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Western Prelacy News - 03/21/2014

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  • Western Prelacy News - 03/21/2014

    March 21, 2014
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    With great sorrow we received news of the passing of His Holiness
    Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, 122nd Patriarch of Antioch and All the East
    and Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, who entered
    eternal rest on Friday, March 21, 2014 in Germany.
    Upon hearing the sad news, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, was in telephone communication with H.E. Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan,
    Archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Western United States
    to express condolences to the Syriac Church leadership and faithful on this
    great loss.
    In respect to the memory of His Holiness, the Oriental Orthodox
    Churches Sunday School annual gathering and Bible competition, which was
    scheduled for Saturday, March 29th, has been postponed.



    Wednesday, March 6, is Mid-Lent or Michink.
    On this occasion, the Prelate will preside over Sunrise Service at
    St. Sarkis Church in Pasadena.
    Following the service, the Prelate will preside over the mid-lent
    luncheon organized by the ARS Pasadena "Sosse" Chapter, and will deliver his
    message. St. Sarkis Church Parish Pastor, Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan, will
    accompany His Eminence. The luncheon will be held at the Pasadena Armenian
    Center on Foothill Blvd.
    The annual mid-lent luncheon of the ARS Hollywood "Mayr" Chapter
    will take place on Sunday, March 29, at the Hollywood Armenian Center. St.
    Garabed Church Parish Pastor, Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian, will
    represent the Prelate.



    On Thursday, March 20, 2014, eighth grade students from Vahan and
    Anoush Chamlian School visited the Prelacy to receive the blessings of H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, in advance of their pilgrimage to
    The Prelate was joined by Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian and.
    Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian. The students were accompanied by Vice-Principal,
    Mrs. Rita Kaprielian, teachers, and parents.
    The visit took place at "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall.
    Student, and Master of Ceremonies, Edgmin Rostamian, delivered opening
    remarks, in which he stated to the Prelate that it was an honor to visit and
    receive his blessings prior to their trip. He then invited two of his
    classmates to talk about their upcoming pilgrimage to Armenia.
    The first student, Aleeque Marselian, expressed joy at their visit
    to the Prelacy, stating that the students regard the Prelacy as their home
    and the Prelate as their spiritual father who always welcomes them warmly
    like family, and how much they value the bond between the Prelacy and their
    school. Speaking of their class trip, she stated how moving it would be to
    spend Easter and April 24 in Armenia, at Etchmiadzin and Dzidzernagapert,
    where they will honor the memory of our martyrs, and to see all the special
    sites, like the gravesite of St. Mesrob Mashdots, Khor Virab, Sardarabad and
    others. She concluded with a promise to love and respect our mother tongue,
    to preserve our traditions and heritage, so that they are worthy of being
    called the descendants of our forefathers.
    The second student, Arman Hairapetyan, spoke of his numerous visits
    to Armenia, stating that each time he returns it feels as though he is
    returning home, and that he hopes to one day return permanently to his
    homeland and his roots.
    Two students, Nayree Panossian and Alina Lahian, recited poetry they
    had written about Armenia.
    Another student, Tania Buickians, spoke on the Genocide centennial
    and how students are also preparing to commemorate the significant
    anniversary along with Armenian people around the world. She stated that
    her and her classmates have had discussions on the topic and exchanged ideas
    for commemorative events, including participating in protests, rallies,
    church services, write letters to the Turkish government, educate and
    involve non-Armenian students, and bring together all upper grade Armenian
    students in the area for a joint effort.
    Finally, student Leanna Chraghchian conveyed her thoughts and
    feelings on being a graduating student, expressing sadness that her dream of
    continuing her education at an Armenian school will not be realized due to
    the lack of an Armenian high school in the area.
    The MC then invited the Prelate to convey his message and blessings.
    His Eminence began by stating that the presence of the students, and
    the deep, touching, and memorable program they presented was a blessing.
    Thus, he commended and congratulated them, telling them how proud their
    Vice-Principal, teachers, parents, and he personally was of them, and how it
    was evident that they all had bright futures ahead. Speaking of their
    pilgrimage, the Prelate expressed confidence that they would return from
    Armenia inspired and more deeply rooted in their ethnic identity after
    visiting such sacred sites as the birthplace of our faith, St. Etchmiadzin,
    the Genocide memorial monument at Dzidzernagapert, the location of the
    heroic battle of Sardarabad, and others.
    As the students had spoken on the Genocide centennial, the Prelate
    informed them that he had just returned from a meeting on that very subject.
    His Eminence noted that the commemorations will not only remind the world of
    our rights, they will show the world just how proactive and involved our
    younger generations are in the pursuit of our cause, as proven by the
    students' remarks and recitations earlier. In conclusion, quoting the
    famous Bible verse "for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap", the
    Prelate stated that love, reverence, and pride for our faith and heritage
    are being planted in our youth, seeds from which we expect to reap abundant
    harvest in the future when they become the leaders of our schools, churches,
    and community organizations. The students promised to cultivate all that
    their teachers and parents sow in them and grow to become exemplary
    Christian Armenians. The Prelate thus thanked the educators for the
    instruction they provide, and the parents for trusting their children to the
    care of Prelacy Schools. The MC then announced that the students had a gift
    for the Prelate as a token of gratitude, and invited some classmates to join
    him in presenting the memento of St. Mesrob Mashdots.
    The Prelate announced that he had a gift for them as well, Hrair
    "Hawk" Khatcherian's photo book "Yergir 2 Yergir: A Journey to Historic
    The program came to a close with a prayer for safe travel and
    benediction by the Prelate, and the collective singing of "Cilicia".



    On Thursday, March 20, 2014, Levon and Hasmig Tavlian School Pre-K
    and Kindergarten students visited the Prelacy, accompanied by Director, Mrs.
    Helen Manoucherian, teachers, and parents. Upon their arrival, the students
    were greeted by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, who was
    joined by Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian and Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan.
    The visit began with prayer at "St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen" Chapel,
    where the students joined in the singing of the Lord's Prayer. The Prelate
    and clergy also sang a Sunrise Service hymn.
    A cultural program presented by the students followed at "Dikran and
    Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall. Accompanied on the piano by their music
    teacher, Mrs. Suzy Pashayan, the students opened the program with "America
    the Beautiful" and the Armenian national anthem. The Kindergarten class
    first performed a series of songs and recitations, followed by
    Pre-Kindergarten students. The theme of the program was Armenia, being good
    children, and springtime.
    The visit continued at "Sulahian" Reception Hall, where the Prelate
    held a "meeting" with the students, much to their amusement. His Eminence
    spoke to the students about what it means to be children of the Armenian
    nation and children of Christ, and encouraged them to always speak Armenian
    and be good Christian Armenians so that when they get older they can become
    the leaders of our church and nation. At the conclusion of the "meeting",
    the students "voted" and unanimously adopted three resolutions; (1) that
    they will be good Armenians, (2) that they will always be thankful to their
    parents and teachers for all they provide, and (3) that they will always
    give thanks to God for all His blessings. Addressing the parents and
    teachers, the Prelate stressed that it is their responsibility to implement
    these decisions.
    The Prelate expressed joy at the students' visit and commended their
    beautiful program. He prayed and wished for God to bless them abundantly,
    and urged the Director, teachers, and parents to continue instructing our
    children with the same love and dedication. Prayer cards were then
    distributed to the students. Mrs. Manoucherian presented a gift to the
    Prelate, a handmade Armenian souvenir. His Eminence presented a gift as
    well, a memento representing "faith, hope, and love", to be hung in the
    school. On behalf of the administration, parents, and students, Mrs.
    Manoucherian thanked the Prelate for the gift and for the opportunity of the
    The students were then given a tour of the headquarters and
    familiarized with the Prelacy's staff and endeavors.



    On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, Rose and Alex Pilibos School fifth and
    sixth grade students visited the Prelacy, where they were welcomed by H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, who was accompanied by Rev. Fr.
    Boghos Tinkjian, Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian, and Archpriest Fr. Nareg
    The sixty students and their teachers gathered at "Dikran and
    Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall, where the visit began with the Lord's Prayer
    and Sunrise Service hymns led by the Prelate.
    The students then presented a beautiful cultural program, which
    began with opening remarks by fifth grade student and Elementary School
    Student Council President Monique Masseyan, who expressed gratitude to the
    Prelate for the warm welcome and also for the religious education they
    receive at St. Garabed Church adjacent to their school.
    Accompanied on the piano by music teacher Lyusya Galstyan, the
    students sang the U.S., Armenian, and Pilibos School anthems, followed by a
    series of songs and poetry recitations.
    At the conclusion of the program, student Misha Gureghian-Holly
    presented the Prelate with his hand-made model church on behalf of the fifth
    and sixth grade class. In return, His Eminence presented Hrair "Hawk"
    Khatcherian's photo book "Yergir 2 Yergir: A Journey to Historic Armenia"
    and the Prelacy's latest publications to the school's library.
    The Prelate then addressed the gathering, and after a brief question
    and answer session explained to the students the purpose of Lent, stating
    that it is not merely to abstain from certain foods, but rather a time for
    physical, mental, and spiritual cleansing and discipline. The Prelate
    commended the students on their program, which was dedicated to nation and
    language, and received a promise from the students that they would heed the
    message of the songs and recitations they performed and do their best to
    speak Armenian as often as possible.
    The program officially came to a close with the Prelate's
    benediction and the Cilicia anthem. The students were then given a tour of
    the headquarters and familiarized with the Prelacy's staff and endeavors.



    On Saturday, March15, the annual gala of Vahan and Anoush Chamlian
    School was held under the auspices of the Prelate at the Peterson Automotive
    Museum in Los Angeles. Executive Council members Meher Der Ohanessian and
    George Chorbajian were among the guests present.
    The Prelate delivered the invocation and conveyed his message and
    blessings, commending the dedicated service and support of the school's
    administration, faculty, sponsors, and friends.



    This weekend and in the coming days, the Prelate will be represented
    at a number of community events, among them the following:
    On Saturday, March 22nd, Ari Guiragos Minassian School of Orange
    County will celebrate its 28th anniversary with a banquet held under the
    auspices of the Prelate. Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian will attend and convey
    the Prelate's blessings.
    On Saturday, March 22nd, a dinner reception sponsored by the ARS
    Regional Executive and organized by the ARS Javakhk Fund Committee will be
    held. Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian will attend and convey the Prelate's
    Also on Saturday, March 22nd, an international conference honoring
    those who helped rescue a generation of Armenian survivors of the Armenian
    Genocide will be held at the Ararat-Eskjian Museum in Mission Hills. Rev.
    Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian will conduct the opening prayer and convey the
    Prelate's blessings.
    On Friday, March 28, the Prelate will attend the Rose and Alex
    Pilibos School annual banquet and deliver his message.
    On Saturday, March 15, the North Hollywood parish celebrated its 5th
    anniversary with a banquet held under the auspices of the Prelate. On
    behalf of His Eminence and the Executive Council, Chairlady Mrs. Rima
    Boghossian congratulated the parish community. Executive Council member Ms.
    Ani Mgrdichian-Garikian was also in attendance.

    From: A. Papazian