurasian Union. According to Putin's plans,
    Russia, Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan will be joining to form this
    customs union in the near future. Later on, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
    might become members. Ukraine, which Putin considered a particularly
    important player due to its size and geographical position, was also
    supposed to join. But with the upheaval that has taken place in Kyiv,
    whether Ukraine looks towards the EU, Russia or some mix of the two
    is impossible to predict.

    "Ukraine is the most important country for Russia, for Putin to
    fulfill his dream of Russia as a powerful state based on orthodox
    values, values which are distinct from Western values," said Pavol
    Demes, a Transatlantic Fellow at the Bratislava office of the German
    Marshall Fund, a US think tank that aims to strengthen transatlantic

    Putin and Germany

    Pavol Demes thinks that Germany could be the key to negotiations
    with Putin

    Both Demes and Meister said Germany is the most important Western
    partner for Putin. Since being stationed in East Germany as a Russian
    KGB agent from 1985 to 1990, Putin has had special relationship to
    Germany. He speaks fluent German and his second daughter was born in
    Dresden in 1986.

    After he took office as president in 2001, Putin gave a speech to
    the German Bundestag in German. The move was unusual for a foreign
    guest of the German state and it sent a clear message. In his speech,
    Putin supported the eastward expansion of the EU and pleaded for
    strong ties between Russia and Europe.

    The idea has hardly come to fruition. The political unity of Germany,
    France and Russia in opposition to the US-led "coalition of the
    willing" that attacked Iraq in 2003 was short-lived, for example, even
    as some EU members supported then-US President George W. Bush's war.

    Merkel's role

    Merkel speaks Russian, Putin speaks German - but they still can't
    seem to come to an understanding

    Russia is now largely isolated, when it comes to many aspects of
    foreign policy. In Syria, Moscow supports Syrian President Bashar
    al-Assad, Russia is supplying Iran with nuclear technology, and in
    Ukraine, Moscow is at loggerheads with the EU and the US.

    Some observers have called on Germany to play more influential role
    in attempts to restart dialogue with Russia. "It hurts Putin to be
    criticized in Germany or to be perceived in a negative way in Germany,"
    said Meister. "That plays an important role for him."

    That is also why Demes said he has a clear demand for the German
    chancellor: "Germany, and Angela Merkel in particular, has an enormous
    responsibility and chance to modulate this conflict situation, more
    properly than anybody else."

    Still, as Meister said, Germany's influence on Putin will only become
    noticeable in incremental steps, and he said the country's leverage
    is limited, "German politicians won't be able to stop him annexing
