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Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Disc

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  • Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Disc


    Liberty News On Line
    March 18 2014

    By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat

    â~@¨Saif Al-Adlubi told the story when the Egyptian butcher would
    examine the row of people who were waiting their execution. Al-Adlubi
    witnessed at least two Armenians who were waiting their turn to be
    slaughtered since no one paid their ransom, the sum of $100,000 each.

    "He grabbed the neck of one elderly Armenian Christian", says
    Al-Adlubi, which the Egyptian butcher was about to slaughter. The
    Egyptian butcher felt the neck of the Christian Armenian saying "you're
    an aged man and your neck is soft and I don't have to sharpen my knife
    for you". Others might be more difficult depending on their physique.

    Saif Al-Adlubi tells of his miraculous escape to the Turkish village
    of Rehaniyeh from Syria. He was probably one of the few survivors who
    sounded the alarm on one of the gruesome systematic human extermination
    centers carried out by the Takfiri Jihadist group ISIS.

    Rescue Christians translated an interview with Al-Adlubi:

    (Also see references [here] and from Al-Jazeera [here] and others

    The prison centers where the ISIS (Da'ish) controls have become
    miniatures of what was during the Nazi SS extermination camps, except
    the ISIS carries out the extermination in a much more horrific way.

    Da'ish transforms the prisons into kangaroo courts with systematic
    slaughterhouses and killing centers to exterminate Christians and
    Muslims who disagree with the Takfiri ideology. Once they are found
    guilty, the way they deal with the victims was as if they were cattle.

    The ISIS stands for The Islamic group of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is also
    known in Middle East circles as Da'ish. Rescue Christians obtained
    footage of another slaughterhouse from one Syrian Christian named
    Kamil Toume to confirm the claims.

    It all adds up. Toume confirmed what was told by Al-Adlubi and he
    provided some leaked footage to prove it:

    This is the Siba' District Human Slaughterhouse in Homs, Syria.

    Rescue Christians aided Toume's plight to escape the fate of his
    father and sister after they were ritually sacrificed and cremated
    by Al-Nusra Islamist rebels in Duwair near Homs.

    We also work in order to rescue Christians from this horror in Syria.

    Please donate to save the lives of Christians in Iraq and Syria from
    this unbearable brutality and evil. When you donate, you save a life
    and fight evil.

    "You never heard of Umm Muhammad slaughterhouse?" Kamil told us when
    we asked him to comment on the story of Saif Al-Adlubi.

    "What do you mean by Umm Muhammad Slaughterhouse"? We asked in

    The footage is from two separate slaughterhouses, one in Bayyada and
    the other is even 3 years old in Al-Siba'.

    Slaughterhouses has been going on for 3 years in Syria.

    Al-Adlubi is Muslim fundamentalist who joined the FSA (Free Syrian
    Army) and was a militant and a media agent for the FSA. He was captured
    by Da'ish and tells his horrific tale explaining how he has never
    experienced or seen such horror under the Assad Regime. He was one
    of few that made it out when the Syrian militia finally defeated the
    Da'ish rebels in that specific prison center.

    "How could I be considered Kafir (heathen) if I pray and fast?" he
    asked the prison official as he tells his story to several Arabic
    news agencies.

    "you are "murtad" [apostate]" answered the official.

    "I asked him, what is my destiny. I want to get a closure. What is it,
    a year two years in prison?"

    "He said in Arabic "Abshir Bithabih", in English, "Rejoice, you will
    be sacrificed".

    According to Dai'sh Islamic theology, he would be sacrificed as a
    martyr by being slaughtered for his sin. This is not the same fate
    for Christians who in their view will end up in eternal hellfire.

    Before he was freed, Al-Adlubi saw the bodies of young men who were
    systematically slaughtered and disemboweled.

    "The slaughterhouse was on a hill. It is secluded and is void of any
    homes nearby" says Al-Adlubi. "I witnessed lifeless bodies hanging
    upside down as if they were slaughtered sheep," he added.

    "In the center of the slaughterhouse is a huge Egyptian about two
    meters high. He was the one doing the slaughtering"

    The Egyptian butcher examines the row of the young and old men who
    were about to be slaughtered: Armenian Christians, Syrian Christians,
    Shiites and even Sunnis. Each had to be physically examined. They
    are decapitated from the root of their necks, their chest cavities
    are opened and disemboweled and hung upside down. The neck of the
    aged Christian Armenian man was a simple one.

    The stories told by Al-Adlubi and Toume adds up. Toume sent us
    some footage that circulated the Syrian community after the human
    slaughterhouse finally ended, and the ugly remaining evidence was
    revealed when Umm Muhammad's slaughterhouse in the Siba' district in
    Homs was busted by Syrian police 3 years ago in August 2011. This
    was during the infancy of the revolution in Syria. Umm Muhammad's
    slaughterhouse was not operated by Da'ish but by the FSA (Free Syrian
    Army) during its infancy. The slaughterhouses were in progress for
    years and only the future will show the extent of such operations. We
    have also reported in the past how a rare disease (Kuru) that infected
    Syrians which can only be contracted as a result of cannibalism.

    Umm Muhammad was a Sunni woman in charge of dismembering human bodies.

    In the footage, it can be seen with human bodies being chopped up
    exactly as is done in a cattle slaughterhouse. What is striking is the
    way of the superior care in the chipping of the body parts without
    having clear traces of torture, which indicates that the potential
    target was to pile the body parts for an unknown reason. The table
    is the type used in a morgue or in Forensic Medicine.

    Al-Adlubi's story also checks out from footage obtained from
    Al-Bayyada, another slaughterhouse, which Rescue Christians was
    able to obtain footage from. And just as Al-Adlubi stated, they were
    hanging upside down, headless, like slaughtered sheep. The heads were
    removed from the root of the chest cavity just as Al-Adlubi stated when
    describing how the Egyptian was doing his meticulous methods and how
    Toume described the Umm-Muhammad slaughterhouse in Al-Siba' district.

    This is the Al-Bayada Human Slaughterhouse

    Saif Al-Adlubi's nightmare was over when Syrian civilian militia
    finally swarmed into the Da'ish prison in Edbana.

    We report this story because of the silence on the systematic killing
    of Christians, Shiite minorities and even Sunni Muslims in Syria who
    disagree with the Takfirist theology. The story is reminiscent to the
    initial reporting on the extermination of European Jewry and other
    minorities when little coverage was given to the truth in these days.

    We predict that history will repeat itself in the case of Christians
    in Syria and Iraq. When Dr. Gerhart Riegner, the representative of
    the World Jewish Congress in Geneva, Switzerland, learned what was
    going on from a German source. Riegner asked American diplomats in
    Switzerland to inform Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, one of America's most
    prominent Jewish leaders, of the systematic killing centers. But the
    State Department, characteristically insensitive and influenced by
    anti-Semitism, decided not to inform Wise.

    The rabbi nevertheless learned of Riegner's terrible message from
    Jewish leaders in Great Britain. He immediately approached Under
    Secretary of State Sumner Welles, who asked Wise to keep the
    information confidential until the government had time to verify it.

    Wise agreed and it was not until November 1942 that Welles authorized
    the release of Riegner's message.

    Wise held a press conference on the evening of November 24, 1942. The
    next day's New York Times reported his news on its tenth page.

    Throughout the rest of the war, the Times and most other newspapers
    failed to give prominent and extensive coverage to the Holocaust.

    In the case for Syria, history is repeating itself. Rescue Christians
    will do a press release for media interviews to speak to Mr. Toume
    and the plight of Syrian Christians and how his family were murdered
    by rebel forces in Syria.

    The cruelty expressed by the Muslims in the Syrian slaughterhouses
    is reminiscent to the violence perpetuated by the Ottoman Turks.

    For example, the Egyptian executioner who told the elderly Armenian man
    that his neck was soft and easy to cut parallels the hatred which the
    Ottoman Muslims expressed toward the Armenians. Today we have actual
    footage on how the extermination of the Armenians was carried out.

    A German, who was present in the Armenian Genocide, was running an
    orphanage in the area of Moush where the Turks were conducting their
    massacres. When he asked a Turkish officer in charge if the Armenian
    children of the orphanage would be given guaranteed safe passage,
    the Turk replied:

    You can take them with you, but being Armenians their heads may and
    will be cut off on the way. (1)

    In the slaughterhouses in Syria, there are countless corpses, all
    severely mutilated and cut into parts. This is exactly what the Turks
    did to Christians in their infamous Genocide.

    Turkish peasants seized entire multitudes of Armenians and cut their
    bodies into pieces while they were still alive. A letter written
    by an anonymous source recounts how Turkish farmers cut to pieces a
    large body of Armenian men with their farming tools:

    In the valley of Beyhan Boghazi, six or seven hours' distance from the
    town, they were attacked by a wild horde of Turkish peasants, and, in
    pursuance of the order, were all massacred with clubs, hammers, axes,
    scythes, spades, saws -- in a word, with every implement that causes
    a slow and painful death. Some shore off their heads, ears, noses,
    hands, feet with scythes; others put out their eyes. ...The bodies
    of the victims were left in pieces in the valley, to be devoured by
    the wild beasts. (2)

    William Willard Howard, an eye-witness to the Armenian Genocide,
    actually described how the Turks mutilated and cut to pieces the
    bodies of Christians:

    ...the soles of his feet are held before an open fire until the flesh
    drops off. After that his tongue may be pulled out, or red hot irons
    thrust into his eyes. If he is not dead by this time he is hacked to
    pieces with knives. (3)

    Samuel Gridley Howe, an American who helped the Greek Christians
    revolt against the Turkish occupation in the 19th century, described
    the massacre of the Greek Christians by the Turks as a literal
    slaughterhouse, with severed body parts and decapitated heads being
    found without number. He described one massacre of a Greek town
    as such:

    [T]he Turkish troops gathered round the town, rushed in among the
    defenseless inhabitants, and begun to butcher all they found. ...And
    a few hours were sufficient for all this; a few hours of rapine and
    murder had changed the beautiful town to a scene of utter devastation;
    to a slaughter-house, still steaming with the blood of thousands of
    all ages, and of both sexes, whose mutilated and headless bodies,
    lay in every direction about the streets (4)

    The slaughterhouses in Syria are really centers for ritual human
    sacrifices. Rescue Christians even obtained footage to prove this
    as well:

    In the video, which is filmed at yet another unknown slaughterhouse,
    the executioner declares this prayer before making the slaughter:

    In defense of the Sunnis O Lord, O Lord, We bring these offerings to
    you, O Lord. Please accept this sacrificial offering, O Lord. O Lord,
    accept this from us, accept this from us. In the name of Allah.

    Bismillah (In the name of Allah). Allahu Akbar

    The victims could be shot or slaughtered, but one thing is true,
    these are ritualistic killings.

    This can be deduced by paralleling the slaughterhouses in Syria to
    Islamic ideology in regards to shedding Christian blood, which can be
    observed in historical accounts. For example, Howe, an eyewitness to
    Turkish violence, recounted that the Muslim Turks "thought the blood
    of a Christian an acceptable offering to God." (5)

    Now, in conjunction with this statement, here is an account of John
    Eshoo, an Assyrian reverend who survived the Assyrian Genocide under
    the Turks, in which he refers to the carnage as a literal slaughter
    house and describes how the Muslims butchered the Christians in the
    same fashion as the system of animal sacrifice during the Islamic

    The fearful place became literally a human slaughter house, receiving
    its speechless victims, in groups of ten and twenty at a time, for
    execution. ... These helpless Assyrians marched like lambs to their
    slaughter, and they opened not their mouth, save by sayings "Lord,
    into thy hands we commit our spirits. The executioners began by cutting
    first the fingers of their victims, join by joint, till the two hands
    were entirely amputated. Then they were stretched on the ground, after
    the manner of the animals that are slain in the Fast, but these with
    their faces turned upward, and their heads resting upon the stones
    or blocks of wood Then their throats were half cut, so as to prolong
    their torture of dying, and while struggling in the agony of death,
    the victims were kicked and clubbed by heavy poles the murderers
    carried Many of them, while still laboring under the pain of death,
    were thrown into ditches and buried before their souls had expired. (6)

    All of this sadism and cruelty was done in the fashion of an Islamic
    animal sacrifice, and in the Muslim religion, it is permitted that
    a human being replace the animal in the sacrificial rituals. This
    theology of human sacrifice is based upon the very ancient story of
    Khalid Abdullah al-Kasri, who ritually sacrificed Jaad bin Durham
    in the place of an animal on the Islamic holiday of The Festival of
    Sacrifice. He dragged Durham into a mosque, and before spilling his
    blood, proclaimed:

    O people, sacrifice, Allah accepted your sacrifices. I am now
    sacrificing Jaad bin Durham.

    The story is accepted as orthodox by several of the most forceful
    Muslim theologians during the history of Islam like Al-Shafi', Ibin
    Tayymiya, Bukhari, Dhahabi, Ibin Al-Qiyam, Darami and Ibin Katheer.

    This is the reality of Islam, it is a pagan and utterly depraved
    and sadistic religion. It takes the soul of a man and purges any
    remnants of human affection from his very being. Look to your own soul,
    and understand your own obligation to help the Christians from this
    horror. Please donate to save Christian lives in Syria.

    (1) Moush: Statement by a German Eye-witness of Occurrences at Moush;
    communicated by the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief,
    in Arnold Toynbee, The Treatmen of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, p.


    (2) Angora: Extract from a letter, dated 16th September, 1915;
    appended to the memorandum (doc. 11), dated 15/28th October, 1915,
    from a well-informed source at Bukarest

    (3) William Willard Howard, Horrors of Armenia, ch. 1, p. 6

    (4) Samuel Gridely Howe, An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution,
    ch. 3, pp. 99-100, brackets and ellipses mine

    (5) Howe, An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution, ch. 3, p. 100

    (6) In Joel Euel Werda, The Flickering Light of Asia: or, the Assyrian
    Nation and Church, ch. 26, ellipses mine

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