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Greater Threat To Moscow Than Sanctions

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  • Greater Threat To Moscow Than Sanctions

    Greater Threat To Moscow Than Sanctions

    Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
    Comments - Saturday, 22 March 2014, 15:40

    Sanctions are a key instrument in international politics, and in some
    cases they may act as an effective political lever. However, modern
    history does not account for a case when sanctions forced a country to
    give up on its genuine national interests.

    Sanctions that are used by certain states against a discriminated
    state are mostly (or always) levers not only on the given state but
    also many other processes in international politics. Sanctions in the
    hands of countries with developed economies and high technologies are
    not a means of pressure but an opportunity for corrections in new
    markets, trigger of progress in the geo-economic situation and
    eventually generating profit or rather super profit.

    Hence, in the majority of cases sanctions are levers for changing the
    balance of forces in the world and in the regions. The policy of
    sanctions has allowed working out the necessary methods and approaches
    to the activities of banks, manufacturers and trading companies,
    bringing positions of governments in line, guiding propaganda. The
    sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States and its partners
    allowed forming several subsequent approaches to policy on the Near
    East and other regions, block the activities of entire branches and
    banking grounds in different countries, which was quite effective in
    some cases. The process of gradual lifting of sanctions is no less

    There is not a single state which does not undergo economic and legal
    sanctions, even such a state as Russia with its resources and market.
    Non-accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization was a
    sanction. So were the restrictions applied for the law on emigration
    of Jews. Lifting of one restriction or another did not result in the
    success of the Russian economy because its national management was not
    able to use it appropriately but on the whole Russia felt uneasy in
    the global economics.

    At the same time, some states easily bypass economic sanctions, having
    universal natural resources, which was demonstrated by Iran. Iran's
    consent to normalize relations with the West was not determined by
    sanctions. The economy of Iran is facing complications due to
    tendencies in global economy, not only sanctions. Iran has completed
    the main part of its programs of scientific and technical
    modernization, created modern branches of manufacturing, defense
    industries, scientific trends, and has now stepped on the world arena
    with new positions, becoming a regional mini power at least.

    Iran's integration in global political processes would slow or limit
    its scientific and technical development, especially the military
    industries. Now it is time to overcome the international blockade when
    the situation in the Near East determined rapprochement and close
    cooperation between the United States and Iran. It should be noted
    that all through the three decades of blockade the scientific and
    technological modernization of Iran was based on American and European
    machines and R&D achievements.

    More or less serious investments are made with different risks which
    depend not only on the internal situation and threats but also the
    positions and interests of the governments of the countries which make
    investments. If a country is recognized as a not so reliable political
    partner, if the sources of investments are not able to exercise
    control on the country, the projects are threatened. It is something
    elementary. In Russia corruption is flourishing, conflicts and
    problems occur on its borders, there are social problems. However,
    transnational companies are used to working in such conditions
    provided that Russia and the other state have a binding relationship.
    In other words, if it is not marginal, it diminishes risk.

    Russia is in a different situation and has greater ambitions in
    international politics, imagining itself to be one of the world
    powers. The West will never make a decision that will not be in line
    with its or its partners' interests, and it is not facing any damage
    from sanctions against Russia. Russia will remain a supplier of energy
    resources and consumer of products of Western states.

    In this case, however, imposing "sanctions" on Russia means something
    else, which is a challenge. The masters of world politics and
    economics - let's call G7 so - are interested in participation in
    making elite decisions on economy which allow generating super profit.
    Not only the "classic trade" countries of the West but also "classic
    industrial" states are highly interested in this. Generating super
    profit allows states to resolve the defense and security issues
    successfully, make internal investments of strategic importance,
    foster R&D.

    Aside from different financial tricks, generation of super profit
    supposes dividing spheres of influence, particularly the most
    profitable industries, as well as some regions. Participation in
    decision making and the presence of elite states supposes the image of
    political leaders and exclusion of any forms of foreign geopolitical
    and economic blockade. Moscow undertook the international battle for
    the sake of Russia's and Putin's position. This politics is an
    achievement for the West, especially for certain political circles in

    As to sanctions on Russia, they had been applied earlier, before the
    developments in Ukraine. The purpose of sanctions was geopolitical
    blockade, and Moscow understood that lack of development is due to
    this blockade. Sanctions are meant to not only limit economic
    development of Russia but also make it marginal. This policy is
    considered not for several years but for decades because the West has
    understood that it is possible and it is necessary.

    - See more at:

    From: Baghdasarian