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Being A Turk Is Insufferable Shame: Turkish Poet

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  • Being A Turk Is Insufferable Shame: Turkish Poet


    15:49, 17 March, 2014

    YEREVAN, MARCH 17, ARMENPRESS: The Turkish poet Serkan Engin wrote
    in the article in the website Paper Boats of Poetry that for him
    being a Turk is an insufferable shame, as the ancestors of the Turks
    implemented the Armenian Genocide. Armenpress presents the article
    of Serkan Engin "The Insufferable Shame of Being a Turk":

    "I am a socialist Laz poet from Turkey. My mother is Turkish so
    my mother tongue is Turkish, but I prefer to consider myself as a
    "Laz" like my father's ancestors, because I am ashamed of my Turkish
    ancestors from my mother's side of the family. I refuse to consider
    myself as a "Turk", because my Turkish ancestors were perpetrators of
    genocides at the end of the Ottoman Empire and at the beginning of
    the Turkish Republic. 1,500,000 Armenians were brutally murdered by
    Turkish and Kurdish people under the orders of Ottoman generals. Turks
    and Kurds have killed their own neighbors, raped their little girls,
    burned alive little children and women and grabbed the Armenians'
    money and properties.

    Also thousands of Assyrians and Chaldeans had been murdered in their
    own homelands like Armenians by the Ottoman government during this
    genocide period.

    A terrible genocide had to be committed against the Armenians. I
    accept the reality of the Armenian Genocide as the son of a Turkish
    mom and I am ashamed of my mother's ancestors, of my Turkish ancestry.

    This is the shame of the Turks and Kurds. This is the shame of
    Turkish History, also a shame for the Kurdish people. This is a blot
    on human history. I apologize to all the Armenian victims in the name
    of humanity and kneel down in front of your pain even though I had
    no participation in this violence personally.

    Unfortunately, this is not the only "genocide" the Turks have been
    involved in. Also 353,000 Pontic Greeks had been brutally murdered in
    1919 in Anatolia by the order of Mustafa Kemal, the Ottoman General of
    the Committee of Union and Progress, who would become the founder of
    the new Turkish Republic. This new republic is the continuation of the
    old racist Committee of Union and Progress, having the same mentality.

    These are not the only crimes of my Turkish ancestors. From the
    beginning of their history, Turks were trouble makers to all those
    near them. Turks have lived by grabbing the neighboring lands,
    killing many people, raping their women, making their children slaves,
    grabbing their country and money for 2000 years. The Great Chinese
    Wall is the concrete symbol of Turkish barbarianism. First the Turks
    plundered Chinese lands, and killed them and when they began to be
    more organized and founded states, they began to attack more countries
    from the Great Chinese Wall to Vienna. I apologize to all the victims
    of my Turkish ancestors throughout history.

    Dear friends, they can arrest me and put me in jail because of these
    explanations or a racist can shoot me on the street, but my conscience
    and intellectual ethics make me obligated to shout out the truth to
    the whole world. I will speak the truth till my last breath".

    From: A. Papazian