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Russian Political Expert: The Crimea Will Hardly Become A Precedent

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  • Russian Political Expert: The Crimea Will Hardly Become A Precedent


    by Ashot Safaryan
    Monday, March 17, 12:45

    The Crimea will hardly become a precedent for Karabakh because of
    different weight categories of Armenia and Russia, Russian political
    expert, Andrey Epifantsev, told Arminfo correspondent.

    'Of course, the Crimea will become the temptation for the Karabakh
    conflict settlement. The most important is that in the conditions of
    the crisis of the world law system, when there are two equivalent but
    polar principles - the right of the people for self-determination and
    inviolability of borders, and in specific cases the countries adhere
    to that of them which more convenient to them, Russia could cross the
    line and cast gage to that part of the world community which in this
    case chooses the inviolability of borders", - Epifantsev said.

    He also added that however Moscow managed to do that chiefly because it
    depends on these countries not so much cardinally, or this dependence
    is mutual, or because it is at least for several years that Russia has
    been conducting an independent policy and pretending at leadership as
    one of the world centers of force. As for Armenia, here the situation
    differs. Because of different reason, Armenia has been striving to be
    complementary to different force centers. This means that it is very
    much difficult for Armenia to make sharp steps, as it scares to damage
    relations with any of them. If Moscow goes forward, Yerevan shamefully
    stands apart and only hopes not to cause anger of its bigger partners.

    'Certainly, we understand that the weight categories of Russia
    and Armenia are different. However, Armenia could level its less
    beneficial parts by closer cooperation with Russia within the frames
    of the Customs Union and Eurasian Union. But here as well, the
    policy of complementarity puts its certain limits. For this reason,
    we have to confess that the Crimea will hardly become a precedent
    for Karabakh. The unsettlement of the Karabakh conflict is a result
    of the complementary policy conducted by Yerevan", - he said.

    When predicting possible scenarios in confrontation of Russia and the
    West after the referendum in the Crimea, the expert said there is not
    specific information how far the West is ready to go in its aspiration
    to "punish" Russia. According to the logic, the true sanctions are
    hardly possible, as they will also damage the western countries
    themselves. But as we know, in the crisis moments logic sometimes
    disappears. For this reason, nothing must be ruled out, he said.

    As for the Customs Union, he said that after the referendum in the
    Crimea and the position taken by Russia, the elites of some countries
    of the post-Soviet area will keep their ears open, as their countries
    have got similar pain points as Ukraine had: absence of accord of
    people, argument borders after the USSR split, different ideas for
    the future, huge corruption, ruined state machinery, etc. "However,
    all this is not directly linked with integration processes developed
    by Russia. For many years Ukraine either did not take part in these
    projects or its participation was too weak. All this resulted in
    Ukraine's split. I am absolutely confident that if the post-Soviet
    countries see an economic interest in the Russian integration projects,
    if they feel Russia as one of the world leaders, the integration at
    the post-Soviet area will go on developing irrespective of various
    conflicts", - Epifantsev concluded.
