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Sosé & Allen' Legacy Foundation Announces Youth Corps Fellowships

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  • Sosé & Allen' Legacy Foundation Announces Youth Corps Fellowships


    [ Part 2.2: "Attached Text" ]




    by Robert Parry

    You might think that policymakers with so many bloody fiascos on
    their resumes as the U.S. neocons, including the catastrophic Iraq
    War, would admit their incompetence and return home to sell insurance
    or maybe work in a fast-food restaurant. Anything but directing the
    geopolitical decisions of the world’s leading superpower.

    But Official Washington’s neocons are nothing if not relentless
    and resilient. They are also well-funded and well-connected. So they
    won’t do the honorable thing and disappear. They keep hatching
    new schemes and strategies to keep the world stirred up and to keep
    their vision of world domination - and particularly “regime
    change” in the Middle East - alive.Sen. John McCain appearing
    with Ukrainian rightists at a rally in Kiev. Sen. John McCain appearing
    with Ukrainian rightists at a rally in Kiev.

    Now, the neocons have stoked a confrontation over Ukraine, involving
    two nuclear-armed states, the United States and Russia. But - even
    if nuclear weapons don’t come into play - the neocons have
    succeeded in estranging U.S. President Barack Obama from Russian
    President Vladimir Putin and sabotaging the pair’s crucial
    cooperation on Iran and Syria, which may have been the point all along.

    Though the Ukraine crisis has roots going back decades, the chronology
    of the recent uprising - and the neocon interest in it - meshes neatly
    with neocon fury over Obama and Putin working together to avert a
    U.S. military strike against Syria last summer and then brokering an
    interim nuclear agreement with Iran last fall that effectively took
    a U.S. bombing campaign against Iran off the table.

    With those two top Israeli priorities - U.S. military attacks on
    Syria and Iran - sidetracked, the American neocons began activating
    their influential media and political networks to counteract the
    Obama-Putin teamwork. The neocon wedge to splinter Obama away from
    Putin was driven into Ukraine.

    Operating out of neocon enclaves in the U.S. State Department and
    at U.S.-funded non-governmental organizations, led by the National
    Endowment for Democracy, neocon operatives targeted Ukraine even before
    the recent political unrest began shaking apart the country’s
    fragile ethnic and ideological cohesion.

    Last September, as the prospects for a U.S. military strike against
    Syria were fading thanks to Putin, NED president Carl Gershman,
    who is something of a neocon paymaster controlling more than $100
    million in congressionally approved funding each year, took to the
    pages of the neocon-flagship Washington Post and wrote that Ukraine
    was now “the biggest prize.”

    But Gershman added that Ukraine was really only an interim step
    to an even bigger prize, the removal of the strong-willed and
    independent-minded Putin, who, Gershman added, “may find
    himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad [i.e. Ukraine]
    but within Russia itself.” In other words, the new hope was
    for “regime change” in Kiev and Moscow.

    Putin had made himself a major annoyance in Neocon World, particularly
    with his diplomacy on Syria that defused a crisis over a Sarin
    attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013. Despite the attack’s
    mysterious origins - and the absence of any clear evidence proving the
    Syrian government’s guilt - the U.S. State Department and the
    U.S. news media rushed to the judgment that Syrian President Bashar
    al-Assad did it.

    Politicians and pundits baited Obama with claims that Assad had
    brazenly crossed Obama’s “red line” by using
    chemical weapons and that U.S. “credibility” now demanded
    military retaliation. A longtime Israeli/neocon goal, “regime
    change” in Syria, seemed within reach.

    But Putin brokered a deal in which Assad agreed to surrender
    Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal (even as he continued to deny
    any role in the Sarin attack). The arrangement was a huge letdown
    for the neocons and Israeli officials who had been drooling over the
    prospect that a U.S. bombing campaign would bring Assad to his knees
    and deliver a strategic blow against Iran, Israel’s current
    chief enemy.

    Putin then further offended the neocons and the Israeli government
    by helping to facilitate an interim nuclear deal with Iran, making
    another neocon/Israeli priority, a U.S. war against Iran, less likely.

    Putting Putin in Play

    So, the troublesome Putin had to be put in play. And, NED’s
    Gershman was quick to note a key Russian vulnerability, neighboring
    Ukraine, where a democratically elected but corrupt president, Viktor
    Yanukovych, was struggling with a terrible economy and weighing whether
    to accept a European aid offer, which came with many austerity strings
    attached, or work out a more generous deal with Russia.

    There was already a strong U.S.-organized political/media apparatus
    in place for destabilizing Ukraine’s government.

    Gershman’s NED had 65 projects operating in the country -
    training “activists,” supporting “journalists”
    and organizing business groups, according to its latest report. (NED
    was created in 1983 to do in relative openness what the CIA had long
    done in secret, nurture pro-U.S.

    operatives under the umbrella of “promoting democracy.”)

    So, when Yanukovych opted for Russia’s more generous $15 billion
    aid package, the roof fell in on him. In a speech to Ukrainian business
    leaders last December, Assistant Secretary of State for European
    Affairs, Victoria Nuland, a neocon holdover and the wife of prominent
    neocon Robert Kagan, reminded the group that the U.S. had invested
    $5 billion in Ukraine’s “European aspirations.”

    Then, urged on by Nuland and neocon Sen. John McCain, protests in the
    capital of Kiev turned increasingly violent with neo-Nazi militias
    moving to the fore. Unidentified snipers opened fire on protesters
    and police, touching off fiery clashes that killed some 80 people
    (including about a dozen police officers).

    On Feb. 21, in a desperate attempt to tamp down the violence,
    Yanukovych signed an agreement brokered by European countries. He
    agreed to surrender many of his powers, to hold early elections (so
    he could be voted out of office), and pull back the police. That last
    step, however, opened the way for the neo-Nazi militias to overrun
    government buildings and force Yanukovych to flee for his life.

    With these modern-day storm troopers controlling key buildings -
    and brutalizing Yanukovych supporters - a rump Ukrainian parliament
    voted, in an extra-constitutional fashion, to remove Yanukovych from
    office. This coup-installed regime, with far-right parties controlling
    four ministries including defense, received immediate U.S. and
    European Union recognition as Ukraine’s “legitimate”

    As remarkable - and newsworthy - as it was that a government on
    the European continent included Nazis in the executive branch for
    the first time since World War II, the U.S. news media performed as
    it did before the Iraq War and during various other international
    crises. It essentially presented the neocon-preferred narrative and
    treated the presence of the neo-Nazis as some kind of urban legend.

    Virtually across the board, from Fox News to MSNBC, from the Washington
    Post to the New York Times, the U.S. press corps fell in line, painting
    Yanukovych and Putin as the “black-hat” villains and the
    coup regime as the “white-hat” good guys, which required,
    of course, whiting out the neo-Nazi “brown shirts.”

    Neocon Expediency

    Some neocon defenders have challenged my reporting that U.S. neocons
    played a significant role in the Ukrainian putsch. One argument is
    that the neocons, who regard the U.S.-Israeli bond as inviolable,
    would not knowingly collaborate with neo-Nazis given the history of
    the Holocaust (and indeed the role of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators
    in extermination campaigns against Poles and Jews).

    But the neocons have frequently struck alliances of convenience with
    some of the most unsavory - and indeed anti-Semitic - forces on earth,
    dating back to the Reagan administration and its collaboration with
    Latin American “death squad” regimes, including work with
    the World Anti-Communist League that included not only neo-Nazis but
    aging real Nazis.

    More recently in Syria, U.S. neocons (and Israeli leaders) are so
    focused on ousting Assad, an ally of hated Iran, that they have
    cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s Sunni monarchy (known for
    its gross anti-Semitism). Israeli officials have even expressed a
    preference for Saudi-backed Sunni extremists winning in Syria if that
    is the only way to get rid of Assad and hurt his allies in Iran and
    Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

    Last September, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael
    Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his
    Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives
    taking power in Syria.

    “The greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc
    that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the
    Assad regime as the keystone in that arc,” Oren said in the
    interview. “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always
    preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad
    guys who were backed by Iran.”

    Oren said that was Israel’s view even if the other “bad
    guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

    Oren, who was Israel’s point man in dealing with Official
    Washington’s neocons, is considered very close to Israeli Prime
    Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and reflects his views. For decades, U.S.

    neocons have supported Netanyahu and his hardline Likud Party,
    including as strategists on his 1996 campaign for prime minister
    when neocons such as Richard Perle and Douglas Feith developed
    the original “regime change” strategy. [For details,
    see’s “The Mysterious Why of the
    Iraq War.”]

    In other words, Israel and its U.S. neocon supporters have been willing
    to collaborate with extreme right-wing and even anti-Semitic forces
    if that advances their key geopolitical goals, such as maneuvering
    the U.S. government into military confrontations with Syria and Iran.

    So, while it may be fair to assume that neocons like Nuland and McCain
    would have preferred that the Ukraine coup had been spearheaded
    by militants who weren’t neo-Nazis - or, for that matter,
    that the Syrian rebels were not so dominated by al-Qaeda-affiliated
    extremists - the neocons (and their Israeli allies) see these tactical
    collaborations as sometimes necessary to achieve overarching strategic

    And, since their current strategic necessity is to scuttle the fragile
    negotiations over Syria and Iran, which otherwise might negate the
    possibility of U.S. military strikes against those two countries,
    the Putin-Obama collaboration had to go.

    By spurring on the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s elected
    president, the neocons helped touch off a cascade of events - now
    including Crimea’s secession from Ukraine and its annexation by
    Russia - that have raised tensions and provoked Western retaliation
    against Russia. The crisis also has made the continued Obama-Putin
    teamwork on Syria and Iran extremely difficult, if not impossible.

    Like other neocon-engineered schemes, there will surely be much
    collateral damage in this latest one. For instance, if the tit-for-tat
    economic retaliations escalate - and Russian gas supplies are disrupted
    - Europe’s fragile recovery could be tipped back into recession,
    with harmful consequences for the U.S. economy, too.

    There’s also the certainty that congressional war hawks and
    neocon pundits will press for increased U.S. military spending and
    aggressive tactics elsewhere in the world to punish Putin, meaning
    even less money and attention for domestic programs or deficit
    reduction. Obama’s “nation-building at home” will
    be forgotten.

    But the neocons have long made it clear that their vision for the
    world - one of America’s “full-spectrum dominance”
    and “regime change” in Middle Eastern countries opposed
    to Israel - overrides all other national priorities. And as long as
    the neocons face no accountability for the havoc that they wreak,
    they will continue working Washington’s corridors of power,
    not selling insurance or flipping hamburgers.

    (C) 2014 Consortium News Robert Parry

    Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for
    the Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Neck Deep: The
    Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, was written with two of his
    sons, Sam and Nat. His two previous books are Secrecy & Privilege:
    The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq and Lost History:
    Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth'.

    From: Baghdasarian