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Call For Action: Hovannisian Wants "Format Of Four" For Oppositional

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  • Call For Action: Hovannisian Wants "Format Of Four" For Oppositional

    POLITICS | 21.03.14 | 15:52


    Gohar Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian is inviting political and
    civil forces to a rally scheduled for March 28 at Liberty Square,
    which he has termed as 'public pre-rally', believing it would set in
    motion a new process.

    Hovannisian, who finished second to President Serzh Sargsyan in
    last year's presidential ballot, told the press on Friday that the
    struggle has to be continuous and added that "we are all ready for
    a sacrifice, but are not ready to become 'donkey martyrs' in vain,
    with no definite results".

    "If there is no move in April, we will have great difficulty in
    turning people's current willingness [to go for a change] into a
    political act," says Hovannisian, adding that the rally of the four
    non-pro-establishment political forces has not happened so far, and
    should it take place, it would allow them to overcome the disagreements
    and finally speak about the 'format of the four'.

    Speaking about the closed meeting between the alternative Prosperous
    Armenia party leader Gagik Tsarukyan and himself, Hovannisian says
    the meeting revealed many differences, but also many common grounds,
    and the parties agreed to continue the communication in that format.

    "The Heritage party and I believe that by changing a prime minister
    or any other official we would not shift the situation in the country.

    However, we do not object to that initiative, nonetheless believing
    that it is a semi-measure and the main emphasis has to be impeachment,"
    he says.

    Hovannisian, who was present also at a March 1 opposition rally,
    said in reference to first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan's speech
    that although he shares Ter-Petrosyan's opinions on many issues,
    he disagrees with his claim that the Customs Union membership is a
    done fact that cannot be reversed.

    "The top is flawed: the entire leadership has to be changed,
    starting with Mr. Serzh Sargsyan. I want a meeting of the four
    (opposition parties) during which I will submit a plan for radical
    power turnover with a definite timeline. Nothing is irreversible,
    because the direction Armenia has taken up til now will lead not only
    to an economic decline, but also loss of sovereignty and independence,"
    he says.

    As for the telephone conversation between presidents Sargsyan and
    Russia's Vladimir Putin during which the parties discussed a number
    of issues related to the Armenian-Russian bilateral relations as
    well as issues currently on the international and regional agenda,
    then reflected on the work carried out since the decision to join
    the Customs Union to make it happen, Hovannisian says it is premature
    and is not in Armenia's interest.
