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Putin's power play jeopardizes Eurasian Union plans

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  • Putin's power play jeopardizes Eurasian Union plans

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    March 15 2014

    Putin's power play jeopardizes Eurasian Union plans

    President Vladimir Putin aims to create an Eurasian Union where the
    Soviet Union once reigned. But Moscow's intervention in Crimea could
    make former Soviet republics think twice about deeper integration with

    During his annual address to the Russian parliament back in 2005,
    President Putin publicly lamented the collapse of the Soviet Union,
    calling it "a major geopolitical disaster of the century." The former
    KGB man laid out his solution to this "disaster" in a 2011 newspaper
    editorial, in which he called for the creation of an Eurasian Union.

    "First, none of this entails any kind of revival of the Soviet Union,"
    Putin wrote in the daily Izvestia. "It would be naïve to revive or
    emulate something that has been consigned to history. But these times
    call for a close integration based on new values and a new political
    and economic foundation."

    "We suggest a powerful supranational association capable of becoming
    one of the poles in the modern world and serving as an efficient
    bridge between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region," he

    Neighboring Belarus and Kazakhstan have signed up to join Russia in
    this integration project. In 2010, the three ex-Soviet republics
    formed a common customs union. Meanwhile, they have agreed to make the
    Eurasian Economic Union a reality by January 1, 2015.

    Close, but not too close?

    "According to Putin, it has to be a political alliance, not only the
    customs union, with supranational institutions that will be hosted by
    Moscow and apparently dominated by Russia," Lilia Shevtsova, a Russia
    expert with Carnegie Moscow, told DW.

    'Anti-thesis to the West'

    While Shevtsova described the Eurasian Union as Putin's "pet project,"
    she said that the concept of Eurasianism as an ideology developed in
    early 20th century Russia as an "antithesis to the West."

    "The major principle of Eurasianism is that Russia has to be the pole
    of a new civilization, which is situated on the huge Eurasian
    territory that includes a European part and an Asian part," Shevtsova
    said. "Russia is unique and Russia is not Europe."

    "The Eurasian concept is based on such values as the Orthodox Church
    and the strength of the state," she said. "The state is much more
    important than individuals."

    'EU without democracy'

    In terms of its structure, the Eurasian Union is modeled on the
    European Union's political integration project, but without the
    emphasis on democracy and human rights, according to Amanda Paul, an
    expert on the Eurasian region at the in Brussels.

    A handful of former Soviet republics, led by Russia, created the
    Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC or Eurasec) in 2000 to serve as the
    motor of integration in the former Soviet space. The organization's
    institutional structure is similar to the defunct European Economic
    Community, the forerunner of the European Union. Eurasec has an
    interstate council, a permanent committee, an inter-parliamentary
    assembly and a court.

    The interstate council consists of the Eurasec members' heads of state
    and makes decisions by consensus, while the permanent committee
    requires a two-thirds majority vote. Voting power in the committee is
    based on financial contributions. Russia wields 40 votes while Belarus
    and Kazakhstan each hold 20. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan possess 10
    votes respectively.

    Driven by realpolitik

    According to Shevtsova, Belarusian strongman Alexander Lukashenko
    opted to join because he "cannot go to Europe" due to his repressive
    policies, and "he cannot survive by himself" because of the country's
    economic problems. Meanwhile, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev
    hopes to use Russia to balance out China's economic influence in the
    Central Asian country, she said.

    Last September, Armenia turned down an association agreement with the
    European Union, opting instead for the customs union with Belarus,
    Russia and Kazakhstan. The Armenian deputy foreign minister, Shavarsh
    Kocharian, has said that Yerevan will be ready to join the customs
    union by mid-April.

    Armenia has "chosen" to go along with Russia's plan

    "They basically didn't have any option but to ditch their agreement
    with the EU because of their reliance on Russia in many different
    sectors, obviously including energy security, economics and trade,"
    Paul said.

    "In the shared neighborhood with the EU, none of the countries want to
    join," she continued. "Russia is having to force them in there with
    all the sticks and whips it's got."

    'Pop-up war syndrome'

    According to Shevtsova, Kyiv is the "crown jewel" in Russia's Eurasian
    ambitions. A country of 45 million people, Ukraine has fertile
    agricultural land, an industrial base and lies right on Central
    Europe's doorstep.

    "It was one of the key goals of Putin to get Ukraine into the orbit
    because a Eurasian Union...without Ukraine would have a very strong
    Asian face," she said.

    But Moscow's intervention in Crimea could jeopardize the entire
    integration project. Ukraine has been driven even further into the
    West's arms by the de-facto Russian annexation of the Black Sea
    peninsula. The EU could sign the political chapters of an association
    agreement with Kyiv as early as March 20th.

    Meanwhile, Belarus and Kazakhstan have failed to express strong public
    support for Moscow's position in Ukraine. Putin's doctrine of
    reserving the right to use military force to protect ethnic Russians
    might have Minsk and Astana worried. Nearly a quarter of Kazakhstan's
    population and eight percent of Belarus claim Russian ethnicity.

    "If the Russians are allowed to get away with what they're doing in
    Crimea it sets a precedent to repeat this sort of behavior elsewhere,"
    Paul said. "Russia is creating a sort of pop-up war syndrome. It
    doesn't like something so it creates a military confrontation."

    From: A. Papazian