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Armenian authorities, contact oligarchs for money you want! - Opp MP

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  • Armenian authorities, contact oligarchs for money you want! - Opp MP

    Armenian authorities, contact oligarchs for money you want! - opposition MP

    March 22, 2014 | 15:03

    YEREVAN. - The privileged 20 percent of Armenia's elite imposes its
    will on the 80 percent, that is, on the people.
    Opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC) MP Nikol Pashinyan noted
    the abovementioned during his address at Saturday's rally.

    The rally is held at capital city Yerevan's Liberty Square, and by the
    "Dem Em [I am against]" civic initiative which opposes the new pension
    law in Armenia.

    Pashinyan recalled that President Serzh Sargsyan had confessed that
    although 80 percent of the people in Armenia are unhappy with the
    introduction of the mandatory funded pension system in the country,
    they will introduce this system.
    "The key reason for our problems is hidden herein. Eighty percent of
    the Armenian citizens are the bearers of our country's supreme power;
    it is the people of Armenia. In this case, who are those who dare to
    declare that they will bring this decision to life?" the opposition MP

    He added that the "Dem Em" movement is not a battle for the sake of
    money, but rather for the people's rights, democracy, and the

    "There is no doubt that this movement will triumph," the ANC deputy added.

    "Gentlemen of the [Armenian] authorities, you look for money in the
    wrong place because the robbed people have no money. For the money you
    want, contact the oligarchs who, according to the international
    organization data, have brought $6.2 billion out of Armenia in the
    last ten years," Nikol Pashinyan stated.

    News from Armenia -
